This article begins with a short personal presentation, in order to provide some background to my research and its possible relevance to missiology. After this introduction, the abstract of my Ph.D. thesis is quoted followed by a presentation of additional results of that study. After this, I look more closely into part of the concluding chapter of the thesis, where I discuss the concept of honouring ones parents - from the perspective of ancient Judeo- Christian and Confucian texts respectively: Genesis and Deuteronomy (in the Bible) and Nihon no meicho, Great Books of Japan no. 14, which is about Confucian values. I also quote some pages from my dissertation thesis and this excerpt provides the basis for raising the following two questions. Firstly, are there any inferences to be drawn from this small piece of comparative analysis for the general analysis of post-modern society in a worldwide context? Secondly, can missiology learn any lessons from crosscultural and comparative research and, if so, which ones?
Considers the humanistic-historical dimension of ageing and substantiates new perspectives on family roles and intergenerational relationships. Also examines age discrimination, the impact of the increase in early retirement, the effect of old and new technology on older people's lives, and more.
Home Help Services in Combination with Rehabilitation Activities for Elderly
Background: Nurses' clinical reasoning is of great importance for the delivery of safe and efficient care. Pressure ulcer prevention allows a variety of aspects within nursing to be viewed. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe both the process and the content of nurses' reasoning during care planning at different nursing homes, using pressure ulcer prevention as an example. Design: A qualitative research design was chosen. Settings: Seven different nursing homes within one community were included. Participants: Eleven registered nurses were interviewed. Method: The methods used were think-aloud technique, protocol analysis and qualitative content analysis. Client simulation illustrating transition was used. The case used for care planning was in three parts covering the transition from hospital until 3 weeks in the nursing home. Result: Most nurses in this study conducted direct and indirect reasoning in a wide range of areas in connection with pressure ulcer prevention. The reasoning focused different parts of the nursing process depending on part of the case. Complex assertations as well as strategies aiming to reduce cognitive strain were rare. Nurses involved in direct nursing care held a broader reasoning than consultant nurses. Both explanations and actions based on older ideas and traditions occurred. Conclusions: Reasoning concerning pressure ulcer prevention while care planning was dominated by routine thinking. Knowing the person over a period of time made a more complex reasoning possible. The nurses' experience, knowledge together with how close to the elderly the nurses work seem to be important factors that affect the content of reasoning. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I vår tids diskussion om välfärd är omsorgsbegreppet centralt. Men vad är omsorg och på vilket sätt kommer den till uttryck i sammanhang som gäller äldre och åldrande? Det är några av de frågeställningar som diskuteras i den här antologin.
I äldreomsorgsforskning har man hittills som regel tagit offentlig äldreomsorg som en självklar utgångspunkt. Här vidgas istället perspektivet och flera andra av omsorgsbegreppets olika dimensioner, gestaltningar och sammanhang inkluderas och diskuteras – sådana som har betydelse i vår tid men som ofta har förbisetts i forskningen. Det innebär också att antologin fokuserar på åldrande och omsorg i vid bemärkelse och inte bara på kommunal äldreomsorg. Med utgångspunkt i begrepp som tid, plats och aktörer och samspelet mellan dessa lyfter vi fram flera olika sammanhang för omsorg: Det är fråga om civilsamhället som plats och utförare av omsorg, liksom omsorg som berör migration och etniska relationer. Vi diskuterar också den fysiska miljön, boendet och platsens betydelse för omsorgens utformning och innebörder. Slutligen belyser vi livets sista tid och omsorgens olika existentiella dimensioner under detta skede.
Åldrande och omsorgens gestaltningar - mot nya perspektiv riktar sig främst till högskolestuderande inom samhälls- och beteendevetenskap, socialt arbete, social omsorg och vård, liksom till yrkesverksamma inom fältet. Den kan också vara värdefull för en intresserad allmänhet.