Varför begår ungdomar antisemitiska hatbrott?: En intervju studie som undersöker orsakerna till hatbrott bland några förövare
2024 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Why do young people commit anti-Semitic hate crimes? : An Interview Study Investigating the Causes of Hate Crime among some Offenders (English)
Abstract [sv]
Denna studie utforskar orsakerna till hatbrott, särskilt bland unga i Malmö, med hjälp av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Tre unga individer med personlig koppling till hatbrott deltar i diskussioner om motivation, syn på offer och strategier för att bekämpa hatbrott. Strainteorin används som en av teoretisk ram för att förklara hur missnöje kan leda till avvikandebeteende, inklusive hatbrott. Resultaten pekar på negativa beteendemönster, nationalistiska tendenser och intolerans mot religioner eller etniciteter med religiös koppling som bidragande faktorer till hatbrott. Betydelsen av denna studie framhävs genom den begränsade mängden forskning i svenskt sammanhang där förövare intervjuats.
Abstract [en]
This study explores the causes of hate crimes, especially among young people in Malmö,using a qualitative approach. Three young individuals with a personal connection to hatecrime participate in discussions about motivation, views of victims and strategies to combathate crime. Strain theory is used as a theoretical framework to explain how dissatisfaction can lead to deviant behavior, including hate crimes. The results point to negative behavior patterns, nationalist tendencies and intolerance towards religions or ethnicities with areligious connection as contributing factors to hate crimes. The importance of this study is highlighted by the limited amount of research in a Swedish context where perpetrators havebeen interviewed.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2024. , p. 48
Malmö University Health and Society Dissertations, ISSN 1653-5383Current Themes in IMER Research, ISSN 1652-4616
Keywords [en]
Anti-Semitism, Hate crime, Jew hatred, Qualitative study, Youth, Malmö, Strain theory, Temptation of crime, Behavior
Keywords [sv]
Antisemitism, Hatbrott, Judehat, Kvalitativ studie, Ungdomar, Malmö, Strainteori, Brottets frestelse, Beteende
National Category
Social Sciences International Migration and Ethnic Relations
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-65606OAI:, id: diva2:1833404
Educational program
KS GPS International Migration and Ethnic Relations
2024-02-062024-01-312024-02-06Bibliographically approved