This revised, enhanced edition of the life and works of composer and Admiral Jean Cras traces, through new research, the remarkable career of this celebrated composer, decorated war hero, scientist and inventor. As Henri Duparc’s only protégé, his “spiritual son” enjoyed the same level of esteem during the 1920s as his friends Ravel and Roussel. This edition sustains the renaissance of Jean Cras and includes a new chapter devoted to the composer’s early songs, to be released concurrently.
This article focuses on cultural responses to institutional change. Through a value survey about civic values and perceptions of the state, predictions from rationalism and culturalism are tested on a generation of Estonians. Members of this inter-war generation were socialized during the first Estonian republic in the 1920s and 1930s, but then spent their adult lives in exile in Sweden and Canada. The survey, which was performed in 1998 when the respondents born between 1915–25 were well into their seventies and eighties, shows substantially stronger approval of democratic opportunities and public institutions among Canadian-Estonians in comparison to the Swedish-Estonians. Theoretically, the conclusion drawn is that a modification of the cultural theory resting on the importance of cultural correspondence between the originally socialized culture in the inter-war period and that of the host country is needed in order to make sense of this cultural response pattern.
We use historical census data to show that Sweden exhibited high levels of intergenerational occupational mobility several decades before the rise of the welfare state. Mobility rates were higher than in other nineteenth- and twentieth-century European countries, closer to those observed in the highly mobile nineteenth-century United States. We leverage mobility variation across Swedish municipalities to shed light on potential determinants: economic growth and migration are positively correlated with mobility, consistent with the patterns observed across countries.
Why has collaboration become increasingly central to technological progress? We document the role of lowered travel costs by combining patent data with the rollout of the Swedish railroad network in the 19th and early -20th century. Inventors that gain access to the network are more likely to produce collaborative patents, which is partly driven by long-distance collaborations with other inventors residing along the emerging railroad network. These results suggest that the declining costs of interacting with others is fundamental to account for the long-term increase in inventive collaboration.
Denna bok handlar om historievetenskaperna sätt att producera kunskap genom att kontextualisera. Den vänder sig primärt till studenter och forskare inom de humanistiska discipliner som arbetar med historiska perspektiv. Bokens ambition är ta med läsaren in i själva görandet och visa hur kontextualisering är ett viktigt moment i historiska studier på alla nivåer. Boken hoppas därmed stimulera till ökad reflektion och diskussion om hur vi går till väga när vi tolkar, skapar eller omtolkar historiska, kulturella och samhälleliga sammanhang.
Boken ger för det första en introduktion till vad kontextualisering kan vara och göra när vi möter det förflutna i form av texter, bilder eller artefakter. Redan från första dagen på universitetet hamnar studenter inom historiska discipliner i sådana möten. Därför vänder sig bokens fyra första kapitel i första hand till studenter på de inledande terminerna. Vad innebär det egentligen att analysera, syntetisera, kontextualisera eller kritisera – och hur förhåller sig de sätten att arbeta med det förflutna till varandra? Och vidare, vilka historiska tider arbetar vi med: läser vi källmaterial från vår egen horisont eller från de historiska aktörernas? Är källmaterialet del av en lång historia eller en kort? Och vem bestämmer svaret på sådana frågor?
För det andra ger boken en fördjupad diskussion om kontextualiserings roll när vi skapar ny historisk kunskap. Bokens senare kapitlen ställer frågor om hur kontextualisering förhåller sig till historievetenskaplig teori och metod, och riktar strålkastarljuset mot aktiviteten att skapa, argumentera för, och ompröva de sammanhang som ger mening och betydelse åt historiska källmaterial.
Den mest centrala lärdom boken vill förmedla är att kontextualisering är en pågående aktivitet. Mänskliga förståelsehorisonter rör sig ständigt i takt med samtidens kunskapsintressen. Det kommer alltid finnas nya sätt att förstå historiska uttryck, och det är en anledning till att historiska studier utgör en viktig del av samhällets gemensamma kunskapsbas.
The article focuses on the three key concepts of modern social science, state, market, and society, and the three paradigmatic disciplines that these concepts have generated: political science, economics, and sociology. By relating to some recent discussions it is argued that there is a distinct logic to each one of these paradigmatic concepts. But in the course of its actual development, not the least in the Scandinavian welfare states, society is prone to merge with the state, and sociology, accordingly, tends to develop as social administration. Such a disciplinary melange leads to a distinct empiricist methodology and to a fatal break with the classical concern of sociology with the development of social theory. Modern social administration — disguised as sociology — has cut the link with normative (state theory) discourse, and prides itself on being naturalistic and realistic in its study of social facts. Oblivious of the power sources that render neutrality to its discourse, administrative sociology risks developing into unreflected morality. The article turns, finally, to the recent 'communitarian' trend in social and moral philosophy and suggests that communitarianism, in one form or the other, will affect the purportedly neutral discourse of social administration.
