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  • 1801.
    Udén, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Tekniskt sett av kvinnor: kvinnors examensarbeten på civil- och bergsingenjörsutbildningarna Tekniska Högskolan i Luleå 1971-19932000Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Avhandlingen är en monografi uppbyggd kring frågan ”Vad är teknik?”. Syftet är att skapa inblick om teknik sett ur kvinnors perspektiv. Hur ser resultaten av kvinnliga ingenjörers arbete ut? Vi vet oerhört lite om detta! Det är också ett viktigt delprojekt att pröva möjligheterna till en utveckling av feminismens forskande om teknologi, ingenjörsarbete, och kvinnor som tekniker, till feministisk forskning inom det tekniska området och civilingenjörsyrket. Utgångspunkten är att det är yrkets redskap (antaganden, symbolsystem, procedurer) som måste omskapas om yrket ska förändras. Är något sådant möjligt? I avhandlingen, som främst baseras på kvalitativa metoder refereras till källmaterial enligt följande: Examensarbeten med kvinnliga teknologer som författare, Tekniska Högskolan i Luleå (LuTH) 1971-1993. Studie av struktur och innehåll som helhet och med avseende på text, grafik och bild utförd 1994-1999. Studien inkluderar sammanställning av källförteckning. Intervjuer kring examensarbeten, teknik och yrke: nio kvinnor utbildade vid Tekniska Högskolan i Luleå 1971-1993. Två till tre gånger upprepade individuella intervjuer utförda hösten och vintern 1996-1997. Intervjuerna fokuserade mot innebörd i examensarbetets innehåll och utförande, sett och kontextualiserat genom olika tids- och livsloppsperspektiv. Ovanstående egna forskningsmaterial kompletteras av litteraturstudier angående civilingenjörsyrket med avseende på kvinnors inträde och andel, samt angående Tekniska Högskolan i Luleå, dess tillkomst och institutionella samt lokala kontext. Avhandlingen studerar uttryckssätt och innehåll i examensarbetenas titlar och illustrationer. Examensarbetenas titlar visar på vissa språkliga preferenser; en inriktning mot språklig specialisering, ett flitigt användande av specialbenämningar och omnämnandet av områdesspecifika artefakter.Det finns några saker som inte ingår i examensarbetenas titlar, men som annars är vanliga bland människor att tala om och att skriftligt notera: anknytning i tid, plats och till människor. Språkbruket är torrt och sakligt; neutralt. Orden bra och dåligt eller dess synonymer står inte att finna i examensarbetenas titlar. Men detta innebär inte att värdeanknytningar saknas; områdesspecifika (subkulturella) värdemeddelanden finns, och mest frekvent förmedlas dessa genom benämningar av artefakter och anknytande till organisationer.Bland examensarbetena och mest frekvent i examensarbetenas omslagsillustrationer finns också vad som kan betraktas som utmaningar mot och omdefinitioner av vad teknik ”är”. Speciellt illustrationerna erbjuder en teknisk pluralism, som visar på olika sätt att tolka hur den utbildade teknikerns representation av problembilder och verklighet ska utformas. Genom de matematiska, grafiska och av metall tillverkade artefakter som dominerar i examensarbetena är de kvinnliga luleåteknologernas examensarbeten ansatser till en omtolkning av kvinnlighet. Exempelvis examensarbetet Noshjulstyrning till JAS 39 Gripen är inte originellt till sin art som examensarbete. Men som benämning för en kvinnas arbete, och som egenidentifikation av en kvinna, är det en omtolkning av kön. Ramarna inom vilka omtolkningarna sker, sätter dock frågetecken för hur de ska förstås. Den tekniska kompetensen och kontakten med den tekniska fronten har historiskt spridits bland män i nätverk av både formella och informella sammanhang och relationer. Det finns ytterst få tecken i intervjuer och examensarbeten som tyder på en interaktion bland kvinnorna med sammanhang utanför de organisationer som redan äger en hög tekniknivå; arbetsgivarna. Självständighetssträvan genom den tekniska kompetensen kanaliseras i överväldigande hög grad på ett till arbetsgivarna knutet sätt, och intervjuerna ger inte anledning att tro att avgörande förändringar sker i formell utbildning så att kvinnor i teknisk utbildning integreras i dessa informella sammanhang. Bilden blir att det kvinnliga teknikerskapet innebär något relativt insnävat och institutionellt kontrollerat. Tecken på teknikspridning till och genom informella relationer, eller sett till de tekniska institutionerna nyskapade relationer, förekommer i det som intervjuerna berättar, men endast sparsamt. Detta skulle kunna förklaras med en begränsad tillgång till mäns informella tekniska relationer (men där en förtrogenhet med mopeder, bilar osv ger tillhörighet), tillsammans med att kvinnor inte har egna informella teknikrelationer. I inget fall har ett examensarbete skrivits av minoritetsperson på något av de minoritetsspråk som har regional hemvist i Luleås omnejd. Också på andra sätt framstår Luleå Norrbotten och norra Norrland mest genom sin frånvaro; platserna och deras människor och människornas kulturer och språk blir underligt frånvarande i den regionalpolitiska etableringen ”Tekniska Högskolan i Luleå”. En tystnad om platsen Luleå i den tekniska praktiken på LuTH, står i kontrast till hur aktivt de intervjuade kvinnorna förhåller sig till platser, och hur icke utbytbara de olika platserna är i deras berättelser.

