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  • 1.
    Abdullahi Elmi, Salma
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas.
    Evolutionary Ethics and Idealism: The idealists Henry Jones and Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison in dialog with Darwinism concerning evolution and ethics.2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 2.
    Abran, Eszter
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas.
    Tekniska misslyckanden som politisk resurs: Tunnelkommissionens tekniksyn i utredningarna av miljöskandalen vid Hallandsås2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    År 1998 tillkallades en kommission för att utreda giftskandalen i Hallandsåsen som inträffat ett år tidigare, projektet präglades tidigt av såväl organisatoriska som tekniska motgångar och slutade i en miljöskandal. Kommissionens främsta uppgift blev att kartlägga händelsen och ta fram både orsaker för de inträffade och åtgärder för att det inte skulle kunna ske igen, arbetet resulterade i två statliga utredningar. Mängden tillsatta kommissioner hade ökat stadigt under 1900-talet och stor tillit tillskrevs utredningsväsendet som en arena för samhällsforskning. Denna rapport undersöker hur kommissionens syn på teknik och tekniska misslyckanden uttrycks i de statliga utredningarna om händelserna i Hallandsåsen. Undersökningen belyser hur tekniksyn kan påverka vad som blir samhällsforskning och hur detta i sin tur kan användas som politisk resurs. Statliga utredningar är ett slags gränsland mellan politik och vetenskap och ses ofta som en frizon för kunskapsproduktion. Det blir på så vis högst relevant att undersöka de omständigheter som råder när en statlig utredning blir till, både för att förstå dess roll som gränsorganisation men även för att nyansera bilden av vad en SOU är.

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  • 3.
    Adcock, Tina
    et al.
    Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada.
    Roberts, Peder
    Department of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Nations, Natures, and Networks: The New Environments of Northern Studies2015In: Journal of Northern Studies, ISSN 1654-5915, E-ISSN 2004-4658, Vol. 9, no 1, p. 7-11Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 4.
    Agerhäll, Isabella
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas.
    Industrialismens pris: En undersökning om kopplingarna mellan rasbiologi och vattenkraftsutbyggnaden i Norrland under 1900-talets början2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna undersökning behandlar relationerna mellan högmodernism, rasbiologi och industrialiseringen av Norrland under tidigt 1900-tal. Syftet är att analysera de samband som fanns mellan teknikutbredningen, främst i form av vattenkraft, i traditionellt samiska områden och rasbiologins väg till att bli ett etablerat forskningsfält. Herman Lundborg, som var drivande i processen för ett statligt institut för rasbiologi i Sverige, hade särskilt fokus på samerna vilket gör det intressant att studera hans idéers påverkan på industrialiseringen i Norrland. De källor som används är främst riksdagstryck gällande samer, vattenkraft och avvittring och kompletteras av annat tryckt material från intressenter för och emot industrialiseringen samt tryckt material om rashygien och rasbiologi. Genom att använda Scotts teorier om högmodernism, Adas teori om kolonial vetenskap och Headricks teori om teknik som verktyg för kolonisering nåddes slutsatserna att tekniken fungerat både som verktyg och motiv för Norrlands kolonisering. Rasbiologin gav legitimitet till idéer om rasers olika värde bidrog till det osynlighetsgörande av samerna som var nödvändigt för att kunna exploatera naturresurser inom renbeteslandet.

