The paper proposes a back-to-back 2L-3L grid connection topology for a marine current energy converter. A prototype marine current energy converter has been deployed by a research group at Uppsala University. The concept behind the prototype revolves around a fixed pitch vertical axis turbine directly connected to a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The proposed grid connection system utilizes a well known and proven two level voltage source converter generator-side combined with a three-level cascaded H-bridge (CHB) multilevel converter grid-side. The multilevel converter brings benefits in terms of efficiency, power quality and DC-link utilization. The system is here presented for a single marine current energy converter but can easily be scaled up for clusters of marine current energy converters. Control schemes for both grid-side and generator-side voltage source converters are presented. The start-up, steady state and dynamic performance of the marine current energy converter are investigated and simulation results are presented in this paper.
The costs of offshore maintenance operations put high reliability-requirements on offshore equipment for ocean energy, especially on submerged ones. Thermal management is thus essential in the design of the prototypes of a marine substation, developed at Uppsala University, for grid interface of wave power parks. The cooling system itself should be efficient as well as reliable. Therefore, the feasibility of a completely passive cooling strategy was evaluated. The studied substation includes various power components, which dissipate heat and are installed in one pressurized vessel. Thermal cross-coupling was investigated with 3-D submodels and a thermal network model. An electric circuit was coupled to determine the rated power of the substation. The results depend mainly on the dc-voltage, the seawater temperature, and the thermal contact between the components and the hull.
Wave energy is a renewable source, which has not yet been exploited to a large extent. So far the main focus of wave energy conversion has been on the large wave energy resources of the great oceans on northern latitudes. However, large portions of the world potential wave energy resources are found in sheltered waters and calmer seas, which often exhibit a milder, but still steady wave climate. Examples are the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean and the North Sea in Europe, and ocean areas closer to the equator. Many of the various schemes in the past consist of large mechanical structures, often located near the sea surface. In the present work we instead focus on wave power plants consisting of a number of small wave energy converters, forming large arrays. In this context, we look at advantageous arrangements of point absorbers, and discuss the potential of the Baltic Sea as a case study.
For ages flywheels have been used to achieve smooth operation of machines. The early models where purely mechanical consisting of only a stone wheel attached to an axle. Nowadays flywheels are complex constructions where energy is stored mechanically and transferred to and from the flywheel by an integrated motor/generator. The stone wheel has been replaced by a steel or composite rotor and magnetic bearings have been introduced. Today flywheels are used as supplementary UPS storage at several industries world over. Future applications span a wide range including electric vehicles, intermediate storage for renewable energy generation and direct grid applications from power quality issues to offering an alternative to strengthening transmission. One of the key issues for viable flywheel construction is a high overall efficiency, hence a reduction of the total losses. By increasing the voltage, current losses are decreased and otherwise necessary transformer steps become redundant. So far flywheels over 10 kV have not been constructed, mainly due to isolation problems associated with high voltage, but also because of limitations in the power electronics. Recent progress in semi-conductor technology enables faster switching and lower costs. The predominant part of prior studies have been directed towards optimising mechanical issues whereas the electro technical part now seem to show great potential for improvement. An overview of flywheel technology and previous projects are presented and moreover a 200 kW flywheel using high voltage technology is simulated.
The use of cable windings in generators and transformers has a physical background which is hard to neglect. The work done by Maxwell, Poynting and Slepian combined with powerful finite element solver of today allows for visualization of electric and magnetic fields in different geometries. The electromagnetic fields and power flows for generator stator cables are in this article associated with Poynting's theorem. Geometrical design and insulation material properties are then linked to Poynting's theory showing that circular stator cables enable higher voltages while maintaining a high power flow. Today several high voltage generators and two transformers have been built and are currently in operation. This paper discusses the application of the Poynting Theorem to cable wound generators.
Variable speed generators are used more frequently for converting the energy from renewable energy sources to electric energy. The power production form a variable speed generator is dependent on the electrical damping of the generator. In this paper, a resonance circuit connected to a direct driven linear generator used for wave energy utilization is investigated. At resonance, the electrical damping in the generator increases which results in an increased power production. The results show that resonance can be achieved with the suggested circuit.