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  • 1802.
    Udén, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    The impact of women on engineering: a study of female engineering students' thesis topics2002In: International Journal of Engineering Education, ISSN 0949-149X, Vol. 18, no 4, p. 458-464Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    With a focus on technological practice, this paper detects and discusses changes that arose-or did not arise-as Swedish women entered engineering across a broader front. For this analysis, quantitative and qualitative data are related. A specifically new empirical source for the purpose of gender and technology studies is explored and described, namely M.Sc. theses by women engineering students. The conclusion is that the technology displayed in the women's theses does not differ from engineering science in general.

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  • 1803.
    Udén, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Told by the titles: gender and regional aspects of Luleå university of technology2007Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 1804.
    Udén, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Två ingenjörsarbeten1998In: Kvinnoforskningsnytt : nyhetsblad från Centrum för kvinnoforskning, Luleå tekniska universitet, ISSN 1401-5390, no 3, p. 4-8Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 1805.
    Udén, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    What does the word technology mean?: interviews with five Swedish women who ar engineers1996In: Advances in applied ergonomics.: proceedings of the 1st international conference on applied ergonomics / [ed] Ahmet F Özok; Gavriel Salvendy, Istanbul: USA Publ. Corp. , 1996Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 1806.
    Udén, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Women and ICT development in the arctic2007In: Technology, Social Process and Gender in the Information Society: February 5-6, 2007 in Mysore, India, IT for change , 2007Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 1807.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Andersson, Maria
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Health Sciences, Gemensamt HLV.
    Jansson, Anna
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Vård- och omsorgspersonal medverkar i teknikutveckling modell: vägen till en rimlig modell2015Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Användarmedverkan i teknikutveckling kan både ses utifrån demokratiska potentialer och som en kommersiell investering – ett sätt att förkorta ledtid från idé till produkt. Användarmedverkan kan också uppfattas som ett sätt att kvalitetssäkra en utvecklingsprocess. Inom vård och omsorg involveras idag vårdtagare, anhöriga och vårdgivare i en ”boom” kring eHälsa och digitala applikationer och tjänster för vård och omsorg. Det vi kallar en ”boom” kan förväntas sträcka sig över ett antal år innan branschen stabiliserats. Inom denna ”boom” har – med offentliga aktörer som påskyndare – ”användarmedverkan” i teknikutveckling från vård- och omsorgspersonalens sida närmast institutionaliserats. Frågan är, i tidens vurm för deltagande och bottom-upprocesser, hur ”användarens” intressen tillvaratas när deltagande blir en arbetsuppgift? Och vilka är ”användarens” intressen? Deltagande, även kallad interaktiv forskning (med flera begrepp) innehåller instruktioner för demokratiska förhållningssätt, som ger utrymme för den senare frågan att besvaras i varje konkret sammanhang. Men kriterierna för att tillämpa de här instruktionerna är inte med nödvändighet uppfyllda i den stora gruppen forsknings- och innovationsprojekt där personal ”på golvet” involveras. Med (semi)institutionaliseringen av deltagande metoder flyttar den springande punkten från att röra forsknings- och utvecklingsmetod till arbetsorganisation, och här specifikt hur vård- och omsorgspersonalens deltagande organiseras. Vi är här intresserade av hur ”medverkan” i teknikutveckling inom vård och omsorg hanteras idag – och hur den bör hanteras om man ser till vård/omsorgspersonalens intressen. Till att börja med är det värdefullt att skapa en plattform för problematisering, och syftet med vårt inlägg här är att föreslå en sådan modell.

