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  • 1.
    ., .
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Abstract [en]

    The method described in this document introduces a procedure for management of fire hazards in vehicles and mobile machines. The method particularly provides elaborate support for identification of fire hazards in newly assembled vehicles and mobile machines as well as fire hazards resulting from operation, maintenance and retrofitting. The method presents how the identified hazards can be translated to estimations of fire risks and how these can be evaluated. Recommendations are also given on fire risk reduction measures for common designs, procedures and systems. This method is based on experience and knowledge gained through research, fire investigations and other industry professional services, as well as information provided by the industry. The method does not guarantee elimination of fires but regularly performed fire risk management will promote fire safety.

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  • 2.
    ., .
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Safety.
    FIRE SAFETY IN ENGINE COMPARTMENTS: SP Method 4912: Testing of fire suppression system intended for use in compartment with combustion engine.2019Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This method assesses the fire suppression performance of fire suppression systems under mock-up operational conditions. For this purpose, several different types of fires are ignited and stabilised inside an enclosure with typical engine compartment characteristics before the fire suppression system is activated. After the fire suppression system has been activated and completely discharged, the system is evaluated based on its ability to extinguish various fire sources.

    In order to ensure the reproducibility of the test and facilitate its adoption in different laboratories, the method utilizes a standardised mock-up.

    The fire suppression system is evaluated both as a complete system and in terms of components.

    Durability tests are adapted for harsh vehicle conditions and are adjusted to suit both on-road applications as well as off-road applications.

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  • 3.
    ., .
    et al.
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Melica.
    ., .
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Sportfiskarna.
    Flodpärlmusslans status i Västra Götaland: En inventering av nio av länets musselvattendrag 20132014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under sommaren 2013 har Melica, och Sportfiskarna, på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen Västra Götalands län inventerat flodpärlmussla i Enningdalsälven, Kolarebäcken, Sollumsån, Verkälven, Tattarströmmarna och Önnarp enligt metoden

    enkel statusbeskrivning. I Gärebäcken, Slereboån och Tidan har metoden statusbeskrivning använts. Syftet med övervakningen är att följa status och trender för de ingående vattendragen med avseende på flodpärlmussla och jämföra resultaten med tidigare inventeringar. Ett av vattendragen har inventerats tidigare, Gärebäcken, de resterande 8 är nyinventeringar.

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  • 4.
    -, -
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden.
    SP Method 2369: Protection System for Storage of Inflammable Goods in Retail Environments - Fire Safety Cabinets2018Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This method evaluates the construction of fire safety cabinets designated for storing flammable goods in retail environments and their ability to internal and external fires. The general function of this cabinet must show that it controls and extinguishes a large internal fire, but also that an external fire does not spread to its flammable contents.

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    SP Method 2369
  • 5.
    -, -
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport.
    SP Metod 2369: Skyddssystem för förvaring av brandfarlig vara på försäljningstlännen - Brandavskiljande skåp2018Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Försäljning av produkter som är klassade som brandfarlig vara förekommer på många olika typer av försäljningsställen, från små butiker till stora varuhus och stormarknader. Som förpackningsmaterial förekommer ofta plast och försök har visat att detta ur brandsynpunkt kan leda till en allvarlig situation på grund av en mycket snabb brandspridning (bl a SP Rapport 2007:24). Dåvarande sprängämnesinspektionen utarbetade därför föreskrifter, SÄIFS 1996:2

    1, som reglerade hanteringen av brandfarliga gaser och vätskor på försäljningsställen. I föreskrifterna krävdes bl a att "Brandfarlig gas och vätska skall hanteras på sådant sätt att betryggande säkerhet föreligger. Hanteringen får inte försvåra utrymning och räddningsinsats."

    I tillhörande "Allmänna råd" gavs exempel på de mängder av brandfarlig vara som kan anses acceptabel i olika lokaler samt avstånd till andra varor. Både mängd och avståndskrav innebar dock avsevärda begränsningar för handeln och föreskrifterna medgav därför att dessa skulle kunna ändras under förutsättning att åtgärder vidtogs för att upprätthålla avsedd säkerhetsnivå. Som exempel på sådana åtgärder omnämns möjligheten att förvara de brandfarliga varorna i ett eget utrymme eller i speciella brandavskiljande skåp.

    För att kunna utvärdera brandavskiljande skåp utvecklades SP Metod 2369.


    I SP Metod 2369 beskrivs de provningsförfaranden och krav som kan tillämpas för att utvärdera skyddssystem i form av fristående skåp. Metodik och krav är baserade på erfarenheter och försök med brandfarlig vara enligt SP-Arbetsrapport 1997:35 vilka sedan fastställts efter samråd med en referensgrupp bestående av intressenter för myndigheter, räddningstjänst, handeln, försäkringsbolag samt tillverkare av skyddssystem.

    I MSB:s (Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap) arbete, 2016-2018, med att ta fram "Handbok Brandfarliga gaser och vätskor i butik" sågs ett behov av att kunna tillåta samförvaring av både brandfarliga gaser och vätskor i framtiden. Eftersom skåp tidigare varit avsedda för och utvärderats för förvaring av antingen brandfarlig gas eller brandfarlig vätska bedömdes det nödvändigt att förändra den tidigare kravbilden. Därmed uppstod ett behov av att förändra brandproven samt de allmänna konstruktions- och funktionskraven i SP Metod 2369 för att säkerställa att metoden överrensstämmer med de nya riktlinjerna från MSB.

    I arbetet inför version 6 av SP Metod 2369 genomfördes, som följd av MSB:s arbete med nya riktlinjer, försök med förlängd brandexponeringstid vid provet för utvändig brandpåverkan. Arbetet i SP-arbetsrapport 1997:35 kompletterades också med brandförsök gjorda för att undersöka vid vilken temperatur aerosolburkar exploderar. Resultaten av proven har bidragit till förändringen av provningsmetodik och krav vad gäller utvändig brandpåverkan gentemot SP Metod 2369 version 5 och tidigare.

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    SP Metod 2369
  • 6.
    10, Grupp
    Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET).
    Pictoris2001Student paper second termStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]
    Project Pictoris is a project that was offered to us by Proton Lighting AB. The projects main goal is to redesign their present flourecent armature Serie 33. As a group we were in agreement to the general apperance of our new design. We were given a free hand in the design and use of new materials. We decided to employ the use of aluminium profiles as the main body of our design. The use of the latest techniques was also discussed and implemented. The result we achived is a completely new apperance to the armatuer. A markable reduction in the amount of resources and time use in the manufacture of the final product was achived.
  • 7.
    120112 HONG, SISONG
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Business and Economic Studies.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Business and Economic Studies.
    Service Marketing in a cross-culture environment: a case of Elekta China2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 8.
    1972, thogr801
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Languages, Department of Modern Languages.
    Vorstand des Goethe-Instituts, Simone JoreGoethe-Institut, München.Ender, AndreaParis Lodron Universität Salzburg.Fandrych, ChristianUniversität Leipzig.Klimaszyk, PetraProfessionshøjskolen Absalon, Roskilde.Mohr, ImkeUniversität Wien.Thonhauser, IngoHaute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne.Klein, WassiliosZfA, Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen.
    Fremdsprache Deutsch. Zeitschrift für die Praxis des Deutschunterrichts: Nr. 71: Kultursensibel unterrichten2024Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [de]