United Nations bodies and large private companies have recently entered into partnerships for women’s empowerment in developing countries. Such publicâprivate partnerships have not previously been the subject of feminist scrutiny. In this article I examine three partnerships, feeding into research exploring business influence on global governance gender policies. The article demonstrates how partnerships assert their legitimacy through a proposed mutually supporting relationship between women’s empowerment and companies’ economic gains, in contrast to a human rights-based approach to development. I show how UNâbusiness partnerships for women’s empowerment mobilize discourses, policies and governmental techniques to create alignments between business objectives and individual women’s empowerment. Each woman is constituted as an ally of economic success by pursuing her education, increasing productivity and entrepreneurship. I argue that publicâprivate partnerships for women’s empowerment do not challenge the gendered structures of the global economy, though they may improve individual women’s economic situation in the short term. The critical and emancipatory potential of empowerment is weakened by the imposed boundaries of neoliberal market criteria and their demands for economic effectiveness.
This article explores legitimacy challenges arising from increased cooperation between the United Nations and large business companies in the realm of global public health through an examination of the Global Public–Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap, seeking to prevent the spread of disease in poor communities. In contrast to many health partnerships, it does not employ a “vertical” disease-specific program, neither does it involve pharmaceutical companies. Instead the partnership stresses the marketing skills of soap companies in influencing individuals’ hygiene behavior as an important rationale for public–private partnering. The article argues that market-based governing strategies might increase the output legitimacy of global health governance, but that modes of representation and accountability have not evolved sufficiently to provide for broader input legitimacy. I propose that a human rights-based approach to health provides an alternative model that holds greater promise for legitimate governance, focusing on rights-bearing subjects instead of soap consumers.
The United Nations (UN)-led global consultations on new development goals, which will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), started in 2012. In comparison with the creation of the MDGs, the road towards the post-2015 goals is much more inclusive and participatory. The consultations are part of a longer trend, in which intergovernmental organizations seek to strengthen their legitimacy in the eyes of those affected by their decisions. The post-2015 consultations have turned the spotlight on the vibrant and disparate stakeholder landscape of global development governance. Yet, actual decision-making on the new set of goals remains state-centred. The main challenge for UN member states, as they negotiate the new goals, is to do justice to the diverse input obtained through the consultations. Civil society views on their degree of impact through policy dialogues with UN bodies are quite sceptical. However, prospects for the implementation of new goals are higher if they gain broad legitimacy.
There has been a rapid proliferation of public–private partnerships in the areas of human rights, environmental protection and global governance. Consequently, private actors such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and transnational companies have gained increasing authority in both public policy and regulation. Research into the democratic legitimacy of how these arrangements span the public–private divide is still in its infancy. However, this book furthers our understanding of how different forms of legitimacy and accountability interact, and highlights trade-offs between democratic values in partnership operations. It places the partnership trend in the context of broader theoretical discussion and explores a variety of tensions between, for instance, hierarchies and markets, the common good and private profit, and government and governance. In addition, the book presents research into global and national partnerships, particularly with regard to their democratic credentials.
The participation of transnational actors in global policymaking is increasingly seen as a means to democratize global governance. Drawing on alternative theories of democracy and existing empirical evidence, we assess the promises and pitfalls of this vision. We explore how the structuring and operation of international institutions, public-private partnerships, and transnational actors themselves may facilitate expanded participation and enhanced accountability in global governance. We find considerable support for an optimistic verdict on the democratizing potential of transnational actor involvement, but also identify hurdles in democratic theory and the practice of global governance that motivate a more cautious outlook. In conclusion, we call for research that explores the conditions for democracy in global governance through a combination of normative political theory and positive empirical research.
This article examines the effectiveness, legitimacy, and fairness of heritage conservation outcomes under the 1972 World Heritage Convention (1972 WHC), with a focus on recognising and respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples in heritage nomination, protection, and management. Examining conflicts surrounding World Heritage sites in Kenya and Sweden, this article argues that recognition of biocultural heritage and biocultural rights can promote environmental justice and help meet global environmental challenges. To promote the conservation of both built and natural landscapes, the article recommends expanding protection for the relationship between humans and their environment. Recognising biocultural heritage under UNESCO conventions could promote Indigenous sovereignty, protect cultural and natural heritage, and contribute to global efforts to address climate change. The article calls for further research mapping biocultural heritage in natural and mixed heritage sites and advocates for fuller engagement with Indigenous Peoples to increase the ability of the 1972 WHC to promote sustainability as it enters its second half-century.
This open access book is the first ever collection of Karl Popper's writings on deductive logic.
Karl R. Popper (1902-1994) was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. His philosophy of science ("falsificationism") and his social and political philosophy ("open society") have been widely discussed way beyond academic philosophy. What is not so well known is that Popper also produced a considerable work on the foundations of deductive logic, most of it published at the end of the 1940s as articles at scattered places. This little-known work deserves to be known better, as it is highly significant for modern proof-theoretic semantics.
