A free and vibrant media and civil society are no doubt key agents of democracy. However, the media and rights-based civil society organisations’ activities are often the first to be restricted when democracy is under attack. The ability of these organisations to withstand these restrictions and deliver on their respective mandates is therefore vital. This ability is compromised by a number of factors, such as the professionalismof the organisations; their sustainability and independence; the availability and diversity of their resources; their access to security; the reliability of their communication; their access to community narratives; the strength of their networks; the efficacy of their structure; the support they enjoy; and the capacity they have for collaboration and joint action.
As a response to these needs, the Consortium to Promote Human Rights, Civic Freedoms and Media Development (CHARM) Africa project was initiated in December 2019, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It brings together six regional partners, namely Fojo Media Institute, Wits Journalism, CIVICUS, Civil Rights Defenders, DefendDefenders and Hub Afrique.
With joint actions, the aim is to strengthen coalition building between civil society, media and human rights defenders in sub-Saharan Africa. Theproject facilitates collaborations between existing like-minded organisations, aspiring to meet the growing need for media, civil society and human rights organisations to think strategically and ally with research institutions, policy organisations, thinktanks and actors in the digital sphere who have the ability to contribute with new skills and experiences.
This anthology – PEOPLE POWER TRUTH – is an important part of this ongoing effort. It brings together the ideas of different thinkers in the media space, civil organisations and human rights activists. It is also a starting point for a CHARM think tank that will display good practices and ideas on coalition building.
It is our hope that these articles will serveto stimulate thought and debate and lead to discussions and deliberation between civil society activists, media practitioners, private sector and government representatives on how to engagein coalitions, jointly building democratic and sustainable structures for the well-being of our societies.
Kalmar, Sweden: Fojo: Media Institute , 2021. , p. 88