Förskolan i ett mångkulturellt samhälle: Pedagogers föreställningar kring mångkulturellt arbete på förskolan
2010 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Preschool in a multicultural society : Pedagogues´ thoughts about multicultural work at the preschool (English)
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this study was to describe, understand and analyze the thought behind the perception amongst pedagogues´ on multicultural work in preschools, based on an intercultural perspective. In this study, I questioned the pedagogues´ view on the work in preschools that prepares children for a life in a multicultural society and also the way they describe the cultural challenges.
The study was accomplished and questions were answered by studying current literature and previous research in the field. I also interviewed four pedagogues from two different preschools located in separate areas.
This study shows that many opinions that pedagogues expressed in the interviews can be traced back to an “us vs. them” perspective, in which your own culture, the Swedish one in this case, is the most critical and should receive the greatest attention in preschool. At the same time, the study shows that the more experience pedagogues had from multicultural preschools the greater acceptance they had for other cultures. These pedagogues also had an advanced in the development of intercultural competence.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2010. , p. 33
Keywords [sv]
Interkulturell pedagogik, mångkulturell, förskola, modersmål
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:su:diva-54468OAI: oai:DiVA.org:su-54468DiVA, id: diva2:394528
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
2010-12-312011-02-022013-06-11Bibliographically approved