    Ob in der Schule, an der Universität oder im Rahmen von Sprachkursen – alle, die wir Deutsch als Fremd- bzw. Deutsch als Zweitsprache unterrichten, kennen Unterrichtssituationen, die mit den Begriffen sensibel bzw. kultursensibel beschrieben werden können. Häufig hängen diese Situationen mit den gewählten Themen zusammen, die – je nachdem, an welchem Standort wir uns befinden – explizit auf dem Lehrplan bzw. im Curriculum stehen, tabubehaftet sein können oder gar verboten sind. Tabus und Verbote mögen klare Lösungen suggerieren. Bei näherer Betrachtung zeigt sich jedoch, dass die wenigsten Situationen eindeutig sind und dass gerade die abweichenden wertvolle Lernimpulse setzen und in besonderem Maße zum Aufbau von Kompetenzen beitragen können. Im Heft wird deshalb ein Spektrum von Situationen und Perspektiven präsentiert; es werden Vorschläge für die Unterrichtspraxis unterbreitet, die trotz aller Verschiedenheit der Voraussetzungen übertragbar sind. Das Heft will Antworten auf folgende und weitere Fragen geben: Wie kann ich im Unterricht Lehr-/Lerninhalte thematisieren, die ein kultursensibles Vorgehen erfordern? Wie gehe ich als Lehrperson damit um, dass es dabei zu ambivalenten Situationen kommen kann? Den Autorinnen und Autoren geht es stets um konstruktive Auseinandersetzungen mit sensiblen Themen. Mit anderen Worten: Potenziell herausfordernde Situationen werden vor allem als Chance begriffen und nicht als Risiko, das es zu vermeiden gilt.

  • 9. A, Ahmad
    et al.
    G, Bianchi
    L, Bernstein
    G, Fodor
    G, Pujolle
    LB, Sung
    YD, Yao
    QoS support and service differentiation in wireless networks2004In: International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN 1074-5351, E-ISSN 1099-1131, Vol. 17, no 6, p. 507-512Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 10.
    A, Akanji Morufu
    et al.
    Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET).
    Hossain, Md Delwar
    Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET).
    Marketing across border:: Internationalisation and Entry Strategies- The Swedish Perspective2006Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))Student thesis
  • 11.
    A. Aljundi, Rachelle
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Creative Studies (Teacher Education).
    Bildklassresa mellan konststilar och epoker: om bildlärares konstsyn och teknikval i grundskolans bildundervisning2014Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to to examine what teachers think about visual art and how the learning process in this subject does look like. To answer these issues, I made interviews with five teachers of visual art from different schools, and I examined several examples of pupils’ artworks. The stories of the teachers were analyzed in relation to governing documents and with assumptions from sociocultural theory, postmodernism and pedagogical - aesthetic research as theoretical point of view.

    By the qualitative interview method, the observations of the pupil’s artworks, and by the analysis of the interviews with the teachers, I have come to the conclusion that teachers think differently about art but they try to keep themselves in line with the national governing documents. Its affects aspects of disciplines, styles, techniques and medium that is exemplified by the pupil’s art works, and it points out similarities and differences between the pupil’s art works and between the teachers when teaching visual art.

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  • 12.
    A. Aljundi, Rachelle
    Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of culture and media studies.
    Konst på internet idag: En retorikanalys av konstverksamma organisationers självpresentationer2014Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This is a qualitative study about Art transformation and commodification in the digital age. The study applies a rhetoric analysis with the aim to understand how art sellers, gallery owners and entrepreneurs take part in this transformation process through their websites’ presentation texts ”about us”. The analysis is related to communication theories but it is also inspired by other theories such as Gramsci’s hegemony theory and Bourdieu’s cultural critical theory. The study shows that in an environment of ”Global Communication”, activities that are related to the visual art on the net are strongly influenced by the commodification. Marketers and business managers have a big advantage of this phase of change in Art activities on the net. As senders in a one-way communication process, they use their rhetorical skills in their presentation texts to build identities or to enhance their business, depending on the positions of power they have in the market. They invest in art and artists, in order to expand their businesses and to capture a wider audience of recipients on World Wide Web to get more money and power. The study recommends further research about the Art commodification, preferably from the receiver’s and the artists’ sides to reveal more aspects of the effects of this transformation process in Art and its values.

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    Konst på internet idag
  • 13. A. Alkhamisi, Mahdi
    et al.
    Shukur, Ghazi
    Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School, JIBS, Economics. Statistik.
    A Monte Carlo Study of Recent Ridge Parameters2007In: Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation, ISSN 0361-0918, E-ISSN 1532-4141, Vol. 36, no 3, p. 535-547Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 14. A. Alkhamisi, Mahdi
    et al.
    Shukur, Ghazi
    Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School, JIBS, Economics.
    Developing Ridge Parameters for SUR Model2008In: Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, ISSN 0361-0926, E-ISSN 1532-415X, Vol. 37, no 4, p. 544-564Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 15. A. Alkhamisi, Mahdi
    et al.
    Shukur, Ghazi
    Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School, JIBS, Economics.
    The Effect of Fat-Tailed Error Terms on the Properties of the Systemwise RESET Test2008In: Journal of Applied Statistics, ISSN 0266-4763, E-ISSN 1360-0532, Vol. 35, no 1, p. 101-113Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 16.
    A. Almaqtari, Faozi
    et al.
    Department of Accounting Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, University Malaysia Terengganu.
    H.S. Farhan, Najib
    Universal Business School, India.
    Yahya Salmony, Monir
    Department of Computer Science Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India.
    M. Al-Ahdal, Waleed
    Department of Accounting Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Development, University Malaysia Terengganu.
    Mishra, Nandita
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Division of Languages for Specific Purposes. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Earning management estimation and prediction using machine learning: A systematic review of processing methods and synthesis for future research2021In: 2021 International Conference on Technological Advancements and Innovations (ICTAI): IEEE, IEEE, 2021, p. 291-298Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The present study highlights earning management optimization possibilities to constrain the events of earning management and financial fraud. Our study investigates the existing stock of knowledge and strand literature available on earning management and fraud detection. It aims to review systematically the methods and techniques used by prior research to determine earning management and fraud detection. The results indicate that prior research in earning management optimization is diverged among several techniques and none of these techniques has provided an ideal optimization for earning management. Further, the results reveal that earning management determinants are complex based on the type and size of business entities which complicate the optimization possibilities. The current research brings useful insights for predicting and optimization of earnings management and financial fraud. The present study has significant implications for policymakers, stock markets, auditors, investors, analysts, and professionals.

