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Striatal dopamine transporter and receptor availability correlate with relative cerebral blood flow measured with [11C]PE2I, [18F]FE-PE2I and [11C]raclopride PET in healthy individuals
Uppsala universitet, Medicinska och farmaceutiska vetenskapsområdet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för kirurgiska vetenskaper, Radiologi. Medical Physics, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.ORCID-id: 0000-0003-3259-2613
Uppsala universitet, Medicinska och farmaceutiska vetenskapsområdet, Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, Psykiatri.ORCID-id: 0000-0003-2516-9075
Uppsala universitet, Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för psykologi.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-4784-5196
Vise andre og tillknytning
2023 (engelsk)Inngår i: Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, ISSN 0271-678X, E-ISSN 1559-7016, Vol. 43, nr 7, s. 1206-1215Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate relationships between relative cerebral blood flow and striatal dopamine transporter and dopamine D2/3 availability in healthy subjects. The data comprised dynamic PET scans with two dopamine transporter tracers [11C]PE2I (n = 20) and [18F]FE-PE2I (n = 20) and the D2/3 tracer [11C]raclopride (n = 18). Subjects with a [11C]PE2I scan also underwent a dynamic scan with the serotonin transporter tracer [11C]DASB. Binding potential (BPND) and relative tracer delivery (R1) values were calculated on regional and voxel-level. Striatal R1 and BPND values were correlated, using either an MRI-based volume of interest (VOI) or an isocontour VOI based on the parametric BPND image. An inter-tracer comparison between [11C]PE2I BPND and [11C]DASB R1 was done on a VOI-level and simulations were performed to investigate whether the constraints of the modeling could cause correlation of the parameters. A positive association was found between BPND and R1 for all three dopamine tracers. A similar correlation was found for the inter-tracer correlation between [11C]PE2I BPND and [11C]DASB R1. Simulations showed that this relationship was not caused by cross-correlation between parameters in the kinetic model. In conclusion, these results suggest an association between resting-state striatal dopamine function and relative blood flow in healthy subjects.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Sage Publications, 2023. Vol. 43, nr 7, s. 1206-1215
Emneord [en]
Binding potential, dopamine system, kinetic modelling, PET, relative cerebral blood flow
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-499545DOI: 10.1177/0271678X231160881ISI: 000948378700001PubMedID: 36912083OAI:, id: diva2:1748012
Swedish Foundation for Strategic ResearchTilgjengelig fra: 2023-03-31 Laget: 2023-03-31 Sist oppdatert: 2025-02-09bibliografisk kontrollert

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Jonasson, MyFrick, AndreasHjorth, OlofDanfors, TorstenAppel, LieuweFurmark, TomasLubberink, Mark
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Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

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