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  • 5.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Den akademiska frihetens gränser2006In: Lychnos: Annual of the Swedish History of Science SocietyArticle, book review (Other academic)
  • 6.
    Agevall, Ola
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Heinrich Rickert och vetenskapsläran2013In: Kulturvetenskap och naturvetenskap / [ed] Heinrich Rickert / Ola Agevall, Göteborg: Daidalos, 2013, p. 7-32Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 7.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Mobbning, interaktion och meningsproduktion: Lokala kulturer, individuella trakasserier och kategoriell uteslutning2007In: Social interaktion: Förutsättningar och former, LIber; Malmö , 2007, p. 164-188Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Mobbning som företeelse har en obestämd men med all sannolikhet mycket lång historia. Som begrepp har det däremot en betydligt kortare livstid, och under sitt livslopp har det genomgått viktiga betydelseskridningar. Det vi idag menar med mobbning är inte detsamma som avsågs med begreppet när det först blev en offentlig angelägenhet i slutet av 1960-talet. Den första delen av denna uppsats skildrar den meningsproduktion som, via interaktioner mellan vardagsspråk och vetenskap, har format och omformat mobbningsbegreppet. Historiken är ett preludium till ett teoretiskt bidrag, vars syfte är att ge en ny ingång till studiet av mobbning som företeelse. Mobbningsdiskursens historia har, direkt och indirekt, präglat forskningen på området – forskningens huvudfåra är kvantitativ och individualpsykologisk, med fokus på stabila personlighetskarakteristika hos offer och förövare. Men vid sidan av allfartsvägen har det också vuxit fram alternativ. Ett sådant är Björn Erikssons analyser av mobbning. Det teoretiska resonemang som utmejslas i denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i de mekanismer som Eriksson identifierar. Interaktion och meningsproduktion återkommer här som huvudrollsinnehavare, men nu i en helt annan mening än den som avsågs i beskrivningen av mobbningsdiskursens historia. Nu gäller analysen social interaktion och meningsproduktion inom ramen för begynnande och fullt utvecklade mobbningsrelationer – två faktorer som fått underordnad betydelse i den dominerande forskningstraditionen på området. Arbetet med att vidareutveckla Erikssons teori tar som sin stödjepunkt en sekundäranalys av två hittills orelaterade forskningslitteraturer, barnetnografier och kvantitativa studier av öknamn. Resultatet är ett teoretiskt ramverk som bland annat förmår göra reda för relationen mellan individualiserande mobbning och kategoriellt bundna trakasseriformer som rasism och homofobi.

  • 8.
    Agevall, Ola
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Om begreppskarriärer: En fallstudie av stereotypiernas väg genom de psykiatriska diagnoserna2009In: Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia, ISSN 0436-8919, no 98-99, p. 173-202Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Om begreppskarriärer: en fallstudie av stereotypiernas väg genom de psykiatriska diagnoserna2009In: Mellan hantverk och profession: Samhällsvetenskap på klassisk grund / [ed] Eva Fasth, Sven Hort & Svante Lundberg, Växjö: Växjö University Press , 2009, p. 173-202Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 10.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Recension: Bo Lindberg (red.): Trygghet och äventyr: om begreppshistoria2007In: Lychnos: årsbok för idé- och lärdomshistoria, ISSN 0076-1648, p. 376-77Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 11. Agger, Gunhild
    et al.
    Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone
    Gimmler, Antje
    Heinrich, Falk
    Soila, Tytti
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media Studies, Cinema Studies.
    Introduction: Two Stories of the Arts and Humanities – and a Third Version Emerging2016In: Academic Quarter, E-ISSN 1904-0008, Vol. 13, no 10, p. 4-13Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    During the past few decades, the arts and humanities in the West- ern world have been challenged by a strange contradiction between two very different stories about their raison d’être and value. The first story focuses on the expansion of universities, including the faculties of arts and humanities. The second story is dominated by a feeling of distress prompted by the constant questioning of the usefulness and applicability of the arts and humanities. As the con- tributions to this volume of Academic Quarter indicate, however, a third story may be about to emerge. 