  • 17.
    A Anthony, Martin
    et al.
    Örebro University, Swedish Business School at Örebro University.
    Ingjald, Tobias
    Örebro University, Swedish Business School at Örebro University.
    Handelsbanken: en studie om ledarskap2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 18.
    A Asif, Farazee M
    KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Production Engineering, Machine and Process Technology.
    Circular Manufacturing Systems: A development framework with analysis methods and tools for implementation2017Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The society today lives on the philosophy of ‘take-make-use-dispose.’ In the long run, this is not sustainable as the natural resources and the waste carrying capacity of the earth are limited. Therefore, it is essential to reduce dependency on the natural resources by decoupling the growth from the consumption. In this venture, both the society and the manufacturing industry have a vital role to play. The society needs to shift towards Circular Economy that rests upon the philosophy of ‘take-make-use-reuse’ and the manufacturing industry has to be a major stakeholder in this shift. Despite being proven to be both economically and environmentally beneficial, successful examples of circular systems are few today. This is primarily due to two reasons; firstly, there is a lack of systemic and systematic approach to guide industries and secondly, there is a lack of analysis methods and tools that are capable of assessing different aspects of circular manufacturing systems. Taking on to these challenges, the objective of this research is to bring forward a framework with methods and decision support tools that are essential to implement circular manufacturing systems. The initial conceptual framework with the systemic approach is developed based on extensive review and analysis of research, which is further adapted for industrial implementation. Systematic analysis methods, decision support and implementation tools are developed to facilitate this adaptation. This development has been supported by four cases from diverse manufacturing sectors. Behind each decision support tool, there are analysis methods built upon mainly system dynamics principles. These tools are based on simulation platforms called Stella and Anylogic. Among other things, these tools are capable of assessing the performance of closed-loop supply chains, consequences of resource scarcity, potential gains from resource conservation and overall economic and environmental performance of circular manufacturing systems.

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  • 19.
    A Asif, Farazee M
    et al.
    KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Production Engineering, Machine and Process Technology.
    Rashid, Amir
    KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Production Engineering, Machine and Process Technology.
    Bianchi, Carmine
    University of Palermo (ITALY) Faculty of Political Sciences - Department of International Studies .
    Nicolescu, Mihai
    KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Production Engineering, Machine and Process Technology.
    Performance analysis of the closed loop supply chain2012In: Journal of Remanufacturing, ISSN 2210-4690, Vol. 2, no 4Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    The question of resource scarcity and emerging pressure of environmental legislations has brought a new challenge for the manufacturing industry. On the one hand, there is a huge population that demands a large quantity of commodities; on the other hand, these demands have to be met by minimum resources and pollution. Resource conservative manufacturing (ResCoM) is a proposed holistic concept to manage these challenges. The successful implementation of this concept requires cross functional collaboration among relevant fields, and among them, closed loop supply chain is an essential domain. The paper aims to highlight some misconceptions concerning the closed loop supply chain, to discuss different challenges, and in addition, to show how the proposed concept deals with those challenges through analysis of key performance indicators (KPI).


    The work presented in this paper is mainly based on the literature review. The analysis of performance of the closed loop supply chain is done using system dynamics, and the Stella software has been used to do the simulation. Findings The results of the simulation depict that in ResCoM; the performance of the closed loop supply chain is much enhanced in terms of supply, demand, and other uncertainties involved. The results may particularly be interesting for industries involved in remanufacturing, researchers in the field of closed loop supply chain, and other relevant areas. Originality The paper presented a novel research concept called ResCoM which is supported by system dynamics models of the closed loop supply chain to demonstrate the behavior of KPI in the closed loop supply chain.

  • 20.
    A Atlasov, Kirill
    et al.
    Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Lab Phys Nanostruct, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland .
    Felici, Marco
    Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Lab Phys Nanostruct, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland .
    Karlsson, Fredrik
    Linköping University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Semiconductor Materials. Linköping University, The Institute of Technology.
    Gallo, Pascal
    Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Lab Phys Nanostruct, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland .
    Rudra, Alok
    Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Lab Phys Nanostruct, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland .
    Dwir, Benjamin
    Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Lab Phys Nanostruct, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland .
    Kapon, Eli
    Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Lab Phys Nanostruct, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland .
    1D photonic band formation and photon localization in finite-size photonic-crystal waveguides2010In: OPTICS EXPRESS, ISSN 1094-4087, Vol. 18, no 1, p. 117-122Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A transition from discrete optical modes to 1D photonic bands is experimentally observed and numerically studied in planar photonic-crystal (PhC) L-N microcavities of length N. For increasing N the confined modes progressively acquire a well-defined momentum, eventually reconstructing the band dispersion of the corresponding waveguide. Furthermore, photon localization due to disorder is observed experimentally in the membrane PhCs using spatially resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. Implications on single-photon sources and transfer lines based on quasi-1D PhC structures are discussed.

  • 21. A, Borgström
    et al.
    P, Nerfeldt
    Friberg, Danielle
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Sciences, Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
    Questionnaire OSA-18 has poor validity compared to polysomnography in pediatric obstructive sleep apnea.2013In: International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, ISSN 0165-5876, E-ISSN 1872-8464Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 22.
    A. da Cruz, Marcia Gabriely
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Budnyak, Tetyana M.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    M. Rodrigues, Bruno V.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Budnyk, Serhiy
    Slabon, Adam
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Biocoatings and additives as promising candidates for ultralow friction systems2021In: Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, ISSN 1751-8253, E-ISSN 1751-7192, Vol. 14, no 2, p. 356-379Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The achievement of frictionless systems, known as superlubricity, has become of great importance concerning energy saving and emission reduction. In parallel, the drive toward sustainability and environmental aspects has led to intense advances in the research and development of biobased materials. From the standpoint of Green Chemistry principles, this review presents a critical overview of the latest findings and future perspectives on the application of biobased materials aiming at superlubricant pursuits. The progress in the use of biomacromolecules, such as chitosan, cellulose, and lignin, as additives to lubricants or coating materials, are addressed, as well as the advances on sustainable coatings based on diamond-like carbon (DLC). Deeper investigations on the development of non-hazardous processes dedicated to the tribological properties of DLC, such as electrochemical synthesis using environment-friendly solvents to generate molecular precursors, widen the perspectives to achieve sustainable materials. Besides, the exploration of the tribochemical interactions between the DLC surface and lubricants containing biobased materials arises as a promising strategy to achieve green superlubricity as a viable and scalable process, through different pathways: by hydrogen bonds between lubricant and additives, via surface passivation of the functional groups present in these biomacromolecules or by biomimicking natural joints.

