In this evaluation, children who contacted BRIS via email or chat were asked to answer a few questions concerning their perceived well- being, the difficulties leading up to the contact, and how they feel they have been treated by BRIS. These questions were asked immediately before and after the contact, as well as 10 days later. In addition, a request to participate in a questionnaire study went out to all children who had been active on the BRIS discussion forums, where they were asked how often they visit the forum, what features they appreciate in the community and how they perceive the help they get in the forum.
The children have estimated their well-being on a scale from 1 to 9, where 1 represents "Very poor" and 9 "Great". A total of 6,193 children were asked to participate in the evaluation. 925 responses were submitted during the period April 1st to June 7th (email & chat) and May 24th - August 17th (discussion forum). The internal loss is low, 5.05% for the entire study. Complete series in which the child has answered all three questionnaires in the email and chat amounts to only 51, however, between 220 and 432 questionnaires has been submitted by the different occasions. A total of 245 questionnaires have been submitted to the evaluation of the discussion forum.
The children report that their well-being increases immediately after the contact with BRIS, regardless of modality. This however declines in the last follow-up. In general however, they still produce a higher value than at the first measurement. The children reported that they feel listened to and that they feel that BRIS is taking them seriously. The children who contact BRIS through discussion forums are even more satisfied with the assistance they receive than the children who use chat and email. Above all, the discussion forum helps kids to feel they are not alone in their situation. The children who use the discussion forum also very much appreciate the answers from other children and the opportunity to help other children by answering others postings.
A small group of children, indicate that they feel worse after contac- ting BRIS. An analysis of their answers describe either a dissatis- faction with the provided advice or an incapacity to follow the provided advice despite them being perceived relevant.