  • 12. Ahlbäck Öberg, Shirin
    et al.
    Bennich-Björkman, Li
    Hermansson, Jörgen
    Jarstad, Anna
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    Karlsson, Christer
    Widmalm, Sten
    Projektsamhället och hoten mot akademin2016In: Det hotade universitetet / [ed] Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg, Li Bennich-Björkman, Jörgen Hermansson, Anna Jarstad, Christer Karlsson och Sten Widmalm, Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag, 2016, p. 9-26Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Ahlenius, Erik
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas.
    Vetenskapshistoriedisciplinens etiska rötter: Kulturkritik, idealism och dygdelära i George Sartons kamp om begreppet humanism2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats undersöker vetenskapshistorikern George Sartons (1884–1956) nyhumanism i ljuset av den kritik han riktade mot humanister och de brännande samhällsproblemen han såg i sin samtid. Tidigare forskning har tolkat Sarton som isolerad från samtida intellektuella diskussioner, poängterat Sartons idéers begränsade framgångar och tolkat dessa som ett förespråkande av enhetsvetenskap mer hemmahörande i 1800-talet. Dessa studier har inte i tillräckligt hög utsträckning uppmärksammat Sartons kritik av humanister som en begripliggörande kontext. Humanister kritiserades på grund av deras avståndstagande från vetenskaper resulterade i en verklighetsfrånvändhet som gjorde humanister till irrelevanta för samtiden. Undersökningen visar att Sartons nyhumanism framför allt förespråkade en etik och världsbild för att kunna hantera den tekniska moderniteten. Vetenskapshistoria var ett medel för att ingjuta goda moraliska karaktärsdrag i individer. Genom att fokusera på begreppet humanism synliggörs Sartons försök till att förskjuta betydelsen från klassicism mot antropocentrism för att formulera en samtidsrelevant ideologi.

  • 14.
    Ahlquist, Eva-Maria
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Didactic Science and Early Childhood Education.
    Gynther, Per
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Didactic Science and Early Childhood Education.
    Positivism med mänskligt ansikte* Montessoripedagogikens idéhistoriska grunder2006In: Locus* Tidskrift för forskning om barn och ungdomar, ISSN 1100-3197, no 2, p. 51-57Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Sedan 1920-talet har det funnits montessoriskolor i vårt land och dessa har under tidens gång influerat såväl förskolans som grundskolan utveckling. Den första skrift som behandlar pedagogiken på svenska kom ut redan 1923 och utlöste då en livlig debatt. Därefter har det varit tunt med publikationer om pedagogiken på vårt språk. Det är därför glädjande att Christine Quarfoods bok Positivism med mänskligt ansikte har publicerats dock ifrågasätter recensenterna författarens underliggande tes.

  • 15.
    Ahlquist, Eva-Maria
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Didactic Science and Early Childhood Education.
    Gynther, Per
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Didactic Science and Early Childhood Education.
    Gustafsson, Christina
    Montessoripedagogik*: En pedagogik för världens alla barn2005In: Boken om pedagogerna, Liber, Stockholm , 2005, p. 148-169Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Boken är en aktuell och mångfacetterad beskrivning av vårt pedagogiska arv och dagens skolverklighet. Viktiga frågor som rör utbildningens innehåll, form och mål har fått en särskilt framträdande plats. Kapitlet presenterar Montessoripedagogikens filosofiska idé och gör nedslag i den praktiska tillämpningen från förskola till grundskolans senare år.

  • 16.
    Ahnfelt, Nils-Otto
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas, History of Science. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Division of Pharmacognosy.
    Fors, Hjalmar
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas, History of Science. Hagströmer Library, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Making Early Modern Medicine: Reproducing Swedish Bitters2016In: Ambix, ISSN 0002-6980, E-ISSN 1745-8234, Vol. 63, no 2, p. 162-183Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Historians of science and medicine have rarely applied themselves to reproducing the experiments and practices of medicine and pharmacy. This paper delineates our efforts to reproduce "Swedish Bitters," an early modern composite medicine in wide European use from the 1730s to the present. In its original formulation, it was made from seven medicinal simples: aloe, rhubarb, saffron, myrrh, gentian, zedoary and agarikon. These were mixed in alcohol together with some theriac, a composite medicine of classical origin. The paper delineates the compositional history of Swedish Bitters and the medical rationale underlying its composition. It also describes how we go about to reproduce the medicine in a laboratory using early modern pharmaceutical methods, and analyse it using contemporary methods of pharmaceutical chemistry. Our aim is twofold: first, to show how reproducing medicines may provide a path towards a deeper understanding of the role of sensual and practical knowledge in the wider context of early modern medical culture; and second, how it may yield interesting results from the point of view of contemporary pharmaceutical science.

