In Ennius’ Annales, as in other Roman poetry of the third, second, and to some extent first centuries BC, a word-final syllable consisting of a short vowel followed by -s can scan as light even when followed by a word beginning with a consonant. In the Annales, light scansion is the norm in the second part of the foot (thesis), but heavy scansion is found four times. I argue that attempts to emend away these instances of heavy scansion are not founded on strong arguments. Rather, the infrequency of final -s making position in thesis can be put down to the sociolinguistic situation of the time, in which deletion or weakening of final -s co-existed with its presence, with the latter being characteristic of more formal speech
The text starts with a supportive opinion on the concept of the Global East, evaluating it as a convincing and useful tool for the development of critical studies on the so-called post-communist or the second world in a wider global perspective. In the remaining comments, several reasons for possible problems with the broader implementation of the proposed concept are discussed. They include both the resistance which it could encounter in Central and Eastern Europe, and broader, structural reasons why introducing it as a frame parallel to the Global South paradigm may be problematic. Among the examples of similar issues with new theoretical projects, the experience of the complex and not always enthusiastic reception of the post-colonial theory in Poland is briefly discussed.
Polskie wydanie książki Larry’ego Wolffa "Wynalezienie Europy Wschodniej. Mapa cywilizacji w dobie Oświecenia" pojawia się z opóźnieniem ponad ćwierć wieku w stosunku do wydania oryginału. Rzecz to godna ubolewania. Warto zwrócić uwagę, że książka znacznie wcześniej ukazała się w Rosji (2003), a także na Ukrainie (2009). Z drugiej jednak strony opóźnienie ma zaletę, pozwala bowiem jeszcze wyraźniej dostrzec aktualność pracy znanego nowojorskiego historyka.
The text presents an overview ofthe stateof Polish historiographyafter 1989 seen from theperspectiveof the sociologyof science, in particular the so-called criti-cal sociology. It points, firstly, to themain achievements, weaknesses, and potentialdirections for the development of disci-plines, especiallyglobal history; secondly, to the historyofempires, closelyrelated toglobal history; and thirdly, to the studyof the historyofmodernity in its various understandings and forms.
This book revisits the modern history of Poland, from the perspective of its social sciences. The book makes this case study a model for the application of Bourdieu’s approach to the historical analysis of non-core Western societies. The book is, in other words, a reflexive study of the application of Bourdieu’s social theory. At the same time, it also critically studies the application of Western social theory in Poland, which is largely seen as a peripheral country. The study of Polish social sciences, with particular emphasis on linguistics and literary studies, points to the peculiar dynamics of peripheral intellectual and academic fields and their external dependencies. These insights offer a critical extension of Bourdieu’s theory of state and social elites beyond the Western core focusing on how the theories can be used in the reinterpretation and expansion of post-colonial theory, global history and comparative studies of post-communism. The book will be suitable for scholars and students of all those interested in the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu, global historical sociology, societies in Central and Eastern , socio-linguistics, literary studies and political sociology.
This book revisits the modern history of Poland, from the perspective of its social sciences. The book makes this case study a model for the application of Bourdieus approach to the historical analysis of non-core Western societies. The book is, in other words, a reflexive study of the application of Bourdieus social theory. At the same time, it also critically studies the application of Western social theory in Poland, which is largely seen as a peripheral country. The study of Polish social sciences, with particular emphasis on linguistics and literary studies, points to the peculiar dynamics of peripheral intellectual and academic fields and their external dependencies. These insights offer a critical extension of Bourdieus theory of state and social elites beyond the Western core focusing on how the theories can be used in the reinterpretation and expansion of post-colonial theory, global history and comparative studies of post-communism. The book will be suitable for scholars and students of all those interested in the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu, global historical sociology, societies in Central and Eastern, socio-linguistics, literary studies and political sociology
Citizenship is usually seen as a product of modern nation-states, or of other political entities which possess institutional infrastructures and political systems capable of producing a coherent framework that defines the relationship between that system and its members. In this paper, we show that an early system of modern citizenship was created in the absence of a formal state, notably by the cultural elite of a stateless nation. The Polish case illustrates that an elite may become a dominant class in the given society only later, and institutionalize that early citizenship system within the framework of a newly founded state. As a result of the legacy of the emergence of citizenship predating the restoration of statehood, the contemporary Polish citizenship model is influenced by a strong and largely overlooked cultural component that emerged at the turn of the 19th century. This model uses the figure of the intelligentsia member as its ideal citizen. Despite the dramatic political and economic changes in the decades which have passed since its emergence, this cultural frame, which was institutionalized during the interwar period, still defines the key features of the Polish citizenship model. Consequently, we argue that the culturalization of citizenship is hardly a new phenomenon. It can be seen as a primary mechanism in the formation of civic polities within the imperial context. Moreover, it shows that such processes can have many ambiguous aspects as far as their Orientalizing forces of exclusion are concerned.