This paper describes a linear direct driven generator used for wave energy utilization. The generator is placed on the seabed and connected to a buoy on the ocean surface. Due to the reciprocating motion of the translator, an electrical conversion system is needed between the wave energy converter (WEC) and the grid. Depending on how the conversion system is designed, the generator will be subjected to different loads. A novel conversion system is presented in this paper where the voltage from the WEC is rectified in a resonance circuit. Both simulations and experiments are performed on the circuit. The results from the simulations show that a higher power absorption and power production can be achieved with the resonance circuit compared to a WEC connected to a passive rectifier. A WEC, L9, developed by Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden) was used in the experiment. Significantly higher power absorption was obtained for L9 compared to power data from the first installed WEC, L1, at the Lysekil research site.
This study analyses the electrical behaviour of a direct-driven linear generator under different load conditions. The studied generator is used in a wave energy converter (WEC) that converts the energy in ocean waves into electric energy. To enable a grid connection of a WEC, the voltage must be converted, and thereby, the generator will be subjected to a non-linear damping. Depending on how the conversion system is designed, the damping will be different. In the case studied, the voltage is first rectified, and on the dc-side of the rectifier the voltage is kept constant by controlling the power through a converter. In order to study the electrical behaviour of the generator in this operation mode, a simulation model was made in MATLAB Simulink. The model of the generator was verified with experimental data from an offshore operating WEC. The result of the study shows that the model of the generator agrees with the real generator and can be used for analysing the electrical behaviour of the WEC. Moreover, the results show that the operation with a non-linear load will be different compared to a linear load case.
The present paper presents results from a wave energy conversion that is based on a direct drive linear generator. The linear generator is placed on the seabed and connected to a buoy via a rope. Thereby, the natural wave motion is transferred to the translator by the buoy motion. When using direct drive generators, voltage and current output will have varying frequency and varying amplitude and the power must be converted before a grid connection. The electrical system is therefore an important part to study in the complete conversion system from wave energy to grid connected power. This paper will bring up the first steps in the conversion: rectification and filtration of the power. Both simulation studies and offshore experiments have been made. The results indicate that this kind of system works in a satisfactory way and a smooth DC power can be achieved with one linear generator.
An offshore wave energy converter (WEC) was successfully launched at the Swedish west coast in the middle of March 2006. The WEC is based on a permanent magnet linear generator located on the sea floor driven by a point absorber. A measuring station has been installed on a nearby island where all measurements and experiments on the WEC have been carried out. The output voltage from the generator fluctuates both in amplitude and frequency and must therefore be converted to enable grid connection. In order to study the voltage conversion, the measuring station was fitted with a six pulse diode rectifier and a capacitive filter during the autumn of 2006. The object of this paper is to present a detailed description of the Lysekil research site. Special attention will be given to the power absorption by the generator when it is connected to a nonlinear load.
Anoffshore wave energy converter (WEC) was successfully launched at theSwedish west coast in the middle of March 2006. TheWEC is based on a permanent magnet linear generator locatedon the ocean floor driven by a point absorber. Ameasuring station has been installed on a nearby island whereall measurements and experiments on the WEC have been carriedout. The output voltage from the generator fluctuates both inamplitude and frequency and must therefore be converted to enablegrid connection. In order to study the voltage conversion, themeasure station was fitted with a six pulse diode rectifierand a capacitive filter during the autumn of 2006. Theobject of this paper is to present a detailed descriptionof the existing wave energy system of the Islandsberg project.Special attention will be given to the power absorption bythe generator when it is connected to a non linearload
This paper analyzes temperature measurements acquired in offshore operation of a wave energy converter array. The three directly driven wave energy converters have linear generators and are connected to a marine substation placed on the seabed. The highly irregular individual linear generator voltages are rectified and added on a common DC-link and inverted to 50 Hz to facilitate future grid-connection. The electrical power is transmitted to shore and converted to heat in a measuring station. First results of temperature measurements on substation components and on the stator of one of the linear generators are presented from operation in linear and in non-linear damping. Results indicate that there might be some convective heat transport in the substation vessel. If high power levels are extracted from the waves, this has to be considered when placing components in the substation vessel to avoid heating from neighbouring components. The results also indicate that the temperature increase in the linear generator stator is very small. Failure due to excessive heating of the stator winding PVC cable insulation is unlikely to occur even in very energetic sea states. Should this conclusion be incorrect, the thermal conductivity between the stator and the hull of the WEC could be enhanced. Another suggested alteration would be to lower the resistive losses by reducing the linear generator current density.