  • 1808.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Doria, Avri
    Technology producers meeting indigenous users: the case of Sámi network connectivity2007In: International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, ISSN 1462-4605, E-ISSN 1741-5004, Vol. 6, no 6, p. 693-705Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper we use the case of an internet connectivity project in Scandinavia, Sámi Network Connectivity (SNC), as a means to investigate the impulses which designing a network for a semi nomadic population, gives to network design, and to policy making. Thus, we regard the diffusion of innovations as something, which affects not only the culture of technology users but also that of technology producers. Manuel Castells argues that the cultural heritage imprinted in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector's technical design and social organisation has developed as a result of interaction between large, hierarchical institutions on the one hand and the radical thinking of the 1960s on the other and. The conceptual congruence between internet experts and the user community displayed in SNC may so be explained. We suggest that due to discourses that surrounded senior ICT professionals during their youth, there is a preparation for a nomadic scenario within the ICT sector as such.

  • 1809.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Doria, Avri
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences.
    Näslund, John
    Fransson, Barbro
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences.
    Project: Networking for Communications Challenged Communities: Architecture, Test Beds and Innovative Alliances2008Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 1810.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Doria, Avri
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Theodorsen, Arne-Wilhelm
    Luleå University of Technology.
    Sjursen, Sigurd
    Luleå University of Technology.
    Anywhere? Anytime?: the Northern challenge to ICT developers2006In: ICT - tools for providing information, advice and services for rural SMEs?: seminar proceedings / [ed] Anne Matilainen, Aleksanteri Institute , 2006, p. 50-56Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 1811.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Grøttum, Karl Johan
    Sjursen, Sigurd
    Realizing delay tolerant networking as access enabler: services arizing in new realms and the driving applications2009Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    There are many locations that are not within reach, or at least not within affordable reach, of the optical fibres, copper cables, radio waves or even satellite links that make up the physical infrastructure of the world's networks. This makes a true challenge for the Future Internet. One of the new technologies currently being investigated as one possible enabler is Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN), the future standardization of which is prepared in the DTN research group, DTNRG, within the realms of IETF/IRTF. Providing applications that exploit these advances is generally perceived as vital to getting these advances out into the field. It is a reasonable assumption that the applications that are the presently most used in the "normal" internet will continue to be of most importance also in hitherto not ICT covered areas. But, for local SMEs the rational may rather be development of specialized services that increase the efficiency and market potentials for their activities in remote locations.

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  • 1812.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Jimenez-Leube, Javier
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
    Zazo-Bello, Santiago
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
    Gonzalez-Bris, Carlos
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
    Guillén, Javier
    Albentia Systems, S.A..
    Temporary access for nomadic scenarios: comparison of established and experimental solutions for extraordinary socio-economic settings in southern and northernmost Europe2009Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 1813.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Johansson, Anders W.
    Mälardalens högskola.
    A critical perspective on equality and innovation assessment and measurement2008In: 2008 International Council for Small Business World Conference: June 22-25 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, ICSB , 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
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  • 1814.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Johansson, Anders W.
    Mälardalens högskola.
    Lindberg, Malin
    Stenmark, Lina
    Mälardalens högskola.
    Lyftet: forskning om kvinnors företagande och initiativ i innovationssystem2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Slutrapport för projektet Lyftet. Lyftet har haft sin bas i två forskningsmiljöer, en vid Luleå tekniska universitet och en vid Mälardalens högskola. Vid båda dessa miljöer har man sedan ett flertal år bedrivit forskning kring, och även konkret utvecklingssamarbete med, lokala projekt och initiativ där kvinnor haft drivande roller i innovationsinriktat arbete, med bas i norra Norrland, Södermanland och Västmanland. Slutrapporten - som är kort och håller fram huvuddragen i Lyftets resultat - är uppdelad så att var och en av projektets fyra forskare haft några sidor till förfogande att själv bestämma innehållet. Projektets forskare har olika bakgrund, och har delvis intresserat sig för olika vägar att teoretisera Lyftets forskningsmaterial. Mångfalden i stil och perspektiv stimulerar till vidare utveckling. För mer fylliga vetenskapliga och debatterande resultatredovisningar finns läshänvisningar till publicerade och i några fall kommande publikationer inklusive två doktorsavhandlingar som planeras till 2010. Rapportens teman är; Information och brist på information; Kvinnor, teknik och innovationssystem; Uppväga eller spä på marknadens brister?: Samhällets roll i teori och praktik; Entreprenörskapsdiskursens historiska rötter; Behovet av en kritisk emancipatorisk forskning; Prioriteringsmönster i Sveriges innovationspolitik; Resurscentrum som innovationssystem; Quattro helix; Innovationsinnehåll; Att synliggöra andra perspektiv; I skärningspunkten mellan tre perspektiv; Mätande i fokus; Intersektionalitet