The article is an attempt at a fairly detailed analysis of TV series "A Forty-Year-Old " in its first edition from the 1970s. The text proposes an interpretation of the film from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu's theory, and in particular reconstructs the social space of the film's protagonists, which consists of, in particular, the intelligentsia elite, the nomenklatura, lower intelligentsia and medium technical personnel. In the picture outlined by the authors of the film, the role of the intelligentsia, in particular its multi-generation, old elite, is dominant. This vision does not fully agree with the real place of the intelligentsia in Poland of the Gierek era. For this reason the film is interpreted by the authors of the article as a voice of the scriptwriters in favor of the appreciation of the intelligentsia, both in respect of the lower technical staff and the part of the nomenclature less rich in cultural capital. The interpretative framework proposed in the text seems useful for the analysis of other works of art in relation to the reconstruction of social relations of the times when they were created.
Visual literacy takes for granted that humans are the main perceivers and decipherers of visual stimuli into meaningful information. The focus of this paper is to introduce the idea of a non-anthropocentric visual literacy and explore how it could help us better understand the myriad species that coexist with humans on Earth, their interactions with one another, and our interactions with them. Our work attempts to visualize the world beyond our vision — in the infrared and the ultraviolet. Using photography, we have imaged our world to translate what is visible to non-humans into the visible for humans. The information contained in these images reveals “hidden stories” about how organisms interact and make decisions, perhaps helping us to envision a more responsible future not only for our own species but also for the tens of millions of other species with whom we share the Earth. In sum, we propose that learning to see the world as other organisms do should be a part of visual literacy study and practice.
Recent years have seen a rise in the number of sociological, anthropological, and ethnological works on the gift metaphor in organ donation contexts, as well as in the number of philosophical and theological analyses of giving and generosity, which has been mirrored in the ethical debate on organ donation. In order to capture the breadth of this field, four frameworks for thinking about bodily exchanges in medicine have been distinguished: property rights, heroic gift-giving, sacrifice, and gift-giving as aporia. Unfortunately, they all run into difficulties in terms of both making sense of the relational dimensions of postmortem and live organ donations and being normatively adequate in the sense of shedding light and providing guidance on ethical concerns when body parts are donated. For this reason, this article presents a phenomenological framework of giving-through-sharing, based on Maurice Merleau-Pontys philosophy. This framework makes sense of relational dimensions of postmortem and live organ donation. It also sheds light on three highly debated concerns in organ donation ethics: indebtedness on the part of recipients, the fact that some live donors do not experience donation as a matter of choice, and the potentially painful experience of donors relatives, who need to make decisions about postmortem organ donation at a time of bereavement. It can indirectly support what may be called a normalization of bodily exchanges in medicine.
The Spring Persistent Rains (SPR) and the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) are the two dominant rainfall systems in East Asia, providing together a majority of annual rainfall in southeastern China (SEC). Since observational data in SEC were mostly unavailable until the 1950s, proxy records that are capable of capturing the SPR and ASM variations are required to examine the long-term co-variability patterns between them. Tree-ring earlywood and latewood δ18O records in SEC were found to respond to relative humidity (RH) during the SPR and ASM seasons, respectively, allowing us, for the first time, to reconstruct the RH changes of SPR and ASM back to 1801. The two reconstructions can explain 44.9 % and 42.3 % of the instrumental variance. We observed a long-lasting wet epoch in the 1920s–60s for both the SPR and ASM, caused by a peak in the land–ocean thermal contrast. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) were found to be the two leading tropical systems that modulated the SPR and ASM co-variability. During a period with weakened ENSO variance, the RH of SPR and ASM showed in-phase changes driven by the ITCZ. However, when the ENSO variance became strengthened, the co-variability collapsed since the ENSO can offset the influence of the ITCZ via teleconnections.
