Purpose: To identify the characteristics of peer-reviewed literature on citizenship and disability publishedin English from 1985 to 2015. Method: A scoping review was conducted using the Arksey and O’Malleyframework. Several databases were searched for peer-reviewed journal articles including the terms citizenshipand disability, impairment or handicap in their abstract or title; published between 1985 and 2015; inEnglish. Results: A total of 295 articles were included. Key findings are (1) the number of articles about disabilityand citizenship increased dramatically over the past three decades, (2) the meaning of citizenship isoften left undiscussed, (3) citizenship is more often discussed in terms of access to social rights and less soin regards to contributions to society and participation in family life, technology and culture, (4) disabledpeople tend to be represented as a homogeneous category, (5) most studies are qualitative and non-participatory.Conclusions: To broaden knowledge about the situation, membership and participation of personswith disabilities in society, further research should develop the conceptual use of citizenship inrelation to disability, explore different research designs, investigate various citizenship sectors and take intoaccount the complexity of personal and social situations of persons with disabilities.