  • 23.
    A. da Cruz, Marcia Gabriely
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    M. Rodrigues, Bruno V.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Ristic, Andjelka
    Budnyk, Serhiy
    Das, Shoubhik
    Slabon, Adam
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    On the product selectivity in the electrochemical reductive cleavage of 2-phenoxyacetophenone, a lignin model compound2022In: Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, ISSN 1751-8253, E-ISSN 1751-7192, Vol. 15, no 1, p. 151-159Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Research towards the production of renewable chemicals for fuel and energy industries has found lignin valorization as key. With a high carbon content and aromaticity, a fine-tuning of the depolymerization process is required to convert lignin into valuable chemicals. In context, model compounds have been used to understand the electrocatalyzed depolymerization for mimicking the typical linkages of lignin. In this investigation, 2-phenoxyacetophenone, a model compound for lignin beta-O-4 linkage, was electro-catalytically hydrogenated (ECH) in distinct three-electrode setups: an open and a membrane cell. A deep eutectic solvent based on ethylene-glycol and choline chloride was used to pursue sustainable routes to dissolve lignin. Copper was used as electrocatalyst due to the economic feasibility and low activity towards hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), a side reaction of ECH. By varying the cell type, we demonstrate a simple ECH route for the generation of different monomers and oligomers from lignin. Gas chromatography of the products revealed a higher content of carbonyl groups in those using the membrane cell, whereas the open cell produced mostly hydroxyl-end chemicals. Aiming at high value-added products, our results disclose the cell type influence on electrochemical reductive depolymerization of lignin. This approach encompasses cheap transition metal electrodes and sustainable solvents.

  • 24.
    A. da Cruz, Márcia G.
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Gueret, Robin
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Chen, Jianhong
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Piątek, Jędrzej
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Beele, Björn
    Sipponen, Mika H.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Frauscher, Marcella
    Budnyk, Serhiy
    M. Rodrigues, Bruno V.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK). Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
    Slabon, Adam
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK). Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
    Electrochemical Depolymerization of Lignin in a Biomass-based Solvent2022In: ChemSusChem, ISSN 1864-5631, E-ISSN 1864-564X, Vol. 15, no 15, article id e202200718Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Breaking down lignin into smaller units is the key to generate high value-added products. Nevertheless, dissolving this complex plant polyphenol in an environment-friendly way is often a challenge. Levulinic acid, which is formed during the hydrothermal processing of lignocellulosic biomass, has been shown to efficiently dissolve lignin. Herein, levulinic acid was evaluated as a medium for the reductive electrochemical depolymerization of the lignin macromolecule. Copper was chosen as the electrocatalyst due to the economic feasibility and low activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction. After depolymerization, high-resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed lignin-derived monomers and dimers. A predominance of aryl ether and phenolic groups was observed. Depolymerized lignin was further evaluated as an anti-corrosion coating, revealing enhancements on the electrochemical stability of the metal. Via a simple depolymerization process of biomass waste in a biomass-based solvent, a straightforward approach to produce high value-added compounds or tailored biobased materials was demonstrated. 

  • 25.
    A. da Cruz, Márcia G.
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Onwumere, Joy N.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Chen, Jianhong
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Beele, Björn
    Yarema, Maksym
    Budnyk, Serhiy
    Slabon, Adam
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK). University of Wuppertal, Germany.
    M. Rodrigues, Bruno V.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK). University of Wuppertal, Germany.
    Solvent-free synthesis of photoluminescent carbon nanoparticles from lignin-derived monomers as feedstock2023In: Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, ISSN 1751-8253, E-ISSN 1751-7192, Vol. 16, no 1, article id 2196031Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Photoluminescent carbon nanoparticles (CNPs), such as carbon dots (CDs), have attracted much attention owing to a unique set of properties, like high and tunable fluorescence. In this way, the use of carbon-rich lignin has been demonstrated to be a sustainable approach to producing a broad range of photoluminescent CNPs. However, the valorization of this complex polyphenol is limited when it comes to green and efficient ways of conversion. In addition, the existing solvothermal approaches using lignin often result in CDs with low photoluminescence, while flammable and/or toxic solvents are employed. Here, we depolymerized technical lignins, i.e. kraft and soda, through electroreductive cleavage in two different sustainable media: deep eutectic solvent and levulinic acid. After depolymerization, lignin-derived monomers were generated, with a predominance of aryl ether and phenolic groups, which were further combined with 1,2-Phenylenediamine to produce N-doped CNPs in a solvent-free approach. Photoluminescent CNPs with varied sizes were generated (5–50 nm), which presented a wide photoluminescence emission, from blue to red, depending on solvent polarity. These results demonstrate a feasible and sustainable route for the solvent-free synthesis of photoluminescent CNPs using lignin-derived monomers as carbon source, which may find applications in a wide range of fields.

  • 26.
    A. Darroudi, Kian
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Totala institutioner: sociala hinder och dilemman2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
  • 27.
    A Ekström, Annelie
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Education, Psychology and Sport Science.
    Att arbeta integrerat med asylbarn i allmän förskola: En kvalitativ studie baserad på lärarintervjuer2013Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med föreliggande studie var att vinna kunskap om och ge en bild av hur sex pedagoger inom förskolan upplever att det är att arbeta integrerat med asylbarn i den allmänna förskolan och att ge en bild av vad pedagogerna berättar om hur detta arbete organiseras.  För att få svar på studiens frågor har en kvalitativ forskningsintervju använts. Två forskningsfrågor skapades från vilka intervjufrågorna huvudsakligen formades. Forskningsfrågorna var: Vilka förutsättningar för arbetet med asylbarn ger pedagogerna uttryck för och på vilket sätt organiseras den allmänna förskolan för asylbarn. Som analysredskap i studien har den sociokulturella och den interkulturella teorin använts. Studiens resultat visar att integreringen av asylbarn i den allmänna förskolan innebär att pedagogerna har att förhålla sig till att arbeta med asylbarn och deras föräldrar utan att dela språk eller känna till mycket om deras bakgrund. De måste också arbeta i en barngrupp som kan vara extra rörlig och instabil till storlek och dagsform. Resultatet visar också att den goda intention som det är att asylbarnen ska få komma varje dag till den allmänna förskolan gör att tiden på förskolan blir för kort för att pedagogerna ska kunna arbeta mer planerat med asylbarnens språk och egna kultur.

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    Examensarbete 130129
  • 28.
    A Elhassan, Amro
    KTH, School of Electrical Engineering (EES).
    Building automation and control2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 29. A, Eriksson
    et al.
    G, Fodor
    A middlebox control plane framework for wireless and mobile IP networks2004In: 2004 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2004 (ICPP 2004 Workshops) / [ed] IEEE, New York: IEEE conference proceedings, 2004, p. 322-329Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In wireless and mobile IP networks there is a need to support a set of functions that are related to wireless QoS provisioning, resource optimizations, mobility and security management and operator policy enforcement. These requirements have lead to the frequent usage of so called middleboxes including header/payload compressors, performance enhancement proxies, tunnel endpoints, packet filters and redirectors, QoS schedulers and others. Unfortunately, the increasing usage of these types of devices often leads to undesirable artifacts called feature interactions. In this paper we propose a framework that aims to coordinate the operation of middleboxes such that feature interactions are avoided. The three main ideas are (1) the separation of the control plane from the distributed network nodes, (2) the usage of a middlebox function independent horizontal protocol that allows mobile hosts to communicate their desired service requests to the network and (3) the usage of a vertical protocol between the network control and user planes. We present two examples in which this framework helps eliminate the risk for feature interactions. We comment on the relationship between the end-to-end principle and this framework. Finally, we discuss how future middleboxes can fit into this framework.