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  • 1815.
    Udén, Maria K.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Implementing feminist theory in engineering: obstacles within the gender studies tradition2017In: European Journal of Engineering Education, ISSN 0304-3797, E-ISSN 1469-5898, Vol. 42, no 3, p. 336-348Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Scholars have noted that there is hesitation to utilise findings from gender studies in engineering education. Issues within gender studies may be part of the matching problem. Debates concerning two concepts for new engineering paradigms are investigated: care and heterogeneity. Their appeals and the respective complications which they tend to be associated with are revisited. Two examples are explored in detail. The tensions revealed lead to the contents of technical work. More social sciences content in engineering education is sometimes suggested, as a way to support more humane approaches. But, if the calculations that decide how many bolts of what dimension are to be put where are ‘masculinist reductionism’, it still remains that someone will have to do those calculations. Is emphasis on social issues really what we want from engineers?

  • 1816.
    Udén, Maria
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Martín, Ana Maria
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
    Future Internet scenarios to further the art of feminist technology creation2013Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 1817. Uhlin, I.
    et al.
    Hänninger, A.
    Samuelsson, Björn
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Framtidens rörläggning: en studie av förbättrade åtgärder vid ledningsarbeten : [FoU rapport]1994Report (Other academic)
  • 1818.
    Vadelius, Elin
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Huvudräkning eller strukturförändring?: integrering av jämställdhet i utvecklingspartnerskap inom Equal2008Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This licentiate thesis deals with how meanings of gender equality are constructed in development partnerships in Sweden, and how these constructions affect gender relations in working life. The study's focus is on four partnerships funded by Equal: a political programme which was conducted in the European Union between 2000-2007, in order to counteract discrimination on the labour market and in working life. In the partnerships of the study, several organizations cooperated to develop projects within education and in working life. According to the Swedish policy programme for Equal, all partnerships should work actively to give men and women equal access to education and labour and to change unequal power relations (i.e. gender mainstreaming) More specific research questions are: How do actors within the studied partnerships describe problems of differentiation and polarization on the Swedish labour market, and how do they analyse these questions from a gender perspective? Which strategies are formulated by the partnerships to increase gender equality, and what understanding of gender relations do they depart from? To what extent do the strategies question or reproduce gender structures on the labour market? The empirical base consists of documents from the studied partnerships, interviews with coordinators and project leaders, and observations made during meetings and workshops which where arranged by the partnerships. The empirical material was collected from October 2006 to February 2008 and is analysed from a critical point of view, inspired by discourse analysis and methods for deconstruction of policy proposals. The analysis shows that in the studied partnerships ‘gender equality' was reduced to quantitative aspects, i.e. to have equal numbers of men and women in projects and working groups, while qualitative aspects about power, norms and values were marginalised. Gender equality was also constructed as a question of helping women to cope and navigate more effective on the labour market, while obscuring the structures which leads to unequal working conditions. Some actors acknowledged there being unequal power relations between men and women, and ambitions to change this were expressed in documents and in interviews. But as awareness and knowledge about the gender order varied between different actors in the same partnerships, common strategies were difficult to develop. Some of the difficulties can also be explained by unequal power relations among actors within the partnerships, and resistance to challenge the gender order. As a result, this may contribute to reproduce rather than change power relations and the unequal working conditions of men and women in working life.

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  • 1819.
    Vadelius, Elin
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Livslångt lärande - i spänningsfältet mellan empowerment och disciplinering?2007In: HSS 07: högskolor och samhälle i smaverkan 8-11 maj i Jönköping, Högskolan i Jönköping , 2007, p. 16-Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 1820.
    Van Dal, Victor H.P.
    et al.
    Edge Hill University.
    Wass, Malin
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    First- and Second-Language Learnability Explained by Orthographic Depth and Orthographic Learning: A 'Natural' Scandinavian Experiment2017In: Scientific Studies of Reading, ISSN 1088-8438, E-ISSN 1532-799X, Vol. 21, no 1, p. 46-59Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Effects of orthographic depth on orthographic learning ability were examined in 10- to 13-year-old children who learnt to read in similar orthographies differing in orthographic depth, defined as consistency of grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences. Danish children who learnt to read a deep orthography underperformed their Swedish counterparts who acquired a shallow orthography on vocabulary, phonological working memory, orthographic learning ability, and a range of first-language (L1: Danish/Swedish) and second-language (L2: English as a foreign language) measures. Orthographic learning ability explained over and above vocabulary and phonological working memory the better performance of Swedish children in comparison with Danish children on L1 reading accuracy and fluency, spelling, and visual word familiarity. With respect to L2 learning, orthographic learning ability determined spelling and visual word familiarity over and above L2 vocabulary and phonological working memory. It is concluded that shallow orthographies promote orthographic learning ability more efficiently than deep orthographies.

