We classify the orbits of nets of conics under the action of the projective linear group and we determine the specializations of these orbits, using geometric and algebraic methods. We study related geometric questions, as the parametrization of planar cubics. We show that Artinian algebras of Hilbert function H=(1,3,3,0) determined by nets, can be smoothed—deformed to a direct sum of fields; and that algebras of Hilbert function H=(1,r,2,0), determined by pencils of quadrics, can also be smoothed. This portion is a translation and update of a 1977 version, a typescript by the second two authors that was distributed as a preprint of University of Paris VII. In a new Historical Appendix A we describe related work prior to 1977. In an Update Appendix B we survey some developments since 1977 concerning nets of conics, related geometry, and deformations of Artinian algebras of small length.