This paper analyzes temperature measurements acquired in the offshore operation of a wave energy converter array. The three directly driven wave energy converters have linear generators and are connected to a marine substation placed on the seabed. The highly irregular individual linear generator voltages are rectified and added on a common dc-link and inverted to 50 Hz to facilitate future grid-connection. The electrical power is transmitted to shore and converted to heat in a measuring station. The first results of temperature measurements on substation components and on the stator of one of the linear generators are presented based on operation in linear and in nonlinear damping. The results indicate that there might be some convective heat transfer in the substation vessel. If high power levels are extracted from the waves, this has to be considered when placing components in the substation vessel in order to avoid heating from neighboring components. The results also indicate that the temperature increase in the linear generator stator is very small. Failure due to excessive heating of the stator winding polyvinyl chloride cable insulation is unlikely to occur even in very energetic sea states. Should this conclusion be incorrect, the thermal conductivity between the stator and the hull of the wave energy converter could be enhanced. Another suggested alteration is to lower the resistive losses by reducing the linear generator current density.
This paper describes an electrical system layout for a wave power plant connecting linear generators to the grid. The electrical power out from the wave energy converters must be converted before they can be connected to the grid. The conversion is carried out in marine substations that will be placed on the seabed.
The paper presents experimental power data from a wave energy converter that has been in operation at the Lysekil research site since March 2006. Moreover, results and analyses from experiments and simulations from tests with the generator connected to a rectifier and filter are presented. A simulation is made to show the difference between having the generator connected to a linear load and a nonlinear load, which would be the case when the generator is connected to the grid.
This paper presents experimental results from a wave energy converter (WEC) that is based on a linear generator connected to a rectifier and filter components. The converter-filter system is installed onshore, while the linear wave generator operates offshore a few kilometers from the Swedish west coast. The power from the generator has been rectified with a diode bridge and then filtered using a capacitive filter. Performance of the whole conversion system was studied using resistive loads connected across the filter. The aim was to investigate the operational characteristics of the generator while supplying a nonlinear load. By changing the value of the resistive component of the load, the speed of the translator can be changed and so also the damping of the generator. The power absorbed by the generator was studied at different sea states as well. The observations presented in this paper could be beneficial for the design of efficient wave energy conversion systems.
Measurements of tidal current water velocities is an important first step in evaluating the potential for a tidal site to be used as a renewable energy resource. For this reason, on site measurements are performed at the inlet of a fjord situated at the coast of Norway. The site has an average width of 580 m and adepth of 10-15 m which is narrow and shallow enough to give rise to water velocities that can be of use for energy conversion. With the use of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) cross-section measurements are conducted along four transects. The measurements covered flood and ebb currents around one tide and the data give a first approximation of the magnitude and distribution of the flow field. Depth averaged mean current velocities are calculated along the transects for horizontal bins with sizes in the order of 50 x 50 m. Maximum mean velocity for the flood currents were 1.31 m/s and 1.46 m/s for the ebb currents. The measurements show that even a small amount of data can give an indication of the potential and characteristics ofthe site.
This paper describes, firstly, the rope adjustment device for wave energy converters (WECs) to minimize the tidal effect on the electricity production and, secondly, a wireless communication network between point absorbing WECs in the Lysekil Research Site and a computer station at the Department of Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University. The device is driven by a motor that activates when the main water level deviates from the average. The adjustment is achieved through a screw that moves upwards during low tides and downwards during high tides. For the purpose of testing the device in the research site, a wireless connection between the buoy in the sea and a computer on land will be designed. A sensor located close to the research site monitors the sea water level and, every time a significant variation is registered, it sends wirelessly a signal to the data logger that controls the power to the motor The position of the screw is observed by a second sensor and the measurements are retrieved back to Uppsala via GSM connection. The full scale device is tested in the lab and it is demonstrated to work properly, requiring less than 750 W to lift and lower different loads. Moreover, the wireless communication network is designed and once it will be built, it will allow to recall and store data, send information from one node of the system to another, monitor the proper functioning of the device and modify the control as desired.
