The Making of European Women’s Studies, Volume VI. This is the sixthvolume of the joint annual publication of the ATHENA network on the making of European Women's Studies. Like the two previous issues, it is to be taken as a work in progress report on the major activities of this Europena thematic Network, namely curiiculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Under the sign of conitnuity with innovation , expansion with growth, this issue puersues three well-establisehd areas of co-operation: firstly the dossier on the uses and abuses of the sex/gender disctinction. More case studies fro European languages are offered from the Finnish concept of 'sukupuli' (gender), Hungarian and Bulgarian. The second concerns the report of on-going activities of the different ATHENA panels. Reports on the job-maker perspectives of Women's Studies grraduates are presented (ATHENA panel 1a); on the uses of ICTs in Teaching and Learning Women's Studies (ATHENA panels 2a and 2b); on new pilot courses on the development of Open and Distance Learning through the use of ICTs in Women's Studies; on the pedagogical dimensio of Women and Gender Studies (ATHENA panel 1b) and onthe European textbook on Women's Studies (ATHENA panel 1c). The third area of continuity relates to the historical dossier on the making of European Women's Studies: this issue is devoted to the United Kingdom and it covers the full range of existing reports et European level.