  • 30.
    A. F. Lahiji, Faezeh
    et al.
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    Bairagi, Samiran
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    Magnusson, Roger
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    Sortica, Mauricio A.
    Tandem Laboratory, Uppsala University 2 , Uppsala, SE 75120, Sweden.
    Primetzhofer, Daniel
    Tandem Laboratory, Uppsala University 2 , Uppsala, SE 75120, Sweden;Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University 3 , Uppsala, SE 75120, Sweden.
    Ekström, Erik
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    Paul, Biplab
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    le Febvrier, Arnaud
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    Eklund, Per
    Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University 1 , Linköping, SE 58183, Sweden.
    Growth and optical properties of NiO thin films deposited by pulsed dc reactive magnetron sputtering2023In: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, ISSN 0734-2101, E-ISSN 1520-8559, Vol. 41, no 6Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 31.
    A. F. Lahiji, Faezeh
    et al.
    Energy Materials Unit, Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, (IFM), Linköping University , SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden.
    Paul, Biplab
    Energy Materials Unit, Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, (IFM), Linköping University , SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden.
    le Febvrier, Arnaud
    Energy Materials Unit, Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, (IFM), Linköping University , SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden.
    Eklund, Per
    Energy Materials Unit, Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, (IFM), Linköping University , SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden.
    Unusual tilted growth and epitaxial relationship of NaCl B1-structured NiO and CrN on r-plane Al2O32024In: Journal of Applied Physics, ISSN 0021-8979, E-ISSN 1089-7550, Vol. 135, no 6Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 32.
    A, Fredrik
    et al.
    KTH, School of Electrical Engineering (EES).
    Forsberg, A
    KTH, School of Electrical Engineering (EES).
    Forsén, Tobias
    KTH, School of Electrical Engineering (EES).
    Tracking Using Wireless Camera Networks2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 33.
    A. Hafiz, Ahmad
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS).
    Lagerstedt, Joakim
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS).
    Specialdidaktiska verktyg och strategier för inkluderande religionskunskapsundervisning: Lärares tillämpning av specialdidaktiska verktyg och strategier i planeringen av inkluderande religionskunskapsundervisning2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This work by Hafiz, A. A & Lagerstedt, J. (2023). Specialdidactic instruments and strategies for inclusive religious education - High school teachers' and upper secondary school teachers' way of working with all students as well as students with extra support and special needs. Instutionen för Samhälle, kultur och identitet, Fakulteten för Lärande och samhälle, Malmö universitet, is part of a master's degree in subject didactics. The concept of special didactics used here in this essay has its background in the continental German tradition. The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the special didactic instruments and strategies that teachers of religious studies use in their work for increased inclusion. The aim is to gather valuable knowledge about how experienced teachers of religious education work when they plan their materials and teach in matters relating to students' life issues and identity, as well as how they work with extra adaptations and special support. 

    The research questions are as follows: What special didactic instruments and strategies do teachers in primary and secondary schools, teaching religious education, use in their subject planning for increased inclusion? What problems and opportunities do teachers experience when planning and working towards increased inclusion? 

    The theoretical perspective of this thesis is based on a phenomenological theory of knowledge. There are four special education perspectives, all of which were used in the analysis to highlight different definitions of inclusion. Students' identities are explained and theorized as the foundation for inclusion. A religious didactic model is exemplified to illustrate where in the planning process students can be included. Since there is not enough research on special didactics, the various theoretical special education perspectives were used together with subject didactic perspectives to create special didactic analysis methods. 

    The study's methodology is based on both exploratory researches to gather extensive knowledge and a case study approach to investigate more detailed information on how teachers work with inclusion in their planning. To obtain empirical material and collect the right data, five teachers working in different primary and secondary schools in Sweden were interviewed. 

    The results show that the teachers agree that it is difficult to include students both physically and socially. Teachers have different opinions about the concept of inclusion and work with inclusion in didactic contexts in different ways, adapted to the situation. Instruments and strategies are adapted to students in different ways, with some teachers placing more emphasis on language and others placing more emphasis on questions about the student's identity. Collaboration between teachers, student health services, and school management for the student's best interest occurs, but a quick assessment of the student's situation is always better than a late assessment discovered later. Regarding the subject of religious studies, teachers work to get closer to students' own life questions, worldviews, and identities, adapted to the classroom environment and the students.

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  • 34.
    A. Hafiz, Ahmad
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS).
    Wennberth, Johan
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS).
    Interkulturell undervisning i ett mångkulturellt klassrum2021Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    Ahmad A. Hafiz Johan Wennberth
  • 35.
    A. Hedqvist, Anja
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Department of ALM.
    Kommuner & Facebook: Hur hanteras regelverket kring allmänna handlingar?2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this one-year master thesis in archival science was to examine how municipalities take regulations concerning public records into account when they use Facebook. Another aim was to examine the involvement of archivists, registrars or similar staff in the management of the regulations. Since Swedish archival theory and practice has a close connection to the application of these regulations, such an examination was hopefully going to reveal tendencies of importance for archival science. The method used to collect information was a web questionnaire and the result was based on answers from 21 municipalities with an official Facebook page. The questionnaire showed that six of the municipalities regarded documents originating from their Facebook page as public records. Three did not, and a large group had not yet decided how to treat these documents. Only three municipalities did archive documents from Facebook. The involvement of archivists, registrars and similar personnel was generally very small, even though regulations concerning public records had more often been taken into account in the municipalities that had informed this personnel about the use of an official Facebook page. The difference in management between the municipalities was together with the demand for national guiding principles indicating difficulties in applying the regulations to social medias like Facebook. The fact that most of the municipalities that had taken the regulations into account had come to the conclusion that Facebook generated public records, together with the fact that national guiding principles presented during the work with this thesis had the same interpretation, indicated that documents originating from Facebook will be a part of Swedish public records in the future. The difference in management and the demand for guidance also indicated a need for better division of responsibilities and a more active approach in the future, to ensure that the regulations concerning public records are taken into account early and correctly when authorities starts to use new medias.

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    Kommuner & Facebook
  • 36.
    A Herrera, I
    et al.
    Norwegian University Science and Technology NTNU.
    Woltjer, Rogier
    Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, CSELAB - Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory. Linköping University, The Institute of Technology. Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Human-Centered systems.
    Comparing a multi-linear (STEP) and systemic (FRAM) method for accident analysis2010In: RELIABILITY ENGINEERING and SYSTEM SAFETY, ISSN 0951-8320, Vol. 95, no 12, p. 1269-1275Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Accident models and analysis methods affect what accident investigators look for, which contributory factors are found, and which recommendations are issued. This paper contrasts the Sequentially Timed Events Plotting (STEP) method and the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) for accident analysis and modelling. The main issue addressed in this paper is the comparison of the established multi-linear method STEP with the new systemic method FRAM and which new insights the latter provides for accident analysis in comparison to the former established multi-linear method. Since STEP and FRAM are based on a different understandings of the nature of accidents, the comparison of the methods focuses on what we can learn from both methods, how, when, and why to apply them. The main finding is that STEP helps to illustrate what happened, involving which actors at what time, whereas FRAM illustrates the dynamic interactions within socio-technical systems and lets the analyst understand the how and why by describing non-linear dependencies, performance conditions, variability, and their resonance across functions.

