Exploring healthcare workers' experiences of a simple intervention to reduce their intrusive memories of psychological trauma: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
2024 (engelsk)Inngår i: European Journal of Psychotraumatology, ISSN 2000-8198, E-ISSN 2000-8066, Vol. 15, nr 1, artikkel-id 2328956
Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]
Background: Many healthcare workers (HCWs) endured psychologically traumatic events at work during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. For some, these events are re-experienced as unwanted, recurrent, and distressing intrusive memories. Simple psychological support measures are needed to reduce such symptoms of post-traumatic stress in this population. A novel intervention to target intrusive memories, called an imagery-competing task intervention (ICTI), has been developed from the laboratory. The intervention includes a brief memory reminder cue, then a visuospatial task (Tetris (R) gameplay using mental rotation instructions for approximately 20 min) thought to interfere with the traumatic memory image and reduce its intrusiveness. The intervention has been adapted and evaluated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with Swedish HCWs (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04460014).
Objective: We aimed to explore how HCWs who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic experienced the use of a brief intervention to reduce their intrusive memories of work-related trauma.
Method: Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used for in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of HCWs who used the intervention. Seven participants from the RCT were interviewed by an independent researcher without prior knowledge of the intervention. Interviews were conducted via telephone and transcribed verbatim.
Results: Four general themes were generated: 'Triggers and troublesome images', 'Five Ws regarding support - what, when, why, by/with who, for whom', 'Receiving it, believing it, and doing it' and 'The intervention - a different kind of help'; the last two included two subthemes each. The results reflect participants' similarities and differences in their lived experiences of intrusive memories, support measures, and intervention impressions and effects.Conclusion: HCWs' experiences of the novel ICTI reflect a promising appraisal of the intervention as a potential help measure for reducing intrusive memories after trauma, and gives us a detailed understanding of HCWs' needs, with suggestions for its adaption for future implementation.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04460014. Many healthcare workers experience images or 'flashbacks' of traumatic experiences from their work during the COVID-19 pandemic.To ensure that individual needs are met, there is a need to tailor and refine current psychological support measures and their use for healthcare workers.The imagery-competing task intervention was perceived as acceptable, indicating its potential utility as a help measure to reduce intrusive memories after trauma. Antecedentes: Los trabajadores de la salud (HCW, por sus siglas en ingles) sufrieron eventos psicologicamente traumaticos en el trabajo durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Para algunos, estos acontecimientos se vuelven a experimentar como recuerdos intrusivos no deseados, recurrentes y angustiosos. Se necesitan medidas simples de apoyo psicologico para reducir estos sintomas de estres postraumatico en esta poblacion. En el laboratorio se ha desarrollado una nueva intervencion para abordar los recuerdos intrusivos, conocida como Intervencion de Tareas Competitivas de Imagenes (ICTI, por sus siglas en ingles). La intervencion incluye una breve senal de recordatorio de la memoria, luego una tarea visoespacial (juego de Tetris (R) que utiliza instrucciones de rotacion mental durante aproximadamente 20 minutos) que se cree que interfiere con la imagen de la memoria traumatica y reduce su intrusion. La intervencion se ha adaptado y evaluado recientemente en un ECA (ensayo controlado aleatorizado) con trabajadores sanitarios suecos (identificador de ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04460014). Aqui nuestro objetivo es explorar como los participantes del ECA experimentaron la nueva intervencion.Objetivo: Explorar como los trabajadores sanitarios que trabajaron durante la pandemia por COVID-19 experimentaron el uso de una intervencion breve para reducir sus recuerdos intrusivos del trauma relacionado con el trabajo.Metodo: Se utilizo un analisis fenomenologico interpretativo para comprender en profundidad las experiencias vividas por los trabajadores sanitarios que utilizaron la intervencion. Siete participantes del ECA fueron entrevistados por un investigador independiente sin conocimiento previo de la intervencion. Las entrevistas se realizaron por telefono y se transcribieron palabra por palabra.Resultados: Se generaron cuatro temas generales, 'Desencadenantes e imagenes problematicas', 'Cinco preguntas sobre el apoyo: que, cuando, por que, por/con quien, para quien', 'Recibirlo, creerlo y hacerlo' y 'La intervencion. - una ayuda diferente', los dos ultimos incluian dos subtemas cada uno. Los resultados reflejan similitudes y diferencias de los participantes en sus experiencias vividas de recuerdos intrusivos, medidas de apoyo e impresiones y efectos de la intervencion.
Conclusion: Las experiencias de los trabajadores sanitarios con el nuevo ICTI reflejan una evaluacion prometedora de la intervencion como una posible medida de ayuda para reducir los recuerdos intrusivos despues del trauma, y nos brinda una comprension detallada de las necesidades de los trabajadores sanitarios, con sugerencias sobre como adaptarse para una implementacion futura.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Taylor & Francis, 2024. Vol. 15, nr 1, artikkel-id 2328956
Emneord [en]
COVID-19, healthcare staff, digital intervention, intrusive memories, trauma, qualitative study, lived experiences, interpretative phenomenological analysis, personal sanitario, intervencion digital, recuerdos intrusivos, estudio cualitativo, experiencias vividas, analisis fenomenologico interpretativo
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-528420DOI: 10.1080/20008066.2024.2328956ISI: 001192224300001PubMedID: 38533843OAI: oai:DiVA.org:uu-528420DiVA, id: diva2:1861073
Swedish Research Council, 2020-008732024-05-272024-05-272024-05-27bibliografisk kontrollert