  • 17.
    Ahnfelt, Nils-Otto
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Farmakognosi. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas.
    Fors, Hjalmar
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Farmakognosi. Hagströmer Library, Stockholm, Sweden..
    Reconstructing early modern pharmacy through "Elixir amarum Hiaernei" and its Theriac ancestor2016In: Planta Medica, ISSN 0032-0943, E-ISSN 1439-0221, Vol. 82Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 18.
    Al Fakir, Ida
    Gymnastik- och Idrottshögskolan, Sverige.
    Ett instrument för samhällsförändring?: Arne Trankell och den pedagogiska forskningen om romer och invandrare2024In: Pedagogikens politik: Utbildningsforskning och utbildningspolitik under efterkrigstiden / [ed] Anders Burman; Joakim Landahl; Anna Larsson, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2024, p. 147-167Chapter in book (Refereed)
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    Ett instrument för samhällsförändring? Arne Trankell och den pedagogiska forskningen om romer och invandrare
  • 19.
    Al Fakir, Ida
    Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH, Department of Movement, Culture and Society.
    Ett instrument för samhällsförändring?: Arne Trankell och den pedagogiska forskningen om romer och invandrare2024In: Pedagogikens politik: Utbildningsforskning och utbildningspolitik under efterkrigstiden / [ed] Anders Burman, Joakim Landahl & Anna Larsson, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola , 2024, p. 147-167Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 20.
    Albrektson, Anna
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Ahlund, Mikael
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Ekström, Sara
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Pontara, Johanna Ethnersson
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Mansén, Elisabeth
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Sundin, Vera
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Wagner, Meike
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Wallrup, Erik
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Aesthetics.
    Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–18402022In: Sjuttonhundratal, ISSN 1652-4772, E-ISSN 2001-9866, Vol. 19, p. 94-116Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this essay, an interdisciplinary group of researchers sets out to address the period 1780–1840 in Sweden in a new way, by placing nature at its centre. With the help of ecocritical and transcultural theory, combined with renewed attention to the Swedish fine arts, learned discourses, and practices, we suggest a new approach to these revolutionary decades. The perceived dissonance, the interplay between climatic conditions and cultural template in early modern and modern Sweden, has not been fully addressed in current research, despite the fact that the relationship between humankind and the environment is a central issue in contemporary society and scholarship. Representations of nature situate the nation, they negotiate the relationship between a sensed reality and an ideal, between human and more-than-human beings. We suggest a focus on the unpredictable space created by negotiations of nature in Swedish representations during this crucial period, and, furthermore, on the ways in which this creative space is charged with utopian possibilities in the early Anthropocene. This is the background and the driving force of the planned research project ‘Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–1840’. 

  • 21.
    Alfonsson, Johan
    Halmstad University, School of Education, Humanities and Social Science. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Kohei Saito. Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the idea of degrowth communism. Cambridge University Press, 2023.2023In: Sociologisk forskning, ISSN 0038-0342, E-ISSN 2002-066X, Vol. 60, no 2, p. 201-204Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    [No abstract available]

  • 22.
    Alfred, Sjödin
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies (from 2013).
    "En fullkomlig man": Kropp och samhällsutveckling hos Viktor Rydberg2021In: Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, ISSN 1104-0556, E-ISSN 2001-094X, no 1-2, p. 120-128Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article treats the place of the body in thecultural criticism of Viktor Rydberg, not only as a central theme but also as an image with the potential to figuratively describe societal and even cosmic relationships. Rydberg’s idealof the symmetrical and athletic body is seen inthe perspective of his dependence on German neo-humanism and the gymnastic movement.The ideal of bodily symmetry figures as an image of universal man who defies the division of labor, while the deformed body inversely figures as an image of the lack of wholeness in a stratified bourgeois society. This is further elucidated by an analysis of Rydberg’s view of Darwinism and his fear of degeneration .In the final section, special attention is given to Rydberg’s broodings on the “Future of theWhite Race”. In this text, the body is a figure of the collectivity (the body politic) and its diseases signify political and moral crisis, while the remedy for this state of affairs lies in recognizing the unity of the living, the deadand the unborn in the body of Christ.

