The purpose of this research is to investigate the group constellation that is, what thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise when students and pupils change groups. The study will also affect students and pupils knowledge of why they should work in groups. Their perceived security will also be something that this study is looking for.
The main questions of this study are:
The method that is used in this study is based on six qualitative interviews with students and pupils from three different levels of education. The target groups are college and high school students. interviewquestions were structured and inspired to be conversation-like.
The theorys that are most relevant in this study are the theory about group processes, the theory about stages of development in a group and the theory about the need of relations and routines.
In summary, the results of the study indicates that students and pupils experiences of group replacement in school is influenced by various factors. The factors that influence students and pupils attitude toward the group changes are caused by the teachers level of commitment, participation in the working groups and the follow-up that is done after the group work. This study shows that pupils and students think that it is all right to change groups if they receive support from their teachers and managers. It is not the group replacement itself that is the problem for pupils and students, the problem is that there is not anyone there to give them support when they are in need of it.