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  • 1821.
    Vinberg, Stig
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Health and performance in small enterprises: studies of organizational determinants and change strategy2006Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The present thesis focuses on relations between work organizational factors and outcomes related to health and performance, and how these factors and outcomes are related to change strategies in small enterprises. Reasons for this work are the growing interest in entrepreneurship, small business development, statements to the effect that small enterprises lack adequate resources and competence needed for successful management of workplace change processes and fragmented small business research about mentioned relations. The thesis comprises four empirical studies with a total sample of 118 small enterprises and 50 small public workplaces that include a total of 1206 co-workers and leaders, and one more theoretically based study. Data was collected by the use of questionnaires, structured interviews and by register sources about economical outputs. Correlation analyses presented in Paper II showed strong or rather strong relationships between the outcome indicators related to health and performance. The relations between these outcomes and indicators of assumed determinant organizational factors resulted in a rather large number of relationships (Paper I, II and V). A general result is that there are more strong relationships between determinants and performance than between determinants and health. However, there are strong relations between, on the one hand, leadership indicators and team spirit and, on the other hand, health. Structural analyses in two studies presented in Paper I and II resulted in the identification of six components. Thus, it was possible to group indicators into larger "bundles" which have similarities to some results for larger enterprises. In one study (Paper II), analyses using multidimensional scaling resulted in a grouping of enterprises with high positions versus enterprises with low positions on two main dimensions. Results in one study (Paper IV) showed that studied micro-enterprises attached less priority to goals related to workplace health and work organization compared to the studied public workplaces. The micro- enterprises attached more priority to goals connected with the physical working environment, production and quality development. In another study (Paper V) different change strategy approaches were studied with a longitudinal design. The results concerning changes of determinants and outcomes, after versus before workplace related interventions indicates that change processes with a broad learning strategy and high top management involvement can apply to small enterprises, and help to improve their health and performance. This is partly in line with the discussion in Paper III about the need of integrated planning and participative approaches in workplace change processes. The thesis findings point at the importance of organizational factors and health related aspects for small business development.

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  • 1822.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    A shift from an early labour market entry to a late qualified arrival: adolescents and the Swedish labour market 1976 - 20062007In: Researching work and learning: 5th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning (RWL5) : Conference proceedings, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-5 December 2007., Bellville, South Africa: University of the Western Cape , 2007Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 1823.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Fler till arbete2006Report (Other academic)
  • 1824.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Fler till studier: redovisning av enkätstudie2006Report (Other academic)
  • 1825.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Frihet att välja som alla andra2007In: Redovisning av erfarenheter från projekt Jag skär: resande seminarium om ungas psykiska ohälsa, Västerås: Maskinen förlag , 2007, p. 17-20Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 1826.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Social empowerment of young people in the Barents region2006In: Youth in the Barents region: a lottery win or bad luck, 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 1827.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Ung i Jokkmokk: lokal uppföljning av ungdomspolitik2007Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Lokal uppföljning av ungdomspolitiken (LUPP) är ett nationellt projekt som omfattar samtliga kommuner i landet. Till dags dato har omkring 70 kommuner låtit genomföra lokala uppföljningar ( ) Syftet med de lokala LUPP är att "kommunerna på ett enkelt sätt [kan] öka sina kunskaper om ungdomar" (Ungdomsstyrelsen 2006, s.3) och att svaren från enkätundersökningen ska "användas som underlag för politiska beslut och för att utveckla ungdomspolitiken" (aa. s. 6). Undersökningarna administreras av Ungdomsstyrelsen som erbjuder kommunen en statistikportal för enklare statistikuttag kring områden av relevans för de enskilda kommunerna. Utöver det fattar varje enskild kommun beslut om man vill låta genomföra en fördjupad analys av utfallet för den egna kommunen. För det arbetet rekommenderas att anlita forskare eller konsult inom området. I och med att samma enkät används i flera olika kommuner finns det goda möjligheter att etablera en fördjupad analys sett till förhållanden i olika kommuner. Inom ramen för detta uppdrag finns dock inte utrymme för att göra denna typ av analyser. Denna studie kommer bara att indirekt beröra i vilken utsträckning och på vilket sätt som Jokkmokks kommun ansluter sitt ungdomspolitiska arbete till den nationella ungdomspolitiken så som den formulerats i propositionen "Makt att bestämma - rätt till välfärd" (Proposition 2004/05: 2). Detta sker genom återkopplingar till andra utredningar som särskilt uppmärksammat den nationella målsättningarna (se t.ex. FOKUS 05 samt till Ung 2003. Fördjupad analys av den nationella ungdomspolitiken). I huvudsak ger denna enkätredovisning en deskriptiv bild av ungdomars liv och värderingar i Jokkmokks kommun under vintern 2006/07. Med en deskriptiv analys avses att beskriva utfallet snarare än att tolka det och att länka det till vidare perspektiv, ungdoms- och annan socialvetenskaplig forskning.

