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  • 1.
    Abiala, Kristina
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    The republic of Moldova: Prostitution and trafficking in women2006In: International Approaches to Prostitution: Law and Policy in Europe and Asia / [ed] Geetanjali Gangoli & Nicole Westmarland, Bristol: Policy Press, 2006, p. 91-111Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 2. Andersson, Jenny
    et al.
    Björkman, JennySödertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.Humlesjö, IngerSödertörn University, Södertörn University Library.
    Välfärdstatens skräpvind: Historiska spår i dagens välfärdspolitik2005Collection (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 3.
    Björkman, Jenny
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Faderlig spion: Om nykterhetsnämnderna i Sverige2003In: Spiritus : skriftserie från Vin & sprithistoriska museet, ISSN 1404-465X, no 5Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 4.
    Björkman, Jenny
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Historisk tillbakablick2004In: Utsatta och sårbara brottsoffer / [ed] Magnus Lindgren, Karl-Åke Pettersson & Bo Hägglund, Stockholm: Jure , 2004Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Björkman, Jenny
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Operation vin2004In: Spiritus : skriftserie från Vin & sprithistoriska museet, ISSN 1404-465X, no 6Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 6.
    Björkman, Jenny
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Vem har rätt till vård och vem ska tvingas?: Om vård och tvång i välfärdsstaten2005In: Välfärdstatens skräpvind: Historiska spår i dagens välfärdspolitik / [ed] Jenny Andersson, Jenny Björkman & Inger Humlesjö, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2005, p. 55-95Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 7. Björlin, Lars
    et al.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Sillén, K. Hugo2006In: Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, Vol. Bd 32, p. 235-239Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Antisemitismen och vänstern2005In: Expo, ISSN 1400-9846, no 2Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 9.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Antisemitismen och vänstern: Inte alltid som eld och vatten2005In: Tidsignal, ISSN 1652-9081, no 2Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 10.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Judebolsjevismen: en antikommunistisk världsbild2006In: Hur rysk är den svenska kommunismen?: fyra bidrag om kommunism, nationalism och etnicitet / [ed] Mari Gerdin, Kjell Östberg, Huddinge: Samtidshistoriska institutet , 2006, p. 49-60Chapter in book (Other academic)
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    Judebolsjevismen: en antikommunistisk världsbild
  • 11.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Kommunisterna som valde Hitler: exemplet Nils Flyg2005In: Bilder i kontrast: Interkulturella processer Sverige/Tyskland i skuggan av nazismen 1933-1945 / [ed] Charlotta Brylla, Birgitta Almgren, Frank-Michael Kirsch, Aalborg: Institut für Sprache und internationale Kulturstudien, Universitetet Aalborg , 2005, p. 289-294Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Myten om den judebolsjevikiska världskonspirationen: speglad i svensk litteratur 1917-19252005In: Tidsignal, ISSN 1652-9081, no 2Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Nation, ras och civilisation i svensk arbetarrörelse före nazismen2006Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Ideas of nationalism, race and anti-Semitism are usually connected to right wing ideology and politics. This thesis, however, is studying them in the context of the socialist labour movement. That a radical left wing patriotism, inspired by the French revolution, developed intertwined with workers’ internationalism is well known. But this left wing nationalism has, in the Swedish case, been characterised as an “internal” tool for obtaining democratic rights and social reforms and not directed against other peoples and nations. Inspired by postcolonial studies of whiteness the thesis examines the views of development of mankind and of national difference expressed in Swedish socialist publicity since the 1850’s up to the late 1920’s. Empirical studies of magazines, brochures and books show that it is possible to distinguish a trace of socialist whiteness in the production of ideas from the labour movement, influenced by liberal radicalism. Here, by socialist whiteness is not primarily meant identities of skin colour but ideas that the working class was the true and purest part of the nation and that socialism primarily was of concern to the white races on top of the chain of development. How this whiteness could be counter-posed to peoples and races considered different or “lower placed”, such as Slavs and Jews, has been of particular interest. In opposition to import of foreign labour, “usury Jews” and Tsarist Russia, arguments of socialist whiteness could be developed. With the Russian October revolution in 1917 bolshevism could be described as an Asian threat under Jewish leadership, alien to Swedish labour. Eugenic concerns for the Swedish race also found spokespersons in the socialist milieu of the 1910’s and 20’s. When fascism in the 1920’s captured the most radical themes of socialist whiteness ideas of Jewish threat and race purity could no longer be combined with defence of democratic ideals and find a public space in social democracy.