  • 37. A. Hosseini, V.
    et al.
    Karlsson, L.
    Örnek, Cem
    KTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH), Chemistry, Surface and Corrosion Science. Swerea KIMAB AB.
    Reccagni, P.
    Wessman, S.
    Engelberg, D.
    Microstructure and functionality of a uniquely graded super duplex stainless steel designed by a novel arc heat treatment method2018In: Materials Characterization, ISSN 1044-5803, E-ISSN 1873-4189, Vol. 139, p. 390-400Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A novel arc heat treatment technique was applied to design a uniquely graded super duplex stainless steel (SDSS), by subjecting a single sample to a steady state temperature gradient for 10 h. A new experimental approach was used to map precipitation in microstructure, covering aging temperatures of up to 1430 °C. The microstructure was characterized and functionality was evaluated via hardness mapping. Nitrogen depletion adjacent to the fusion boundary depressed the upper temperature limit for austenite formation and influenced the phase balance above 980 °C. Austenite/ferrite boundaries deviating from Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relationship (OR) were preferred locations for precipitation of σ at 630–1000 °C, χ at 560–1000 °C, Cr2N at 600–900 °C and R between 550 °C and 700 °C. Precipitate morphology changed with decreasing temperature; from blocky to coral-shaped for σ, from discrete blocky to elongated particles for χ, and from polygonal to disc-shaped for R. Thermodynamic calculations of phase equilibria largely agreed with observations above 750 °C when considering nitrogen loss. Formation of intermetallic phases and 475 °C-embrittlement resulted in increased hardness. A schematic diagram, correlating information about phase contents, morphologies and hardness, as a function of exposure temperature, is introduced for evaluation of functionality of microstructures.

  • 38.
    A. Hosseini, Vahid
    et al.
    University West, Sweden ; Innovatum AB, Sweden.
    Karlsson, Leif
    University West, Sweden.
    Örnek, Cem
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Materials and Production, KIMAB. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Reccagni, Pierfrance
    The University of Manchester, UK.
    Wessman, Sten
    University West, Sweden.
    Engelberg, Dirk
    The University of Manchester, UK.
    Microstructure and functionality of a uniquely graded super duplex stainless steel designed by a novel arc heat treatment method2018In: Materials Characterization, ISSN 1044-5803, E-ISSN 1873-4189, Vol. 139, p. 390-400Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A novel arc heat treatment technique was applied to design a uniquely graded super duplex stainless steel (SDSS), by subjecting a single sample to a steady state temperature gradient for 10 h. A new experimental approach was used to map precipitation in microstructure, covering aging temperatures of up to 1430 °C. The microstructure was characterized and functionality was evaluated via hardness mapping. Nitrogen depletion adjacent to the fusion boundary depressed the upper temperature limit for austenite formation and influenced the phase balance above 980 °C. Austenite/ferrite boundaries deviating from Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relationship (OR) were preferred locations for precipitation of σ at 630–1000 °C, χ at 560–1000 °C, Cr2N at 600–900 °C and R between 550 °C and 700 °C. Precipitate morphology changed with decreasing temperature; from blocky to coral-shaped for σ, from discrete blocky to elongated particles for χ, and from polygonal to disc-shaped for R. Thermodynamic calculations of phase equilibria largely agreed with observations above 750 °C when considering nitrogen loss. Formation of intermetallic phases and 475 °C-embrittlement resulted in increased hardness. A schematic diagram, correlating information about phase contents, morphologies and hardness, as a function of exposure temperature, is introduced for evaluation of functionality of microstructures. 

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  • 39.
    A Hulten, Maj
    et al.
    University Warwick, Warwick Med Sch, Coventry CV4 7AL, W Midlands England .
    Patel, Suketu
    University Warwick, Department Biol Science, Coventry CV4 7AL, W Midlands England .
    Jonasson, Jon
    Linköping University, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Molecular and Immunological Pathology . Linköping University, Faculty of Health Sciences. Östergötlands Läns Landsting, Centre for Laboratory Medicine, Department of Clinical Pathology and Clinical Genetics.
    Iwarsson, Erik
    Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Department Mol Med and Surg, Clin Genet Unit, S-17176 Stockholm, Sweden .
    On the origin of the maternal age effect in trisomy 21 Down syndrome: the Oocyte Mosaicism Selection model2010In: Reproduction, ISSN 1470-1626, E-ISSN 1476-3990, Vol. 139, no 1, p. 1-9Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We have recently documented that trisomy 21 mosaicism is common in human foetal ovaries. On the basis of this observation we propose that the maternal age effect in Down syndrome (DS) is caused by the differential behaviour of trisomy 21 in relation to disomy 21 oocytes during development from foetal life until ovulation in adulthood. in particular, we suggest that trisomy 21 oocytes, lagging behind those that are disomic, may escape the timed pruning of the seven million in foetal life to the 300-400 finally selected for ovulation. The net effect of this preferential elimination will be an accumulation of trisomy 21 oocytes in the ovarian reserve of older women. We here highlight the implications of this Oocyte Mosaicism Selection (OMS) model with respect to the prevalent view that the maternal age effect is complex, dependent on many different biological and environmental factors. We examine conclusions drawn from recent large-scale studies in families, tracing DNA markers along the length of chromosome 21q between parents and DS children, in comparison to the OMS model. We conclude that these family linkage data are equally compatible with the maternal age effect originating from the accumulation of trisomy 21 oocytes with advancing maternal age. One relatively straightforward way to get to grips with what is actually going on in this regard would be to compare incidence of trisomy 21 oocytes (and their pairing configurations) in foetal ovaries with that in oocytes at the meiosis I stage from adult women.

  • 40.
    A. Kader, Roweida
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Abdullahi Ali, Kausar
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Hör inget, ser inget och säger inget: En kvalitativ undersökning om idéburna organisationers syn på obenägenheten att avlägga vittnesmål i marginaliserade områden2020Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Residents in marginalized areas tend to show a lower level of confidence in the criminal justice system and carry out police reports and testimonies to the criminal justice system to a lesser extent than residents in other areas. In this scientific essay, a qualitative study is conducted to analyze the disinclination to leave testimonies and report crimes in marginalized areas, along with researching possible ways to improve the residents relationship with the criminal justice system. The theoretical framework for this study consists of Žižeks theory of violence, territorial stigma and social exclusion. The sample group for the study is advocates in non-profit organizations operating in marginalized areas. Using a semi-structured interview method, this study’s empirical findings reveals that a critical view of the criminal justice system, lack of confidence in the criminal justice system, ambivalent feelings about the residential area and mass medias stigmatizing effects are believed to cause a reluctance to cooperate with the criminal justice system in marginalized areas. Furthermore, our findings show that an admittance of the existence of racism within the justice system, increased communication, cultural competence, and safe meeting places are believed to improve the relationship between the residents and the criminal justice system.