Recent studies show that there is a correlation between water level and energy absorption values for the studied wave energy converters: the absorption decreases when the water levels deviate from average. The situation appears during tides when the water level changes significantly. The main objective of the paper is to present a first attempt to increase the energy absorption during tides by designing and realizing a small-scale model of a point absorber equipped with a device that is able to adjust the length of the rope connected to the generator. The adjustment is achieved by a screw that moves upwards in the presence of low tides and downwards in the presence of high tides. Numerical results as well as experimental tests suggest that the solution adopted to minimize the tidal effect on the power generation shows potential for further development.
Within the year 2013, four linear generators with point absorber buoy systems were deployed in the Lysekil test site. Until now, deployments of these point absorbing wave energy converters have been expensive, time consuming, complicated and raised safety issues. In the present paper, we focus on the analysis and optimization of the offshore deployment process of wave energy converters with a linear generator power take-off which has been constructed by Uppsala University. To address the crucial issues regarding the deployment difficulties, case study of previous offshore deployments at the Lysekil test site are presented regarding such parameters as safety, cost and time efficiency. It was discovered that the deployment process can be improved significantly, mainly by using new technologies, e.g., new specialized deployment vessels, underwater robots for inspections and for connecting cables and an automatized pressurizing process. Addressing the main deployment difficulties and constrains leads us to discovery of methods that makes offshore deployments more cost-efficient and faster, in a safety context.
Ocean can provide an inexhaustible amount of energy. Many marine energy converters have been developed but most of them have not surpassed the experimental phase due to the high costs in installation, operation, and maintenance. Since 2002 Uppsala University has developed and deployed several units of wave energy converters of various designs. The Uppsala University wave energy converter concept consists of a linear generator directly connected to a point absorber buoy that is mounted on a concrete gravity foundation. Uppsala University deployments have been carried out using different deployment vessels and methods. Three main methods were utilized for these deployments that are discussed in terms of cost, manpower, and time efficiency. Depending on the desired outcome—multiple- or single-device deployment, low budget, etc.—one of the proposed methods can be used for the optimal outcome.
Since 2008, Seabased Industry AB (SIAB) has manufactured and deployed several units of wave energy converters (WECs) of different design. The WECs are linear generators with point absorber buoy systems that are placed on the seabed, mounted on a gravitation concrete foundation. These deployments have taken place in different areas, using different deployment vessels. Offshore deployments of WECs and underwater substations have so far been complicated procedures, that were both expensive and time-consuming. The focus of this paper is to discuss these deployments in terms of economy and time efficiency, as well as safety. Because seven vessels have been used to facilitate the deployments, an evaluation on the above basis is carried out for them. The main conclusions and certain solutions are presented for the various problems encountered during these deployments and the vessel choice is discussed. It is found that the offshore deployment process can be optimized in terms of cost, time efficiency and safety with a careful vessel choice, use of the latest available technologies and detailed planning and organizing.
Based on the Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, a three-dimensional (3-D) mathematical model for the hydrodynamics and structural dynamics of a floating point-absorbing wave energy converter (WEC) with a stroke control system in irregular and extreme waves is presented. The model is validated by a comparison of the numerical results with the wave tank experiment results of other researchers. The validated model is then utilized to examine the effect of wave height on structure displacements and connection rope tension. In the examined cases, the differences in WEC’s performance exhibited by an inviscid fluid and a viscous fluid can be neglected. Our results also reveal that the differences in behavior predicted by boundary element method (BEM) and the RANS-based method can be significant and vary considerably, depending on wave height.
