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Semantic Segmentation of Iron Ore Pellets in the Cloud
Luleå University of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering.
2021 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

This master's thesis evaluates data annotation, semantic segmentation and Docker for use in AWS. The data provided has to be annotated and is to be used as a dataset for the creation of a neural network. Different neural network models are then to be compared based on performance. AWS has the option to use Docker containers and thus that option is to be examined, and lastly the different tools available in AWS SageMaker will be analyzed for bringing a neural network to the cloud.

Images were annotated in Ilastik and the dataset size is 276 images, then a neural network was created in PyTorch by using the library Segmentation Models PyTorch which gave the option of trying different models. This neural network was created in a notebook in Google Colab for a quick setup and easy testing. The dataset was then uploaded to AWS S3 and the notebook was brought from Colab to an AWS instance where the dataset then could be loaded from S3. A Docker container was created and packaged with the necessary packages and libraries as well as the training and inference code, to then be pushed to the ECR (Elastic Container Registry). This container could then be used to perform training jobs in SageMaker which resulted in a trained model stored in S3, and the hyperparameter tuning tool was also examined to get a better performing model. The two different deployment methods in SageMaker was then investigated to understand the entire machine learning solution.

The images annotated in Ilastik were deemed sufficient as the neural network results were satisfactory. The neural network created was able to use all of the models accessible from Segmentation Models PyTorch which enabled a lot of options. By using a Docker container all of the tools available in SageMaker could be used with the created neural network packaged in the container and pushed to the ECR. Training jobs were run in SageMaker by using the container to get a trained model which could be saved to AWS S3. Hyperparameter tuning was used and got better results than the manually tested parameters which resulted in the best neural network produced. The model that was deemed the best was Unet++ in combination with the Dpn98 encoder. The two different deployment methods in SageMaker was explored and is believed to be beneficial in different ways and thus has to be reconsidered for each project. By analysis the cloud solution was deemed to be the better alternative compared to an in-house solution, in all three aspects measured, which was price, performance and scalability.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 48
Keywords [en]
Data annotation, Semantic segmentation, Docker, AWS, SageMaker, Ilastik, PyTorch, Unet++
National Category
Computer Systems
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-86896OAI:, id: diva2:1588733
External cooperation
Data ductus
Educational program
Computer Science and Engineering, master's level (120 credits)
Available from: 2021-09-27 Created: 2021-08-29 Last updated: 2021-09-27Bibliographically approved

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