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    Examensarbete 2020
  • 41.
    A. Lindberg, Sara
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM).
    Varför bild?: Grundskoleelevers uppfattningar om bildämnets relevans2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 80 credits / 120 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This is a study of qualitative method that aims to investigate how compulsory school students perceive the content of Visual Art Education and the relevance of art education. The study is based on empirical methods that consists of semi-structured interviews with a total of 12 students in grades 6 and 9. The theoretical framework of the study is based on a sociocultural perspective which describes that it is through communication and interaction with others that the individual acquires knowledge and skills.

    The theoretical starting points for the study are supported by the concepts of visual culture, visual literacy and Vygotskijs concepts of creativity and imagination with the assistance of contemporary research that describes the concepts from the perspective of a modern-day society. Furthermore, the study uses the cultural circuit from Hall and photo elicitation from Rose as analytical tool to analyze the participants perceptions about Visual Art Education.

    The results of my study show that Visual Art Education still represents something that is more similar to a traditional view of artist work, with a focus on techniques and materials. The results also show that the participants perceive Visual Art Education as less important compared to other school subjects and some of the participants don’t think they will benefit from the subject’s knowledge and abilities either in future education, future profession or their private life. This shows the participants narrow view of how abilities linked to visual literacy are relevant in a modern society.

    The knowledge contribution added to the problem area and previous research is a deeper understanding of how the participants perceive the relevance of Visual Art Education. The study is important and relevant for the teaching profession, as students need to be made more aware of the breadth and relevance of Visual Art Education. From this content it can be deduced that the abilities that students must acquire through visual arts education are about so much more than just drawing. It is also important that teachers gain insight and understanding of how students perceive the relevance of Visual Art Education for them to be able to move forward.

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  • 42.
    A. M. Naiini, Maziar
    KTH, School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Integrated Devices and Circuits.
    Horizontal Slot Waveguides for Silicon Photonics Back-End Integration2014Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis presents the development of integrated silicon photonic devices. These devices are compatible with the present and near future CMOS technology. High-khorizontal grating couplers and waveguides are proposed. This work consists of simulations and device design, as well as the layout for the fabrication process, device fabrication, process development, characterization instrument development and electro-optical characterizations.

    The work demonstrates an alternative solution to costly silicon-on-insulator photonics. The proposed solution uses bulk silicon wafers and thin film deposited waveguides. Back-end deposited horizontal slot grating couplers and waveguides are realized by multi-layers of amorphous silicon and high-k materials.

    The achievements of this work include: A theoretical study of fully etched slot grating couplers with Al2O3, HfO2 and AIN, an optical study of the high-k films with spectroscopic ellipsometry, an experimental demonstration of fully etched SiO2 single slot grating couplers and double slot Al2O3 grating couplers, a practical demonstration of horizontal double slot high-k waveguides, partially etched Al2O3 single slot grating couplers, a study of a scheme for integration of the double slot Al2O3  waveguides with selectively grown germanium PIN photodetectors, realization of test chips for the integrated germanium photodetectors, and study of integration with graphene photodetectors through embedding the graphene into a high-k slot layer.

    From an application point of view, these high-k slot waveguides add more functionality to the current silicon photonics. The presented devices can be used for low cost photonics applications. Also alternative optical materials can be used in the context of this photonics platform.

    With the robust design, the grating couplers result in improved yield and a more cost effective solution is realized for integration of the waveguides with the germanium and graphene photodetectors.





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  • 43. A. Madsen, Kevin
    et al.
    J. Bergholtz, Emil
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics.
    Brouwer, Piet W.
    Josephson effect in a Weyl SNS junction2017In: Physical Review B, ISSN 2469-9950, E-ISSN 2469-9969, Vol. 95, no 6, article id 064511Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We calculate the Josephson current density j (phi) for a Weyl superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor junction for which the outer terminals are superconducting Weylmetals and the normal layer is a Weyl (semi) metal. We describe the Weyl (semi) metal using a simple model with two Weyl points. The model has broken time-reversal symmetry, but inversion symmetry is present. We calculate the Josephson current for both zero and finite temperature for the two pairing mechanisms inside the superconductors that have been proposed in the literature, zero-momentum BCS-like pairing and finite-momentum FFLO-like pairing, and assuming the short-junction limit. For both pairing types we find that the current is proportional to the normal-state junction conductivity, with a proportionality coefficient that shows quantitative differences between the two pairing mechanisms. The current for the BCS-like pairing is found to be independent of the chemical potential, whereas the current for the FFLO-like pairing is not.

  • 44.
    A. Malinsdotter, Elin
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS).
    Nilsson, Caroline
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS).
    Bortom läroböckerna: Förstärkning av historieundervisningen genom film: En översikt av forskning om film i historieundervisningen2024Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This project is about commercial history use with educational purpose, focused on film and whether it contributes to students' knowledge or can only be seen as an entertaining break in the regular education. This project focused on two types of films, featured films and documentaries. The work process started with an idea of the theme film and got more focused by searching on different keywords to find academic texts. The purpose of this academic text is mainly to investigate the different sides of film as a pedagogical tool, with focus on history education. What does the research say about what challenges exist in using feature films and documentaries in the classroom, as well as what solutions exist to the challenges? And What does the research say about the areas in which feature films and documentaries can be used to strengthen history teaching? are the two questions this overview answers. The method used for this project was a systematic search of different keywords and the project is based on previous research.

    The results shows that there are challenging aspects that need to be considered when using film in the classroom, for example watching a film can be time consuming. However there are solutions to the majority of the challenges. Other than that there are advantages with using film as a pedagogical tool in the history classroom since films can be used to develop source criticism, historical consciousness and historical empathy. Even the motivation and engagement increases when the students watch films. This text concludes that films can be beneficial if used in the best possible way.

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    Caroline Nilsson Elin A. Malinsdotter
  • 45.
    A. Manneh, Ilana
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Supporting Learning and Teaching of Chemistry in the Undergraduate Classroom2019Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    There is agreement in research about the need to find better ways of teaching chemistry to enhance students’ understanding. This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of how we better support teaching and learning of undergraduate chemistry to make it meaningful and intelligible for students from the outset. The thesis is concerned with examining the interactions between student, specific content and teacher in the undergraduate chemistry classroom; that is, the processes making up the three relations of the didactic triangle. The data consists of observations of students and tutors during problem-solving activities in an introductory chemistry course and interviews with graduate students.