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  • 23.
    Alfvén, Hannes
    KTH, Superseded Departments (pre-2005).
    Memoirs of a dissident scientist1988In: American Scientist, ISSN 0003-0996, E-ISSN 1545-2786, Vol. 76, no 3, p. 249-251Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 24.
    Alkarp, Magnus
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History.
    Archeology and anti-Semitism.: - The Swedish consular Service in the Aegean and the Rhodes blood libel Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
  • 25.
    Alkarp, Magnus
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History.
    Den smågrinige flanören: - Bulstrode Whitelocke och den svenska forntiden2009Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 26.
    Alm, Erika
    Institutionen för idéhistoria och vetenskapsteori, Göteborgs universitet.
    ”Ett emballage för inälvor och emotioner”: föreställningar om kroppen i statliga utredningar från 1960- och 1970-talen2006Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This dissertation focuses on the polyphonic body politics of modern society, as activated in three Swedish Government Official Reports from the 1960s and 1970s. The analysis takes as its point of departure the assumptions about embodiment and identity uncovered in these reports. I argue that the reports – which concern the establishment of juridical sex, the right to abortion, and sterilization – all deal with the question of the individual’s right to decide on issues relating to his or her own body. The commissioners themselves claim that their proposals are formulated in the name of individual rights; and that they are progressive and modern. Although the importance to uphold the individual’s right to autonomy is thus emphasized, there are other values that need to be accounted for. The individual’s sovereignty in these matters is per definition a question open for discussion, and it actualizes a conflict of interest between the individual on one hand and the state or the public interest on the other, or between the individual and professional experts. Who is to decide in matters of the body? What assumptions are made in relation to sex, gender and desire? In addition to the historical approach – the attempt to reconstruct the discourses on sex, gender, and desire, individual autonomy and public interest, generated in the mentioned reports – I initiate a theoretical line of inquiry that draws from the conviction that we need to seek new ways to approach the body; ways that challenge dichotomies that are taken for granted, such as the distinction between body and mind, inner and outer, biological and social, nature and nurture etc. Focusing on Judith Butler’s reformulation of Aristotle’s concepts form and matter into the dynamic concept of materialization, I argue that the concept form has analytic qualities that make it especially useful when analyzing discourses of the body.


  • 27.
    Alm, Erika
    et al.
    Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Berg, Linda
    Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS).
    Lundahl Hero, Mikela
    School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Johansson, Anna
    Division of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden.
    Laskar, Pia
    Department of Research and Collections, National Historical Museums of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Martinsson, Lena
    Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Mulinari, Diana
    Department of Gender Studies, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
    Wasshede, Cathrin
    Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands Län, Sweden.
    Introduction2020In: Pluralistic struggles in gender, sexuality and coloniality: challenging Swedish exceptionalism / [ed] Erika Alm; Linda Berg; Mikela Lundahl Hero; Anna Johansson; Pia Laskar; Lena Martinsson; Diana Mulinari; Cathrin Wasshede, London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, p. 1-18Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 28.
    Alm, Mikael
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History.
    Johansson, Britt-IngerUppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of Art History.
    Scripts of Kingship: Essays on Bernadotte and Dynastic Formation in an Age of Revolution2008Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    When French Marshal Jean Baptiste Bernadotte was elected heir to the Swedish Throne in 1810, a dramatic dynastic venture commenced. In an age of revolutions, marked by political as well as cultural upheavals, the commoner from Pau was transformed into King Charles XIV John and the head of a new royal dynasty in Sweden and Norway. Although fraught with challenges, the venture proved successful. As restoration set in, and the Napoleonides of Europe fell one after the other, Bernadotte held fast, and today the dynasty is approaching its bicentennial on the throne.

    In nine illustrated essays, the formation of a dynasty is explored as it unfolded in media such as ceremonies, spatial arrangements, opera performances, publicity and panegyrics.

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  • 29.
    Almgren, Birgitta
    Södertörn University, School of Political Science, Economics and Law, The German Studies Research Centre.
    Latin i Arboga2004In: Årsbok / Hembygdsföreningen Arboga minne, ISSN 0440-680X, p. 102-114Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 30.
    Almgren, Birgitta
    et al.
    Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), The German Studies Research Unit.
    Hecker-Stampehl, Jan
    Piper, Ernst
    Alfred Rosenberg und die Nordische Gesellschaft: Der ’nordische Gedanke’in Theorie und Praxis2008In: NORDEUROPAforum, ISSN 1863-639X, no 2, p. 7-51Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This contribution traces the emergence, Gleichschaltung, expansion and demise of the Nordische Gesellschaft [Nordic Society] with a special focus on its leading protagonist Alfred Rosenberg. In the beginning of the article, the history of ideas and the organisational foundations of the society are being set as a background. In the main part of the text the Nordische Gesellschaft’s activity during the “Third Reich” and under Rosenberg’s auspices is being analysed. Sources used comprise both archival material as well as the NG’s own publications.