This collection assembles Popper's published writings on deductive logic in a single volume, together with all reviews of these papers. It also contains a large amount of unpublished material from the Popper Archives, including Popper's correspondence related to deductive logic and manuscripts that were (almost) finished, but did not reach the publication stage. All of these items are critically edited with additional comments by the editors. A general introduction puts Popper's work into the context of current discussions on the foundations of logic. This book should be of interest to logicians, philosophers, and anybody concerned with Popper's work.
Higher birth order is associated with increased risks of adverse health outcomes attributable to alcohol or narcotics in adolescence, but it remains unclear whether these observed birth order effects are also present in midlife. Drawing on a national Swedish cohort born in 1953 and their siblings, we estimate associations between birth order and alcohol- or narcotics-attributable hospitalization or death with a 25-year follow-up to assess whether birth order differences are observed during this life course period. Health events attributable to alcohol or narcotics use were identified using the Swedish National Patient and Cause of Death registers, respectively. We apply Cox proportional hazards models to estimate average birth order differences in hazards for alcohol- or narcotics-attributable hospitalization or death between ages 30 and 55. We estimate birth order differences between families, and use two fixed-effects approaches to estimate birth order differences within families and within families of the same type. Bivariate results indicate increased hazards for both outcomes with higher birth order; however, these results are no longer observed after adjustment for familial background characteristics in all models. Our results thereby show limited evidence for birth order differences in midlife. This study highlights that shared factors within the family of origin may be stronger predictors of adverse health outcomes attributable to substance use among siblings during this life course period. Future research should disentangle the contributions of the social environment within the family of origin for adverse health outcomes attributable to alcohol or narcotics among siblings.
The psychometric properties of a Swedish version of Haidt, McCauley and Rozin’s (1994) Disgust Scalewere studied. Confirmatory factor analysis of the original model with eight factors (food, animals, body products, sex, body envelope violations, death, hygiene, and magic) provided satisfactory fit to the data (N=280), significantly better than to the alternative one-factor and five-factor models. As in the US version
women scored significantly higher than men. Positive correlations with measures of food neophobia (r=0.30,p<0.0001) and nausea frequency (rs=0.28,p<0.001) indicate convergent validity. In a separate study (N=30) a behavioral measure of the willingness to touch, hold, and taste disgusting food objects correlated negatively with the Disgust Scale (r=−0.46, p< 0.01), indicating criterion-related validity.
Uncertainty, insufficient information or information of poor quality, limited cognitive capacity and time, along with value conflicts and ethical considerations, are all aspects that make risk management and risk communication difficult. This paper provides a review of different risk concepts and describes how these influence risk management, communication and planning in relation to forest ecosystem services. Based on the review and results of empirical studies, we suggest that personal assessment of risk is decisive in the management of forest ecosystem services. The results are used together with a review of different principles of the distribution of risk to propose an approach to risk communication that is effective as well as ethically sound. Knowledge of heuristics and mutual information on both beliefs and desires are important in the proposed risk communication approach. Such knowledge provides an opportunity for relevant information exchange, so that gaps in personal knowledge maps can be filled in and effective risk communication can be promoted.
The Story of the Hats is a puzzle in social epistemology. It describes a situation in which a group of rational agents with common priors and common goals seems vulnerable to a Dutch book if they are exposed to different information and make decisions independently. Situations in which this happens involve violations of what might be called the Group-Reflection Principle. As it turns out, the Dutch book is flawed. It is based on the betting interpretation of the subjective probabilities, but ignores the fact that this interpretation disregards strategic considerations that might influence betting behavior. A lesson to be learned concerns the interpretation of probabilities in terms of fair bets and, more generally, the role of strategic considerations in epistemic contexts. Another lesson concerns Group-Reflection, which in its unrestricted form is highly counter-intuitive. We consider how this principle of social epistemology should be re-formulated so as to make it tenable.
This paper addresses a problem for theories of epistemic democracy. In a decision on a complex issue which can be decomposed into several parts, a collective can use different voting procedures: Either its members vote on each sub-question and the answers that gain majority support are used as premises for the conclusion on the main issue (premise based-procedure, pbp), or the vote is conducted on the main issue itself (conclusion-based procedure, cbp). The two procedures can lead to different results. We investigate which of these procedures is better as a truth-tracker, assuming that there exists a true answer to be reached. On the basis of the Condorcet jury theorem, we show that the pbp is universally superior if the objective is to reach truth for the right reasons. If one instead is after truth for whatever reasons, right or wrong, there will be cases in which the cbp is more reliable, even though, for the most part, the pbp still is to be preferred.
The Puzzle of the Hats is a betting arrangement which seems to show that a Dutch book can be made against a group of rational players with common priors who act in the common interest and have full trust in the other players’ rationality. But we show that appearances are misleading—no such Dutch book can be made. There are four morals. First, what can be learned from the puzzle is that there is a class of situations in which credences and betting rates diverge. Second, there is an analogy between ways of dealing with situations of this kind and different policies for sequential choice. Third, there is an analogy with strategic voting, showing that the common interest is not always served by expressing how things seem to you in social decision-making. And fourth, our analysis of the Puzzle of the Hats casts light on a recent controversy about the Dutch book argument for the Sleeping Beauty.