Hypertension is the most common preventable cause of premature all-cause mortality, primarily from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Individuals with dysglycemia, including prediabetes and diabetes, are at increased risk. Licorice intake raises blood pressure (BP) through the effects of glycyrrhizic acid (GA), but the true limit of safe intake is uncertain. Home BP has several benefits over BP measured at a clinic, including a higher predictive value for CVD. By combining office and home BP, it is possible to diagnose masked hypertension (MH), in which home but not office BP is elevated, and white coat hypertension (WCH), in which office but not home BP is elevated. The aim of this thesis was to advance our knowledge on home BP in relation to dysglycemia, markers of CVD, and licorice intake.
The first 3 papers used data from the Linköping cohort of the prospective Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS). Study IV was a randomized controlled cross-over study. Data was obtained from questionnaires, blood samples and office and home BP measurements. In studies I-III, pulse wave velocity (PWV), coronary artery calcium score (CACS), and carotid artery plaques as markers of CVD were also included.
In Study I, we examined 5025 men and women aged 50-64 years old for the relation between dysglycemia and home BP. Both the systolic office and home BP measurements were positively as-sociated with dysglycemia. Participants with dysglycemia vs normoglycemia more often had MH. The findings were in line with previous research and strengthened the association between dysglycemia and MH.
In Study II, we examined the associations between MH and markers of CVD in 4122 individuals without BP-lowering treatment. Of participants, 4.2% had MH, and these were more often men and had higher BMI than those with normotension. Participants with MH also had higher odds for CACS ≥100, an as-sociation which has previously been suggested as a trend.
In Study III, we examined the relation between soluble P-se-lectin (sP-selectin) as a measure of thrombotic activity, plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) as a measure of inflammation, and home BP in 4548 participants. Both markers were higher in each hypertension phenotype compared with sustained normotension. The quartile of participants with the highest sP-se-lectin values had higher odds for CACS ≥100 and carotid artery plaques. The association between sP-selectin and sustained hyper-tension was novel and not affected by adjustments for hsCRP.
In Study IV, 28 healthy participants aged 18-30 years old were evaluated for the effects of a daily intake of licorice containing 100 mg of GA compared with a control product for 2 weeks. During the licorice intake period, the systolic home BP increased with 3.1 mmHg, and the suppression of serum aldosterone and plasma renin levels indicated that this was due to the licorice intake.
In conclusion, this thesis further strengthens the idea that both home and office BP measurements have values beyond that of the other, and that home BP may be most valuable in individuals with dysglycemia and obesity, and in men. Finally, licorice may be more potent than previously known, suggesting the need for increased awareness.