  • 31.
    Alsanius, Beatrix W.
    et al.
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden.
    Löfkvist, Klara
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden; The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies, Sweden.
    Kritz, Göran
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden.
    Ratkić, Adrian
    Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.
    Reflection on reflection in action: a case study of growers conception of irrigation strategies in pot plant production2008In: AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence, ISSN 0951-5666, E-ISSN 1435-5655, Vol. 23, no 4, p. 545-558Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A case study of growers conception of irrigation strategies indicates thatpot plant growers in Scandinavia base their management approaches on experientially based art. The study also indicates that there is a gap between experientially based art and available greenhouse technology. In order to standardize production and produce quality, both the grower’s experience and available technology should be taken into account. In order to achieve this, the present study proposes to arrange reflection on reflection in action with a group of growers by means of the dialogue seminar method. The concept of reflection on reflection in action is novel to horticultural practice. Therefore, we suggest future inter- and multidisciplinary research within this domain.

  • 32.
    Alt, Guido
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy.
    Buridan’s Reinterpretation of Natural Possibility and Necessity2023In: Metaphysics through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind: Essays in Honor of Gyula Klima / [ed] Joshua P. Hochschild; Turner C. Nevitt; Adam Wood; Gábor Borbély, Cham: Springer Nature, 2023, p. 237-253Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In his natural philosophy, John Buridan reinterprets Aristotelian conceptions of necessity using a framework derived from his logical writings. After a discussion of Buridan’s account of varieties of necessity, in this paper I shall approach some interpretative uses of that account where two natural philosophical concerns are involved. The first is connected with the relationship of modality and time in a question from the first book of his commentary to De Generatione et Corruptione addressing a consequence from possibilities of alteration to possibilities of generation. The content of that question hinges on the metaphysical connection between alteration and substantial changes. In the third section, I shall explore a quasi-definition of causal necessity and contingency Buridan discusses in the second book of his commentary to the Physics. Buridan’s discussion of alternative descriptions of causal necessity and contingency in that context reveals competing pictures of the role of essences in causal explanation associated with Avicenna and Averroes respectively.

  • 33.
    Altankhuu, Aviyas
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies.
    From Harlem to Central Asia: Langston Hughes Exploration of Class, Race and Gender under the Soviet Union2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Abstract: From Harlem to Central Asia: Langston Hughes exploration of Class, Race and Gender under the Soviet Union. This essay explores Langston Hughes journey to Soviet Central Asia, where he aimed to gain insights into the lives of people of “color” under the Soviet Union. Focusing on a book by Hughes this essay analyzes his portrayal of both colonial and post-revolutionary Central Asia.Through the lens of postcolonial theory and an intersectional approach, the study draws connections between African American and Central Asian societies during times of transition. It delves into the intricate dynamics of ethnicity, class, gender, and politics that surface in Hughes depiction of the region. Ultimately, the study seeks to deepen our understanding of the complex intersections between race, gender, ethnicity, and politics in Central Asia during and pre the Soviet era, while highlighting the long-term effects of colonialism on post-slavery African American society and post-colonial Central Asia.