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  • 1828.
    Waara, Peter
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Utanför arbetslivet i arbetssamhället2007In:, Luleå: NTG-lär , 2007, p. 1-7Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 1829. Waara, Peter
    et al.
    Abrahamsson, Lena
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Österberg, Lars
    Alltjämt många manliga män2006Report (Other academic)
  • 1830. Waara, Peter
    et al.
    Berglund, Leif
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Soudunsaari, Leena
    Koskimäki, Ville
    How people regard the mine establishment in Kaunisvaara, Tapuli and Hannukainen areas2008Report (Other academic)
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  • 1831.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Does IT count?: complexities between access to and use of information technologies among Uganda's farmers2010Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Drawn from a year of ethnographic fieldwork among farmers in Uganda, this study engages with developing an understanding on how access to and use of media and information technologies are negotiated in their separate profiles. Oftentimes the two entities, access and use, are laminated into one statistical representation, depicting both terms as either use or access. However, these terms are nodal points in two discourses and should not by necessity be understood as one. Media and information technologies in the current study refer to computers/internet and mobile phones which are situated in the information technologies part of the phrase. Radios, newspapers and television form part of the media phrase. Access to information carries similar weight as having access to other crucial resources such as land and capital for the farmer, which is why media and information technologies which have the ability to deliver information in real time are encouraged for Uganda's farmers by development efforts.Agriculture is Uganda's economic bedrock and is a practice that Ugandans identify with. Situating a study of access to and use of media and information technologies in this sector may give an indication of the diffusion process of the media and information technologies among Ugandans. Uganda like other developing regions are encouraged to adapt the use of media and information technologies, particularly the Internet, in light of the socioeconomic progress, associated with the ability to use the information from this medium towards self-progression. This study is partly motivated by the requests for more studies that give an indication to what level socioeconomic progress can be measured in line with access to information from media and information technologies. The methods that informed this research include interviews, observations, survey research methods and focus group discussions. Farmers in the eastern, northern and central regions of Uganda informed this research. The farmers were initially asked what information sources were available to them with regards to their farming practices. This question produced a range of responses and from the responses an indication of where farmers locate media and information technologies was analysed. It was also possible to discern that a positive influence on the farming practices can be traced to use of information from the media and information technologies. From the descriptions given by the farmers as well as the observations made, the social environment in which the media and information technologies operate is influential towards the farmer's relationship with the technology. As farmers' negotiated access and use in very innovative ways in light of the fact that the communications infrastructure is still developing specific relations with the technologies emerged. For example the search for signals for radios and mobile phones in some of the rural areas may require tree-climbing or going up a hill. Women are culturally barred from some of these practices deemed to be uncouth and unflattering for the pious nature of women. The technologies for which signals must be sought gain an inherently masculine symbolism to which women enjoy limited associations. In this case having access to the physical device, may not always result in women being able to use the radio or mobile phone. Critically analysing access in this way also brings to question who a user is. Because access and use require various social negotiations, this brings forth the understanding that technology is culturally embedded. The current research gives specific focus to gender, at the same time as it is acknowledged that gender intersects with other social categories such as age and ethnicity and aims to contribute to studies that give attention to the cultural embeddedness of gender and technology from a development perspective.

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  • 1832.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    'I have to show an "I can" attitude': social enactments of gender and technology in mobile telephony communication practices2010Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Intentional Missed calling referred to as beeping through the mobile phone, is a phenomenon that has taken the African continent by storm. Giving specific attention to relational beeps, this study analyses the practice through an intersectional theoretical lens, revealing a practice deeply imbued with social categorical orders. A year of ethnographic study in Uganda (2008) informed this study. Document analyses and twenty-three conversational interviews with friends, family and acquaintances with whom rapport had been established socio-culturally contextualised the rules associated with the practice prior to qualitative interviews with fifty three university students and recent graduates (20-28). Targeting young dating couples the focus on gender highlights complex rules to the practice that may deter some of the informants in this study from beeping. The same informants basing on other social relationships such as kinships can be found to engage in the same activity. Beeping is therefore a multilayered exercise that each individual at some socio-relational level engages in. It is the relationship to the beep recipient that negotiates this practice. The current study offers as a contribution to existing beeping analyses, an intersectional understanding of this practice. This study differs from previous beeping research, by analysing different gender-based negotiations that confront beeping practices. Mapping local, diverse expressions of masculinities and femininities at the intersection of beeping activities the study offers some recommendations on how Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in general can be useful signals of understanding sociological order.