    Systematic analyses of the different interactions between the student, the chemistry content, and the tutor are made using the analytical tool of practical epistemology analysis. The main findings of the thesis include detailed insights into how undergraduate chemistry students deal with newly encountered content together with didactic models and concrete suggestions for improved teaching and for supporting continuity and progression in the undergraduate chemistry classroom. Specifically, I show how students deal with the chemistry content through a complex interaction of knowledge, experiences, and purposes on different levels invoked by both students and tutors as they interact with each other. Whether these interactions have a positive or negative effect on students’ learning depends on the nature of knowledge, experiences and purposes that were invoked. Moreover, the tutor sometimes invoked other purposes than the ones related to the task at hand for connecting the activity to the subject matter in general. These purposes were not always made continuous with the activity which resulting in confusion among students. The results from these analyses were used for producing hypotheses and models that could support continuity and progression during the activity. The suggested models aim to make the content more manageable and meaningful to students, enabling connections to other experiences and purposes, and helping teachers and tutors to analyze and reflect on their teaching. Moreover, a purpose- and activity-based progression is suggested that gives attention to purposes in chemistry education other than providing explanations of chemical phenomena. The aim of this ‘progression in action’ is to engage students in activities were they can see the meaning of chemical concepts and ideas through their use to accomplish different chemical tasks. A general conclusion is that detailed knowledge about the processes of teaching and learning is important for providing adequate support to both undergraduate students and university teachers in the chemistry classroom.

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    Supporting Learning and Teaching of Chemistry in the Undergraduate Classroom
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  • 46.
    A. Manneh, Ilana
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Hamza, Karim M.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Rundgren, Carl-Johan
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Eriksson, Lars
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Progression in action for developing chemical knowledgeManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper, we discuss the well-known teaching challenge of how to provide undergraduate students with basic chemistry knowledge without making them experience these basics as meaningless and unintelligible. First, we situate the challenge in a classic dilemma: should we teach the necessary basic facts before the chemical explanations or should the explanations be taught before or in parallel to these facts? Here we draw on examples from interviews with graduate students reflecting on their experiences regarding their studies at the undergraduate level. Second, we suggest a way out of the dilemma, through a shift in perspective from the typical progression of facts and explanations towards a purpose and activity-based progression. We conclude with a discussion of implications of such a shift for university chemistry education together with suggestions for future research.

  • 47.
    A. Manneh, Ilana
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Hamza, Karim
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Rundgren, Carl-Johan
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Eriksson, Lars
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    The role of anthropomorphisms in students’ reasoning about chemical structure and bonding2018In: Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, E-ISSN 1609-4913, Vol. 19, no 2, article id 4Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Anthropomorphisms are widespread at all levels of the educational system even among science experts. This has led to a shift in how anthropomorphisms are viewed in science education, from a discussion of whether they should be allowed or avoided towards an interest in their role in supporting students’ understanding of science. In this study we examine the role of anthropomorphisms in supporting students’ understanding of chemistry. We analyze examples from undergraduate students’ discussions during problem-solving classes through the use of practical epistemology analysis (PEA). Findings suggest that students invoked anthropomorphisms alongside technical relations which together produced more or less chemically appropriate explanations. Also, anthropomorphisms constitute potentially productive points of departure for rendering students’ explanations more chemically appropriate. The implications of this study refer to the need to deal with anthropomorphisms explicitly and repeatedly as well as to encourage explicit connections between different parts of the explanation - teleological as well as causal.

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  • 48.
    A. Manneh, Ilana
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Rundgren, Carl-Johan
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Hamza, Karim M.
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
    Eriksson, Lars
    Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK).
    Tutor-student interaction in undergraduate chemistry: a case of learning to make relevant distinctions of molecular structures for determining oxidation states of atoms2018In: International Journal of Science Education, ISSN 0950-0693, E-ISSN 1464-5289, Vol. 40, no 16, p. 2023-2043Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this study, we explore the issues and challenges involved in supporting students’ learning to discern relevant and critical aspects of determining oxidation states of atoms in complex molecules. We present a detailed case of an interaction between three students and a tutor during a problem-solving class, using the analytical tool of practical epistemology analysis (PEA). The results show that the ability to make relevant distinctions between the different parts of a molecule for solving the problem, even with the guidance of the tutor, seemed to be challenging for students. These shifts were connected to both purposes that were specific for solving the problem at hand, and additional purposes for general learning of the subject matter, in this case how to assign oxidation states in molecules. The students sometimes could not follow the additional purposes introduced by the tutor, which made the related distinctions more confusing. Our results indicate that in order to provide adequate support and guidance for students the tutor needs to consider how to sequence, move between, and productively connect the different purposes introduced in a tutor-student interaction. One way of doing that is by first pursuing the purposes for solving the problem and then successively introduce additional, more general purposes for developing students’ learning of the subject matter studied. Further recommendations drawn from this study are discussed as well.

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  • 49. A. Marques, Ana F.
    et al.
    Roerdink, Desiree L.
    Baumberger, Tamara
    de Ronde, Cornel E. J.
    Ditchburn, Robert G.
    Denny, Alden
    Thorseth, Ingunn H.
    Okland, Ingeborg
    Lilley, Marvin D.
    Whitehouse, Martin J.
    Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Geology.
    Pedersen, Rolf B.
    The Seven Sisters Hydrothermal System: First Record of Shallow Hybrid Mineralization Hosted in Mafic Volcaniclasts on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge2020Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    We document the discovery of an active, shallow, seafloor hydrothermal system (known as the Seven Sisters Vent Field) hosted in mafic volcaniclasts at a mid-ocean ridge setting. The vent field is located at the southern part of the Arctic mid-ocean ridge where it lies on top of a flat-topped volcano at ~130 m depth. Up to 200 deg C phase-separating fluids vent from summit depressions in the volcano, and from pinnacle-like edifices on top of large hydrothermal mounds. The hydrothermal mineralization at Seven Sisters manifests as a replacement of mafic volcaniclasts, as direct intraclast precipitation from the hydrothermal fluid, and as elemental sulfur deposition within orifices. Barite is ubiquitous, and is sequentially replaced by pyrite, which is the first sulfide to form, followed by Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag bearing sulfides, sulfosalts, and silica. The mineralized rocks at Seven Sisters contain highly anomalous concentrations of ‘epithermal suite’ elements such as Tl, As, Sb and Hg, with secondary alteration assemblages including silica and dickite. Vent fluids have a pH of ~5 and are Ba and metal depleted. Relatively high dissolved Si (~7.6 mmol/L Si) combined with low (0.2–0.4) Fe/Mn suggest high-temperature reactions at ~150 bar. A delta-13C value of -5.4 permil in CO2 dominated fluids denotes magmatic degassing from a relatively undegassed reservoir. Furthermore, low CH4 and H2 (<0.026 mmol/kg and <0.009 mmol/kg, respectively) and 3He/4He of ~8.3 R/Racorr support a MORB-like, sediment-free fluid signature from an upper mantle source. Sulfide and secondary alteration mineralogy, fluid and gas chemistry, as well as delta-34S and 87Sr/86Sr values in barite and pyrite indicate that mineralization at Seven Sisters is sustained by the input of magmatic fluids with minimal seawater contribution. 226Ra/Ba radiometric dating of the barite suggests that this hydrothermal system has been active for at least 4670 +/- 60 yr.

  • 50. A Molarius, A
    et al.
    Granström, F
    Feldman, Inna
    Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Women's and Children's Health.
    Kalander Blomqvist, M
    Pettersson, H
    Ello, S
    Can financial insecurity and condescending treatment explain the higher prevalence of poor self-rated health in women than in men? A population-based cross-sectional study in Sweden2012Conference paper (Other academic)
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