Like indicators of time, season and weather, hours or days, and dates of spring, summer, fall, and winter, social indicators guide and monitor social conditions of human beings. This chapter presents a new composite indicator. The Happy Well-Being Index (HWI) is based on general utilitarian principle and the assumption that underlying cultural values will ‘always be crucial in promoting technology and design’ in determining human actions and behavior and the measurement of happiness, wisdom and human well-being. Designed with a value of a function of ecological footprint per capita, subjective life satisfaction and life expectancy at birth, to guide, monitor, and promote a truly sustainable development process—a development that improves the quality of human life and support ecosystems at the global level. With the near-arithmetic structure of some of the best-known multidimensional well-being measures, it is built to ensure extensive democratic support for the choices to be converted to sustainable growth and development. As an index it covers the essential things that are important to humans—well-being, sustainability, long life, and happiness that can be perceived through the spectrum of planetary well-being and human well-beings, with the assumption that both are commonly linked and positively influenced each other.