On the basis of a model-theoretic analysis of the polysemy of the Dutch adverb terug (covering ‘back’ and ‘again’) and its partial synonyms, a semantic map is constructed that (i) explains how backward direction in space relates to repetition in time and what role counterdirectionality plays in that relation, (ii) integrates, in a semantically motivated way, various meanings that have been identified in separate strands of research, and (iii) allows polysemous items living in this domain to have a coherent semantic basis.
We approach the semantics of prepositions from the perspective of conceptual spaces. Focusing on purely spatial locative and directional prepositions, we analyze both types of prepositions in terms of polar coordinates instead of Cartesian coordinates. This makes it possible to demonstrate that the property of convexity holds quite generally in the domain of prepositions of location and direction, supporting the important role that this property plays in conceptual spaces.
Evolutionary conflicts of interest occur at all levels, scales and forms of biological organization. They are a fundamental component of the living world and range from conflicts between genetic elements and cells, to conflicts between the sexes and between competing individuals. Yet, the existence of admirably well functioning genomes, bodies, mating pairs and societies suggests that processes must exist to resolve or mitigate such conflicts. We organized this special feature 'The resolution of evolutionary conflicts within species' to encourage the flow of knowledge between fields that traditionally have often taken different approaches to study evolutionary conflicts. Contributed papers discuss data from bacteria, plants and animals (including humans) and present theory, molecular mechanisms and population dynamics of how conflicts are resolved in nature. Together, they contribute to a synthetic theory of conflict resolution.
La plupart des termes du langage ordinaire sont vagues, au sens où les règles de leur usage ne permettent pas de leur assigner une limite d’application claire et déterminée. À partir de quelle taille peut-on dire d’un individu qu’il est grand? Quelle quantité d’une grandeur suffit à dire « beaucoup »? Il ne semble pas exister de réponse bien définie à ces questions. La frontière semble inévitablement floue et variable selon le contexte et le locuteur. Le vague a été mis en évidence dès l’Antiquité avec le paradoxe du tas de blé, ou sorite, qui demande combien de grains de blé sont requis pour faire un tas. Loin d’être un simple cas d’école, le vague est un problème courant qui affecte la signification des catégories juridiques (à quel moment un fœtus devient-il une personne?) mais aussi scientifiques (quelles propriétés font d’un corps céleste une planète?).
L’objet de ce livre est d’expliquer la nature et l’origine du vague dans le langage. Il vise notamment à élucider la question de savoir si le vague est une forme d’ignorance de faits déterminés, ou s’il s’agit d’un phénomène distinct, inhérent à la constitution du sens linguistique.
This article explores how the political ideal of data interacts with the legal entitlement of autonomy in the care of pregnant people guided by feminist theory and critical approaches to data. Using Scandinavian legislation and administrative practice, it analyses how the presence or absence of data, namely scientific evidence, interacts with pregnant people’s legal autonomy in healthcare. Data –particularly scientific evidence - is shown as something that is not neutral but open to interpretation and misappropriation. First, administrative complaints illustrate that not only a lack of scientific studies on pregnant people but also patriarchal attitudes have implications for care. Second, Scandinavian legislation authorizes the involuntary detention of pregnant drug users despite an absence of evidence supporting such drastic actions. Third, complaints bodies are found to frame injury to pregnant bodies as a natural consequence of birth, despite clear evidence as to the duties of healthcare professionals in preventing harm. A relational approach that sees the pregnant body and fetus as integrated though quintessentially unequal is needed. Evidence is not the only answer; an approach that recognizes the dignity of pregnant people must be central. This requires eliminating coercion, recognizing the pregnant patient as the decision maker in healthcare choices and prizing the birthing patient’s voice as a valuable data source.
Discrimination in healthcare is a pervasive issue faced by patients, affecting their access to treatment and overall well-being. This article examines the forms of healthcare discrimination recognised by Scandinavian equality boards through a comparative analysis of their decisions. While social science studies have established the existence of discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, and age, proving such discrimination in legal terms poses significant challenges. An analysis of board decisions reveals that patients face barriers in establishing legally actionable discrimination, as perceived discriminatory conduct may not meet the criteria for legal claims. Additionally, equality boards are often hesitant to intervene in medical decision-making processes, further complicating the path to legal recourse. Lack of evidentiary support, especially in cases of unconscious bias, makes it difficult for some patients to substantiate claims of discrimination. The findings underscore the complexities of addressing healthcare discrimination through legal means. To effectively combat discrimination, there is a need to clarify the goals of discrimination law in the healthcare context and consider its future application within the broader context of human rights and equality.