This paper studies water crisis in Iran. The crisis causes unplanned mass water migrations of people to find water for life. This paper analyzes the consequences of current water supplying procedures that damage the ecosystems, environments and natural water resources. The main question addressed by this paper is the choice between two major waters-supplying policies. The first policy is the environmentally friendly use of new technologies and the second is hazardous use that changes the ecosystems radically. This paper aims at presenting an optimal water supplying policy. The research methods include theoretical studies, field observation, a benchmarking examination and a national hydro-social change balance technique. The outcomes of this paper suggest the promotion of the development of the cities proportional to the volume of accessible water. The protecting and managing the water resources and ecosystems is recommended as well. The suggested water supply policy ends the current degradation process of the water resources. The model of water supplying that this paper presents is feasible for other regions with similar problem everywhere in the world.
QC 20201125