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  • 14.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Socialdemokrati och svenskhet: Om den andra fosterländskhetens dubbla sidor2006In: Arbetarhistoria : Meddelande från Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek, ISSN 0281-7446, no 118-119, p. 10-17Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 15.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Socialism och antisemitism i historiskt perspektiv2006In: Shakespeares Shylock och antisemitismen / [ed] Yael Feiler, Willmar Sauter, Stockholm: Stiftelsen för utgivning av teatervetenskapliga studier , 2006Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Vänstern och antisemitismen i historiskt perspektiv2006In: SKMA nyhetsbrev, no Mars, p. Online-Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 17.
    Blomqvist, Håkan
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Östberg, Kjell
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    En vissling till Gud: Dror Feiler om israelisk nationalism, kantorsmusik och en humanistisk jiddischkultur2005In: Tidsignal, ISSN 1652-9081, no 2Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 18.
    Edquist, Samuel
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Att producera historien2005In: Oreda, Vol. 12, no 1, p. 20-21Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 19.
    Edquist, Samuel
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Den borgerliga ideologin och historien2006In: Tidsignal, ISSN 1652-9081, no 5-6, p. 31-47Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 20.
    Edquist, Samuel
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Folklig kulturarvsproduktion i Sverige 1880–20002005In: Kulturarvens dynamik: Det institutionaliserade kulturarvets förändringar / [ed] Peter Aronsson, Magdalena Hillström, Norrköping: Tema Kultur och samhälle, Campus Norrköping, Linköpings universitet , 2005, p. 181-191Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 21.
    Edquist, Samuel
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Hur upprätthålls makten?: Vad de härskande gör när de härskar2005In: Röda rummet, ISSN 1403-3844, no 2, p. 12-17Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 22.
    Edquist, Samuel
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Nationalismen är central i skapandet av  historia2005In: Oreda, Vol. 13, no 2, p. 16-17Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 23.
    Eellend, Johan
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Kõll, Anu Mai
    Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES).
    Wawrzeniuk, Piotr
    Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), Baltic & East European Graduate School (BEEGS).
    Nya plogfåror i agrarforskningen2006In: Historisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0345-469X, E-ISSN 2002-4827, no 4, p. 811-821Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 24.
    Ekdahl, Lars
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Mot en tredje väg: en biografi över Rudolf Meidner. 2, Facklig expert och demokratisk socialist2005Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 25.
    Ekdahl, Lars
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Reformismens sista suck?: Arbetarrörelsens kantring i skuggan av löntagarfondsfrågan2005In: Tidsignal, ISSN 1652-9081, no 3, p. 18-37Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 26.
    Ekdahl, Lars
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Rudolf Meidner: löntagarfonderna och reformismens dilemma2005In: Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia, ISSN 0345-0333, no 93, p. 1-53Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 27.
    Elgan, Elisabeth
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Gender Construction in Swedish and French Abortion and Contraception Policies, 1900-19402005In: Comparativ: Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung, vol. 15, 2005:3, s 14-38:, ISSN 0940-3566, Vol. 15, no 3, p. 14-38Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Discusses the relation between gender and social politics in the formative periods of the Swedish and French welfare states, 1900-40. Specifically, the author analyzes the motives behind abortion and contraception policies as they can be seen in the parliamentarian debates of the time. Swedish and French abortion and contraception politics in the early 20th century produced and reproduced the concept that men were citizens and women were mothers.

  • 28.
    Elgan, Elisabeth
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Guide to the integration of gender equality in local government policies2004Other (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Elgan, Elisabeth
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    L’égalité des sexes par la seule volonté ?: Le succès politique des femmes suédoises2005In: Nordiques, ISSN 1761-7677, no 6, p. 47-58Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 30.
