This article begins with a short personal presentation, in order to provide some background to my research and its possible relevance to missiology. After this introduction, the abstract of my Ph.D. thesis is quoted followed by a presentation of additional results of that study. After this, I look more closely into part of the concluding chapter of the thesis, where I discuss the concept of honouring ones parents - from the perspective of ancient Judeo- Christian and Confucian texts respectively: Genesis and Deuteronomy (in the Bible) and Nihon no meicho, Great Books of Japan no. 14, which is about Confucian values. I also quote some pages from my dissertation thesis and this excerpt provides the basis for raising the following two questions. Firstly, are there any inferences to be drawn from this small piece of comparative analysis for the general analysis of post-modern society in a worldwide context? Secondly, can missiology learn any lessons from crosscultural and comparative research and, if so, which ones?