  • 1833.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Internet governance: a gender and development perspective2008In: Genus i norrsken, ISSN 1654-7640, Vol. 1, no 1, p. 15-19Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 1834.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Lived experiences of technology: challenging statistical representations with impact indicators in data on internet use in Swaziland2009In: Current strands of thought and work in progress at the division for Gender and Technology, Luleå: Luleå tekniska universitet, 2009, p. 51-75Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 1835.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Migrating to the information society: Swazi women's lived experiences of technology2007In: 2007 Annual meeting : Society for Social Studies of Science: October 11-13, Montreal, Canada, 2007, p. 572-Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Within development, Gender and Information Communication Technologies (ICT)contextualizes feminist cultural studies. For Swaziland, a small kingdom in SouthernAfrica, gender and ICT is approached from the perspective of empowering those whohave no access or are impaired by some social or other impediment. My researchdiffracts from this angle and instead focuses on those who are using technology, andanalyses their experiences with the hindsight of enlightening future projects on how tobest lure more offline social actors to migrate to the information society.The study of Gender and Technology has produced interesting analogies that havecreated what theorists such as Berg & Lie (1995) call constructive tensions within genderand technology studies from a science and technology studies (STS) perspective.Theorists such as Everts Saskia (1998), Cockburn (1994) and Butler (1990) have beenuseful in analysing the different relationship women have with technology.Researching/analysing the gender and technology relationship from a developmentperspective, I have not so much focused on women being denied access due to varioussocial impediments such as their gender role requirements, illiteracy, poverty and theirsocial standings. I look at women who are using technology, women who are embracingICT use, to understand the unique relationship women in Swaziland have with ICTspecifically women graduates in professional jobs. It is my aim to diffract from theobvious notion of women being gendered and hence experiencing hardships because of it.

  • 1836.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    New approaches to gender and technology studies from a development perspective: women's lived experiences of technology in Swaziland2007In: Science & Technology in Society: An interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference: March 31 - April 1, 2007, Washington DC, 2007Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 1837.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    New approaches to gender and technology studies from a development perspective: women's lived experiences of technology in Swaziland2007Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 1838.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Social role of academic networks towards emerging information societies: Swaziland as a case study2006In: Open access 2006: 4th International Workshop on Open Access, Stockholm, 12-14 December 2006, 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Even with education, women in Swaziland continue to face social barriers that impact their level of use or enjoyment of Information Communication Technologies. Development of an ‘all inclusive' knowledge based society in Swaziland may only become a reality if the social and cultural experiences of the local actors are taken into consideration.This paper focuses on the query how academic networks can help improve living conditions for people in developing regions. The data used in this paper was gathered using both quantitative and qualitative methods, and specific problem areas were identified in the process. In order to address the issues highlighted from the research, this paper proposes the concept of Interactive Research (IR) for Academic Networks to aid emerging Information societies. IR calls for conducting research with and not on participants in their unique circumstances, such that while creating a learning social changing process for the participants, the researcher in turn has the opportunity of creating new knowledges while being immersed in the research process. In using the concept of IR this paper also proposes that the situation in Swaziland can be seen in a generalised context for developing regions.

  • 1839.
    Wamala, Caroline
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    The social enactments of gender and technology in mobile telephony communication practices: the case of Uganda2010Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 1840.
    Wang, E.
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology.
    Bourcherat, P.
    British Telecom Research Laboratories.
    Shahnavaz, Houshang
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Sahlin, C.
    National Defence Research Establishment.
    Hedman, L.
    Swedish telecom.
    A verification of the evaluation tools for evaluating multi-media co-operative authoring emulation1990In: International conference on Integrated Broadband Services and Networks: 15 - 18 October 1990, London: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1990, p. 335-340Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    For the development of integrated broadband communication (IBC) services, the usability of the system is one of the main factors which contribute to the success of the system. This paper describes and discusses the preliminary results of a multi-author multi-media authoring pilot study which was carried out to verifying the candidate evaluation tools to ensure that these tools can be used for evaluating the yet-to-be specified candidate usability principles for IBC services. Based on the assumed usability characteristics, evaluation tools (observation, questionnaires, interview, and objective data recording) were developed and tested. It is suggested that several evaluation tools should be used for complementing each other and accomplishing a more complete and accurate evaluation

