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Pros and Cons of International Biofuel Production: An overview of research and policy reports 2008
Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Department of Water and Environmental Studies. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research . Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8110-4538
Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Department of Water and Environmental Studies. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research . Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
2008 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This briefing from the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research presents a summary of

research and policy reports on positive and negative aspects of liquid biofuels. It covers three areas:  economic  and  energy  security,  rural  development  and  agricultural  production  and environmental challenges. It will also shortly depict the cases of Brazilian ethanol as a model of processing agricultural crops to liquid fuels for transport, and finally cover the future bioenergy production potential in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The purpose of this briefing is to provide an overview of present discussions and to present arguments from a variety of organisations  and  scholars.  As  a  service  to  a  reader,  the  briefing  contains  an  extensive reference list for further studies.

The reports and research covered in this briefing are quite disparate. Nevertheless, ten significant conclusions can be observed:

•  Biofuels cannot solely substitute oil in meeting the expected future energy demand in transportation.

•  Development of next-generation biofuels can ease the food vs. fuel competition since they can be processed from other sources of biomass than the major food crops.

•  Countries in tropical regions are more suited for biomass production. However,  we lack sufficient research on future stresses compounded due to climate change  and economic globalisation.

•  International trade rules, particularly governing agricultural commodities, as well  as development of standards and certifications will play a significant role in  shaping global, as well as local conditions of future biofuel production. Thus, the outcomes of trade  agreement  and  policies  will  impinge  on  development  goals  and  livelihood security in developing countries.

•  An  important  factor  for  developing  countries  will  be  whether  biofuels  will  be considered as an agricultural or non-agricultural good by WTO. If they are classified as agricultural commodities they can be eligible for special measures such as subsidies for environmental reasons. But this may also be used to uphold agricultural subsidies in industrialised countries.

•  Liquid  biofuel  production  can  be  beneficial  for  developing  countries  in  tropical regions. Present research indicates that rural communities in SSA may benefit if they hold control over the local or regional production conditions.

•  Taking into account present conditions, food security of several SSA countries could be under strain caused by increased biofuel production.

•  Depending on production conditions, SSA countries can stand to gain in the future.

However,  we  lack  comprehensive  research  on  the  conditions  for  a  sustainable development of biofuel production which will benefit development aspirations.

•  Although economies of scale is one factor to consider, sustainable development  in SSA can benefit from small-scale production since this type of agriculture can put less stress on environment, in contrast to large-scale production projects.

•  The production of liquid biofuels in SSA should be directed to meet other important needs in addition to transports (in contrast to the Brazilian example)  like  heating, cooking and electricity generation.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2008. , p. 20
CSPR Briefing ; 3
Keywords [en]
biofuels, bioenergy, policy, pros, cons, overview
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-110119OAI:, id: diva2:742902
Available from: 2014-09-02 Created: 2014-09-02 Last updated: 2018-01-11Bibliographically approved

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Pros and Cons of International Biofuel Production: An overview of research and policy reports 2008(544 kB)3272 downloads
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Kuchler, MagdalenaLinnér, Björn-Ola
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