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  • 34.
    Alvmo, Amanda
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of History of Science and Ideas.
    Att materialisera (fram)tiden: Om temporalitet och modernitet i Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this thesis is to examine and analyse if it is possible to distinguish a new perception of time and temporality in the Swedish fashion magazine Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder, and in that case how it is expressed. To discover this, I have used the theories of the philosophers and historians Reinhart Koselleck and Marshall Berman. In their works they have pointed out and described how the early decades of the nineteenth century was a crucial time for our perception of the modern world, in the sense that we ever since then have experienced a gap between the past and the future where we cannot derive our expectations from our past experiences anymore. I have studied if this notion is communicated in the articles, and came to the conclusion that there is a new awareness of time articulated in the magazine. Mainly  there are three different understandings of time and temporality expressed within the magazine – first are those articles that shows a general new awareness of time in a constructive way, neither through a positive or negative perspective. Furthermore, there are also expressions for connections between the materialistic content in the magazine and the view on temporality, where the acknowledgment of a new temporality in fashion seems to also have an impact on a more ideological perception of time. Finally there are articles which portrays the discrepancy between expectation and experience as something with a negative significance for the future, but similarly puts this in a way that illuminates that the future is now something adaptable and possible to influence in a certain direction. This shows a new way of understanding how, in a Swedish nineteenth century context, material culture could affect people’s awareness of time and temporality and hence also their thoughts and outlook of the future even in more abstract issues. The upcoming becomes possible to interpret as something materialistic, and therefore also something more concrete and arguable.

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  • 35.
    Alymov, Sergei S.
    et al.
    Russian Acad Sci, Inst Ethnol & Anthropol, Sci Hist, Moscow, Russia.;Russian Acad Sci, Inst Ethnol & Anthropol, Moscow, Russia..
    Anderson, David G.
    Univ Aberdeen, Dept Anthropol, Chair Anthropol North, Aberdeen, Scotland..
    Arzyutov, Dmitry V.
    KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Philosophy and History, History of Science, Technology and Environment.
    Life histories of the etnos concept in Eurasia: an introduction2018In: Ab Imperio: Theory and History of Nationalities and Nationalism in the post-Soviet Realm, ISSN 2166-4072, E-ISSN 2164-9731, no 1, p. 21-67Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article is an abridged version of the first chapter in the edited volume A Theory for Empire Written on Its Margins. It presents an account of more than 150 years of what the authors identify as "etnos-thinking" - the attempt to use positivistic and rational scientific methodologies to describe, encapsulate, evaluate, and rank "etnoses" across Eurasia. Its central argument is that the work of professional ethnographers created a powerful language parallel to the political vocabulary of "tribes," "nationalities," and "nations." The essay surveys the definitions of etnos offered by scholars during the twentieth century, and argues that historically etnos-thinking emerged and developed in the multidisciplinary scientific environment of "biosocial" science - an approach to identity heavily influenced by physical anthropology and natural sciences. The biosocial synthesis - and etnos-thinking - was incompatible with Soviet Marxism of the 1930s, but had a piecemeal revival in the 1960s. The article claims that etnos-thinking acquired new dynamism in post-Soviet Russia. Although leading academic anthropologists criticize the concept, it remains high on the agenda for many intellectuals and ethnic activists in the twenty-first century.

  • 36.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Begär eller hushållning: Om behovets historia2001In: Förbjudna njutningar: Spår från konsumtionskulturens historia i Sverige / [ed] Peder Aléx & Johan Söderberg, Stockholm: Podium , 2001, p. 37-69Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 37.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    De osynliga intellektuella: Exemplet Gertrud Bergström1995In: Obemärkta: Det dagliga livets idéhistoria / [ed] Ronny Ambjörnsson och Sverker Sörlin, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 1995, p. 199-224Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of historical, philosophical and religious studies.
    Den rationella konsumenten: KF som folkuppfostrare 1899-19391994Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This study deals with the consumer co-operative in Sweden, specifically The Co-operative Union and Wholesale Society and the ideas that were developed within and disseminated by this organization between the years 1899 and 1939. The main theories used in the dissertation are Max Weber’s ideal-type and Norbert Elias’ civilization process.

    Initially, the dissertation describes the roots of the co-operative movement in Sweden and subsequently, the informal program and the organization of The Co-operative Union, formed in 1899.