  • 1841. Wang, E.
    et al.
    Shahnavaz, Houshang
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    A methodology for usability evaluation of advanced computer system1989Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 1842. Wang, E.
    et al.
    Shahnavaz, Houshang
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Usability aspects of hypermedia application: citizen information services within public sectors (MISO) : a case study1990In: Human-computer interaction, INTERACT '90: proceedings of the IFIP TC 13 third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, held in Cambridge, U.K., 27-31 August, 1990 / [ed] Dan Diaper, Elsevier, 1990Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 1843.
    Wang, Hua-Chen
    et al.
    Macquarie University.
    Wass, Malin
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Castles, Anne
    Macquarie University.
    Paired-Associate Learning Ability Accounts for Unique Variance in Orthographic Learning2017In: Scientific Studies of Reading, ISSN 1088-8438, E-ISSN 1532-799X, Vol. 21, no 1, p. 5-16Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Paired-associate learning is a dynamic measure of the ability to form new linksbetween two items. This study aimed to investigate whether paired-associatelearning ability is associated with success in orthographic learning, and if so,whether it accounts for unique variance beyond phonological decoding abilityand orthographic knowledge. A group of 63 children ages 8–10 completed anorthographic learning task and three types of paired-associate learning task:visual–visual, visual–verbal, and verbal–verbal. The results showed that bothvisual–verbal and verbal–verbal (but not visual–visual) paired-associate learningability were associated with success in learning the spellings of novel words.Moreover, hierarchical regression analyses showed that visual–verbal pairedassociatelearning predicted orthographic learning even after phonologicaldecoding skill and existing orthographic knowledge had been accounted for.We propose that paired-associate learning abilitymay be one of the underlyingmechanisms of orthographic learning, facilitating the connection between thephonology and orthographic representation of a word. 

  • 1844.
    Weihed, Pär
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Geosciences and Environmental Engineering.
    Greberg, Jenny
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Mining and Geotechnical Engineering.
    Björkman, Bo
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering.
    Abrahamsson, Lena
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Andersson, Eira
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Fältholm, Ylva
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Bäckblom, Göran
    LKAB, Sverige.
    Project: Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Swedish Mining and Metal Producing Industry2014Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Developing the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Swedish Mining and Metal Producing Industry, for the years 2013-2030.

  • 1845.
    Wennberg, Paula
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Distance- Spanning Technology.
    Fältholm, Ylva
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    GENOVATE: boosting gender equality in academia2015Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 1846.
    Wennberg, Paula
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Distance- Spanning Technology.
    Gunnarsson, Ewa
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Källhammer, Eva
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Teräs, Leena
    University of Oulu.
    Innovation and gender: how to boost and measure change2013Report (Other academic)
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  • 1847.
    Westerberg, Mats
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Innovation and Design.
    Nilsson, Kent
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Business Administration and Industrial Engineering.
    Fältholm, Ylva
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Using internal contracts to promote intrapreneurship in the public school system: hopeless half-measure or promising hybrid?2011Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper we explore the use of a novel governance form – internal contracts - in the Swedish public school system, in terms of its effect to promote intrapreneurship in the organization. We studied a public school that during the time period 2007-2010 was a test case, by performing interviews with management and staff and through a questionnaire measure entrepreneurial behaviour and other relevant aspects in this school and two control schools. The results show that the internal contract gave the school room to act entrepreneurially and that it is a promising organizational tool for renewing the public sector.

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  • 1848.
    Westerström, Anita
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    A spider in the web: new challenges for teachers in higher education2006Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Web-based platforms have emerged as an educational opportunity for universities. This article discusses the stepwise changes taken by Luleå University of Technology from being a local and regional university mainly offering courses and programs to campus students to becoming an actor in distance education. Since the teacher has to give up face-to-face contact with students, pedagogical methods and course designs are more in focus than traditional teaching. Learning becomes more important than teaching and asynchronous group collaboration becomes a new feature in the students learning process. This paper presents the road to a common educational platform at the university and gives some examples of how this platform can be used in different situations. Taking the web-based platform on board in daily work has been a relatively smooth process, even if the role of the teacher is challenged and has to be reshaped into something new.

  • 1849.
    Westerström, Anita
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Construction of Today´s Engineering Profession2005In: Global Congress on Engineering and Technology Education: GCETE 2005 / [ed] Claudio da Rocha Brito; Melany M. Ciampi, 2005Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 1850.
    Westerström, Anita
    Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Human Work Science.
    Contextual factors in computer aided education2007In: Joining forces in engineering education towards excellence: SEFI and IGIP Joint annual conference, 1-4 July 2007, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 2007Conference paper (Refereed)
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