Strengthening free, independent and professional journalism is more important than ever. Quality journalism, as a way of describing reality and providing citizens with accessto information on which they can make vital decisions, is more needed than ever.
At the same time, producing and publishing quality journalism in a media landscape dominated by social mediais becoming increasingly difficult. The global tech platformsseize most of the advertising revenues. Social media is poisoned with disinformation and threats against journalists, many times orchestrated by people in powerful positions and even governments. The space for freedom of expression is dramatically shrinking as governments set out to dismantle the democratic, liberal core functions in society – where a free media is seen as one. And while climate change is affecting us all, free, independent and professional journalism has extraordinary possibilities to shed light and provide facts, arming citizens with the information needed to act.
Journalism still stands strong - in many cases, stronger and more innovative than ever. Fojo Media Institute has the privilege to cooperate with media partners and individual media workers in Sweden, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe to lead the way towards new concepts, methods and approaches and increased resilience. Our unique position as a Swedish Public University, well anchored in the Nordic media landscape, with a global overview, gives us exceptional possibilities to find new paths to take journalism into the next decade, confronting and responding to the increasing threats.