A directly coupled linear permanent magnet generator of longitudinal flux-type is investigated. The generator will be used for power take-off in a wave energy converter. A combined field- and circuit model, solved by a time stepping finite element technique, is used to model and analyse the electromagnetic behaviour of the machine. A large number of simulations form the basis of a design study where the influence of armature current level, number of cables per slot, and pole width is investigated with respect to efficiency, generator size, and the load angle. A case study is performed for a chosen generator design. The electromagnetic behaviour is examined both for nominal load and for overloads. The generator has a nominal output power of 10 kW for a constant piston speed of 0.7 m s(-1). The electromagnetic efficiency at nominal load is 86.0%, the load angle 6.6 degrees, and the power fluctuation 1.3%. At 300% overload the load angle barely exceeds 12 degrees and the cable temperature is below 25 degrees C provided that the stator back is thermally connected to the sea water. The numerical calculations have been verified for small speeds by experiments.
We investigated the longitudinal ends' influence on the flux distribution in a permanent-magnet linear synchronous machine with an analytic model and with numeric finite-element methods. We derived a general analytic expression, on closed form, from a linear reluctance model. The model reveals that the flux in a linear machine differs from that in a rotating machine in several aspects. The longitudinal ends introduce a pairwise coupled flux pattern, which will behave differently in circuits with odd or even numbers of magnets. In linear machines with an even number of magnets the pairwise coupled flux will spread throughout the whole machine, whereas in linear machines with an odd number of magnets it will be transformed into an equally distributed flux in the middle. The latter case will give rise to a nonsymmetric air gap flux distribution, where every second pole has larger flux. We confirmed the pairwise coupled flux and the nonsymmetric air gap distribution predicted by the analytic model by finite-element simulations. We noted additional effects when nonlinear behavior of the steel is taken into account. We conclude that saturation counteracts the pairwise coupled flux pattern at the longitudinal ends. Again, a nonsymmetric air gap flux distribution occurs as the pairwise coupled flux is transformed into an equally coupled flux. The pairwise coupling of the flux and the nonsymmetric air gap flux distribution give rise to a number of secondary effects, which we discuss.
This paper presents a critical review of the drivelines in all Electric Vehicles (EVs). The motor topologies that are the best candidates to be used in EVs are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of each electric motor type are discussed from a system perspective. A survey of the electric motors used in commercial EVs is presented. The survey shows that car manufacturers are very conservative when it comes to introducing new technologies. Most of the EV’s in the market mount a single induction or permanent magnet motor with a traditional mechanic driveline with a differential. The study illustrates that comparisons between the different motors are made difficult by the large number of parameters and the lack of a recommended test scheme. The authors propose that a standardized drive cycle is used to test and compare motors.
The need for efficient and reproducible development processes for sensor and perception systems is growing with their increased use in modern vehicles. Such processes can be achieved by using virtual test environments and virtual sensor models. In the context of this, the present paper documents the development of a sensor model for depth estimation of virtual three-dimensional scenarios. For this purpose, the geometric and algorithmic principles of stereoscopic camera systems are recreated in a virtual form. The model is implemented as a subroutine in the Epic Games Unreal Engine, which is one of the most common Game Engines. Its architecture consists of several independent procedures that enable a local depth estimation, but also a reconstruction of a whole three-dimensional scenery. In addition, a separate programme for calibrating the model is presented. In addition to the basic principles, the architecture and the implementation, this work also documents the evaluation of the model created. It is shown that the model meets specifically defined requirements for real-time capability and the accuracy of the evaluation. Thus, it is suitable for the virtual testing of common algorithms and highly automated driving functions.
New approaches for testing of autonomous driving functions are using VirtualReality (VR) to analyze the behavior of automated vehicles in variousscenarios. The real time simulation of the environment sensors is still a challenge.In this paper, the conception, development and validation of an automotiveradar raw data sensor model is shown. For the implementation, theUnreal VR engine developed by Epic Games is used. The model consists of asending antenna, a propagation and a receiving antenna model. The microwavefield propagation is simulated by a raytracing approach. It uses the methodof shooting and bouncing rays to cover the field. A diffused scatteringmodel is implemented to simulate the influence of rough structures on thereflection of rays. To parameterize the model, simple reflectors are used. Thevalidation is done by a comparison of the measured radar patterns of pedestriansand cyclists with simulated values. The outcome is that the developedmodel shows valid results, even if it still has deficits in the context of performance.It shows that the bouncing of diffuse scattered field can only be doneonce. This produces inadequacies in some scenarios. In summary, the papershows a high potential for real time simulation of radar sensors by using raytracing in a virtual reality.