    Elgan, Elisabeth
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Varför är svensk politik så jämställd?2006In: Blad till Bladh: en vänbok till Christine våren 2006 / [ed] Monica Einarsson, Robert Sandberg, Kekke Stadin, Martin Wottle, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola , 2006, p. 69-78Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Bönder i svensk politik under 1900-talet: Exemplet den svenska högern2006In: Historisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0345-469X, E-ISSN 2002-4827, Vol. 126, no 4, p. 767-790Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 32.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Eget ansvar eller statens?: [Recension av:] Niclas Sennerteg, Warszawas bödel. Ett tyskt öde2004In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 33.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    En på svensk grund byggande reform: rösträttsfrågan i Oskarshamns-Tidningen 1906-19072006In: Blad till Bladh: en vänbok till Christine våren 2006 / [ed] Monica Einarsson, Kekke Stadin, Robert Sandberg, Martin Wottle, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola , 2006, p. 59-67Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Från tullstrid till baltutlämning: Ideologi, representation och konservatism i Oskarshamns-Tidningen 1888-19452006Report (Other academic)
  • 35.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Generalen, hjälten och historiens dimma: [Recension av:] Knut Ståhlberg, De Gaulle. Generalen som var Frankrike2005In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 36.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Grunden för svensk beredskapsplanering: [Recension av:] Madelene Lidestad, Uppbåd, uppgifter, undantag. Om genusarbetsdelning i Sverige under första världskriget2006In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 37.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Kriget runt omkring Malta: [Recension av:] Michael Tamelander, Malta. Kriget i Medelhavet 1940-19422004In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Polen under andra världskriget i ny gestaltning: [Recension av:] Norman Davies, Slaget om Warszawa. Upproret 19442005In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 39.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    [Recension av] Lars I Andersson, Tradition och förändring. Den skånska högern i dess borgerliga omgivning 1928-19362005In: Scandia, ISSN 0036-5483, Vol. 71, no 1, p. 170-171Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 40.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    [Recension av:] Lars Åke Göthesson, Ställningen vid Norrvidinge hösten 1678. Erik Dahlberghs bataljplan över Karl XI:s fältläger vid Norrvidinge och Dagstorp2006In: Personhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0031-5699, Vol. 102, no 2, p. 238-239Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    [Recension av] Mats Svegfors, Dag Hammarskjöld. Den första moderna svensken2005In: Personhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0031-5699, Vol. 101, no 2, p. 227-229Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 42.
    Forssell, Anders
    et al.
    Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen.
    Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Vad kostar transparens?2006In: Strävan efter transparens: granskning, styrning och organisering i sjukvårdens nätverk / [ed] Charlotta Levay & Caroline Waks, Stockholm: SNS Förlag , 2006, 1. uppl., p. 185-215Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Gerdin, Mari
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Johansson, Alf W
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    En högskola av en ny typ?: Två seminarier kring Södertörns högskolas tillkomst och utveckling2005Report (Other academic)
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    En högskola av en ny typ?: Två seminarier kring Södertörns högskolas tillkomst och utveckling
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  • 44.
    Gerdin, Mari
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Östberg, KjellSödertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Hur rysk är den svenska kommunismen?: Fyra bidrag om kommunism, nationalism och etnicitet2006Collection (editor) (Other academic)
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    Hur rysk är den svenska kommunismen?: Fyra bidrag om kommunism, nationalism och etnicitet
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  • 45. Hedin, Marika
    et al.
    Linderborg, Åsa
    Nilsson, Torbjörn
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Bilden av Sveriges historia: fyrtio sätt att se på 1900-talet2005Book (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Färre direktiv, mer administration: omreglering hos polisen2005In: En illusion av frihet?: företag och organisationer i det nya regelsamhället / [ed] Karin Svedberg Nilsson, Roger Henning, Karin Fernler, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2005, p. 185-207Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Tom Christensen...: Organisationsteori för offentlig sektor2005Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 48.
    Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Tre bilder av Palme: journalistens, politikervännens och forskarens2006In: Personhistorisk tidskrift, ISSN 0031-5699, Vol. 101, no 1, p. 19-26Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 49.
    Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Forssell, Anders
    Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen.
    De-regulating and Re-regulating the Swedish Police: More autonomy & more control2005In: SCANCOR/SOG workshop on “Automization of the state: From integrated administrative models to single purpose organizations”. Stanford University, April 1-2 2005, 2005Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 50.
    Nilsson, Torbjörn
    Södertörn University College, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    1905 från svensk horisont2004In: Hvem, hva, hvor 1905 / [ed] Andreas Norland, Sigurd B. Hennum, Per G. Damsgaard, Oslo: Schibsted , 2004Chapter in book (Other academic)
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