    From the very beginning the co-operative union fiercly attacked consumer credit. The consumer (it was often a women that was implied) would learn how to control impulses and passions and never allow her instincts to influence a decision when making a purchase. Here, the co-operative connected with economic theories that put consumption above production. Through the co-operative, every authentic need could be met through the supply of real goods. Certain products, false and/or bad, were to be avoided. The consumer should continuously debate good taste, i.e. simple, practical and beautiful goods, which answered genuine needs in society. Through debate and discussion in the public arena, insight would be gained into utility and correct aesthetics. The discussion about “natural needs” included campaigns for nutritious food and functional shops and houses. Beside this campaign in study circle activities and co-operative newspapers, the mind of the reader.

    Study circles and newspaper articles directed a challenge to the woman to not only be “the woman with the basket” but also to be more efficient, i.e. planning her time in a spirit of Taylorism. This demanded both discipline and rationality in order to avoid credit, but also calmness, peace of mind and responsibility for more than just oneself. In the late 1930s she was supposed to be economist, nutrition expert, cook, cleaner, psychologist and child-raiser, all at the same time. All these were seen as factors that were a part of being a rational consumer.

  • 39.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of historical, philosophical and religious studies.
    Från Konsumentbladet till moderna VI1993In: Presshistorisk årsbok, Stockholm: Föreningen Pressarkivets vänner , 1993, p. 116-132Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 40.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Gränsöverskridande samarbete: Herman Stolpe och konsumentkooperationen2008In: Mångsysslare och gränsöverskridare: 13 uppsatser i idéhistoria / [ed] Bosse Sundin & Maria Göransdotter, Umeå: Umeå universitet , 2008, p. ?-Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    KF en folkrörelse med ideal2000In: Sverige 1900-talet / [ed] Stefan Westander, Susan Båge, Johan Tufvesson, Bolla dölling, Dan Jansson, Arne Järtelius, Kristin Rosenberg, Höganäs: Bra Böcker , 2000, p. 88-93Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 42.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Konsumera rätt - ett svensk ideal: behov, hushållning och konsumtion2003Book (Refereed)
  • 43.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of historical, philosophical and religious studies.
    Konsumera rätt: om ett svensk medborgarideal2001In: Tvärsnitt, ISSN 0348-7997, no 3Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    I Sverige har vi betonat vikten av att hushålla och spara. Varje samhälle har regler, som föreskriver hur vi skall bete oss som samhällsmedborgare. Men de reglerna stannar inte vid det privata hemmets dörr. Också hemmets behov har definierats enligt normer om "rätt" och "fel". Det blir alldeles tydligt om vi som här studerar svensk konsumentupplysning, skolverksamhet i hemekonomi och organisationer som KF och Svenska Slöjdföreningen. Konsumera rätt, och ha rätt behov.

  • 44.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Kooperationen som folkbildare1990In: Tiden, ISSN 0040-6759, Vol. 7, p. 419-427Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 45.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Kvinnan med korgen: Hemarbete och konsumentmakt1995In: Kooperativ årsbok 1996 / [ed] Aléx et al, Stockholm: Föreningen Kooperativa Studier , 1995, p. 55-69Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Samarbetet reser vidare2001In: Reseberättelser: Idéhistoriska resor i sociala och geografiska rum / [ed] Lena Eskilsson och Mohammad Fazlhashemi, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2001, p. 95-108Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Skolkökslärarinnorna och kunskapen om hemmet2002In: Sekelskiftets utmaningar: Essäer om välfärd, utbildning och nationell identitet vid sekelskiftet 1900 / [ed] Ann-Katrin Hattje, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2002, p. 127-156Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 48.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Spara och Slösa – svensk 1900-talskonsumtion2001In: Efter arbetet: Studier av svensk fritid / [ed] Peder Aléx och Jonny Hjelm, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2001, p. 120-141Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 49.
    Aléx, Peder
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts.
    Swedish Consumer Cooperation as an Educational Endeavor1999In: Consumers against Capitalism?: Consumer Cooperation in Europé, North America and Japan, 1840-1990 / [ed] Ellen Furlough & Carl Strikwerda, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc , 1999Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 50.
    Aman, Robert
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Adult Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Moderniteten sedd underifrån: Kolonialitet, underordnade epistemologier och avlänkning hos Walter Mignolo2015In: Samtida politisk teori / [ed] Stefan Jonsson, Stockholm: Tankekraft förlag , 2015, 1, p. 265-289Chapter in book (Other academic)
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