Advanced driver assistance systems are an important step on the way towards the autonomous driving. However, there are new challenges in the release of increasingly complex systems. For the testing of those systems many test kilometers are necessary to represent sufficient diversity. Hence, the virtual testing of driver assistance systems brings new opportunities. In virtual environments, it is possible to run a much higher distance in a short time. Simultaneously, the complexity of the environment and the test scenarios are individually adjustable. It is possible to test scenarios that are not feasible in a real environment due to a risk of injury. A big challenge is the physical correct implementation of real vehicles and their components into the Virtual Reality. To enable a realistic virtual testing the vehicles surrounding sensors need to be modeled adequately. Thus, this paper presents an approach for the implementation of a Lidar model into a Virtual Reality. A physical Lidar model is combined with a real-time capable vehicle dynamics model to investigate the influence of vehicle movements to the sensor measurements. The models are implemented into a highly realistic virtual city environment. Finally, a test campaign shows the influence of the Lidars physics and the vehicle dynamics on the detection results.
Recently, virtual realities and simulations play important roles in the development of automated driving functionalities. By an appropriate abstraction, they help to design, investigate and communicate real traffic scenario complexity. Especially, for edge cases investigations of interactions between vulnerable road users (VRU) and highly automated driving functions, valid virtual models are essential for the quality of results. The aim of this study is to measure, process and integrate real human movement behaviour into a virtual test environment for highly automated vehicle functionalities. The overall system consists of a georeferenced virtual city model and a vehicle dynamics model, including probabilistic sensor descriptions. By motion capture hardware, real humanoid behaviour is applied to a virtual human avatar in the test environment. Through retargeting methods, which enable the independency of avatar and person under test (PuT) dimensions, the virtual avatar diversity is increased. To verify the biomechanical behaviour of the virtual avatars, a qualitative study is performed, which funds on a representative movement sequence. The results confirm the functionality of the used methodology and enable PuT independence control of the virtual avatars in real-time.
In this paper, a revitalization of conformal mapping methods applied to fluid flows in two dimensions is proposed. The present work addresses several important issues concerning their application for vortex particle flow solvers. Difficulties of past conformal based method are reviewed. One difficulty concerns the ability of a mapping procedure to represent complicated shapes. The present paper improves past algorithms to be able to map new shapes, including multiply connected domains. A new fast procedure allows transferring a set of points in the mapped simplified plane to the complicated domain and vice versa. After a mapping construction, it is demonstrated how basic exact solutions to potential flow problems with vortices can be put in a new form which provides a faster and more accurate computation than with distributed singularity methods.
The wave energy converter being developed at Uppsala University is of a point absorber type utilizing heaving motion of waves with a direct driven linear generator power take off. The point absorber, a buoy, is placed on the sea surface and is connected to the translator by a connection line. The connection line service life is of large importance for the lifetime of the entire device. Steel wire used as the connection line should be chosen to withstand loadings with different amplitude and frequency. In the present study, the risk of failure in the connection line is estimated.
The term dead time refers to a prime safety factor for most power electronic converter topologies, and it is included either in the control software or in the gate/base driver hardware, depending on the application as well as the control requirements. In this paper, the authors present a comprehensive numerical analysis of dead-time effects on the output voltage of a three-level neutral-pointclamped (NPC) inverter. To incorporate the dead-time effect in the output voltage, 3-D models of three-level carrier pulse width modulation (PWM) methods are modified for two dead-time implementations. Closed-form expressions of inverter phase voltage harmonics for phase opposition disposition (POD) PWM are derived based on the double Fourier series approach and modified contour plots. The harmonic spectra from numerical evaluations, simulations, and experiments for natural sampling (NS), symmetrical regular sampling (SRS), and asymmetrical regular sampling (ARS) are compared to validate the mathematical models. In addition, the fundamental voltage with respect to the dead time and the load phase angle is presented based on analytical results and simulation.