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Evaluation of the impact of length of peptide nucleic acid probes for tumor pretargeting
KTH, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH), Proteinvetenskap.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-4164-166X
KTH, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH), Proteinvetenskap, Proteinvetenskap.ORCID-id: 0000-0003-4334-9360
KTH, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH), Proteinvetenskap, Proteinvetenskap.
KTH, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa (CBH), Proteinvetenskap, Proteinvetenskap.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-9282-0174
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(engelsk)Manuskript (preprint) (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [en]

Pretargeting is a strategy to improve the tumor-to-healthy tissue contrast in targeted nuclear imaging and therapy. The strategy relies on separating the tumor-targeting agent from the radioactive payload and combine the two in vivo. In the pretargeting approach previously studied by our group, the tumor targeting was mediated by an Affibody functionalized with a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe and the radionuclide was carried by a complementary PNA probe. Affibody-mediated PNA-based pretargeting was shown to increase the tumor-to-kidney ratio when evaluated in HER2-overexpressing tumor-bearing mice. The aim of the current study is to further optimize the design of the PNA probes to achieve better biodistribution properties and preconditions for a more cost-efficient production. The first important feature of the PNA pretargeting system is the tumor-to-kidney ratio, where the kidney retention is the dose-limiting factor for a clinical therapeutic application. The second aspect is the production of PNA, where the synthesis of PNA strands can be a challenge due to the steric repulsion between two PNA residues’ side chain and poor solubility in the synthesis solvent. In order to simplify the synthesis, we optimized the automation of the process using a microwave-assisted peptide synthesizer. Once the automated synthesis protocols were set up, we designed and synthesized a panel of new PNA probes, aimed at reducing the length of the PNA strands. The reduction in length was expected to simplify the synthesis workflow, but also to possibly decrease the kidney retention of the radioactive payload, as was shown in a previous study when reducing the length of the secondary PNA strand could improve the tumor-to-kidney ratio. The PNA duplexes were studied by CD and UV spectroscopy, and the binding kinetics of the interaction were studied by SPR to identify the limit in terms of number of base pairs needed to reach the high affinity expected to be required for an efficient pretargeting system. Our results showed that high affinity duplexes are formed between PNA probes having only 8 to 9 complementary bases, but that PNA probes with 6 or 7 complementary bases give rise to less stable duplexes having lower melting temperatures and faster dissociation rates.

HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-316963OAI:, id: diva2:1692531

QC 20220905

Tilgjengelig fra: 2022-09-02 Laget: 2022-09-02 Sist oppdatert: 2022-11-01bibliografisk kontrollert
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1. PNA and affinity protein tools for selective tumor targeting of radiopharmaceuticals
Åpne denne publikasjonen i ny fane eller vindu >>PNA and affinity protein tools for selective tumor targeting of radiopharmaceuticals
2022 (engelsk)Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [en]

Targeted radiotherapy of cancer intends to selectively deliver cytotoxic radionuclides to tumor cells. Affinity proteins of various kinds are explored for this task, and depending on the affinity protein used, different challenges arise. Full-length antibodies are typically associated with long serum half-life, leading to high systemic toxicity, while smaller affinity ligands such as engineered scaffold proteins, antibody fragments or peptides, usually demonstrate high radioactive uptake in kidneys. The smallest affinity ligands furthermore suffer from low therapeutic efficacy due to their fast wash-out, thus demanding frequent administrations of the radio-conjugate to reach a therapeutic effect.  

These issues were addressed in this thesis, where small affinity ligands (an Affibody molecule, a single domain antibody fragment and a peptide) have been explored as targeting agents for the cancer targets HER2, CD38 and GRPR, respectively. The Affibody molecule and the single domain antibody fragment were used in a pretargeting setting where high selective hybridization are used as recognition tags between peptide nucleic acid (PNA) strands on the tumor targeting primary agent and the radiolabelled secondary agent. In papers I and II, different sets of PNA hybridization probes were evaluated, in vitro and in vivo. In paper I, we demonstrate that the shortest tested secondary PNA probe (the 9-mer HP16) had the most favourable biodistribution profile with high tumor uptake along with the lowest kidney uptake. In paper II, we produced a set of shorter primary PNA probes, aiming for simplified production, and new sets of even shorter secondary PNA probes. A secondary 8-mer was identified as suitable for testing in cell assays and in vivo together with HER2-binding Affibody-PNA conjugates with varying length of the primary PNA probe, in order to determine if the smaller hydrodynamic range would further improve the biodistribution properties. In paper III, the Affibody-mediated PNA-based pretargeting strategy was evaluated as a monotherapy and as a co-treatment strategy with trastuzumab, to treat mice bearing HER2-positive tumors. Mice treated with the co-treatment strategy had significantly longer survival compared to other groups. In paper IV, the feasibility of using the PNA pretargeting strategy in combination with another affinity protein (a single domain antibody fragment) was evaluated in a CD38-expressing cell line. In paper V, the GRPR-binding peptide RM26 was conjugated to an albumin-binding domain, with the aim to achieve a high tumor uptake over time. The RM26-ABD conjugate did demonstrate good tumor uptake over time. However, the conjugate also demonstrated high kidney uptake, limiting its use as a therapeutic construct. 

In conclusion, the work presented in this thesis shows strategies for selective tumor targeting of radiopharmaceuticals using affinity proteins and PNA-mediated pretargeting.

Abstract [sv]

Riktad strålbehandling av cancer är ämnad att selektivt leverera cytotoxiska radionuklider till tumörceller. Affinitetsproteiner av olika slag utforskas för detta ändamål, och olika utmaningar uppstår beroende på vilket affinitetsprotein som används. Fullängdsantikroppar har lång halveringstid i blod, vilket leder till hög systemisk toxicitet, medan mindre affinitetsligander, såsom antikroppsfragment eller peptider, vanligtvis uppvisar högt radioaktivt upptag i njurarna. Vid användande av små affinitetsligander för riktad strålbehandling finns dessutom problem med låg terapeutisk effekt då de försvinner snabbt ur cirkulationen. För att uppnå en klinisk terapeutisk effekt med dessa små radioinmärkta affinitetsligander krävs ofta upprepade och frekventa administreringar.

Problemen med högt njurupptag och låg terapeutisk effektivitet för radioinmärkta små affinitetsproteiner är något som adresseras i denna avhandling. Små affinitetsproteiner (en Affibody-molekyl, ett en-domäns-antikroppsfragment och en peptid) har studerats med avsikten att använda dem för riktad strålbehandling mot de cancerassocierade proteinerna HER2, CD38 och GRPR. Affibody-molekylen och en-domän-antikroppsfragmentet användes i pre-targeting, där selektiv hybridisering mellan två peptidnukleinsyre (PNA)-prober användes som igenkänningsmärken på den tumörsökande primära molekylen och den radioinmärkta sekundära molekylen. I artikel I och II utvärderades uppsättningar av PNA-hybridiseringsprober, in vitro och in vivo. I artikel I visar vi att den kortaste testade sekundära PNA-proben (9-meren HP16) gav den bästa biodistributionsprofilen med en kombination av högt tumörupptag och det lägsta njurupptaget. I artikel II producerade vi dels en uppsättning kortare primära PNA-prober, med avsikten att förenkla dess produktion, samt nya uppsättningar av ännu kortare sekundära PNA-prober. En sekundär 8-mer identifierades som lämplig att testa i cellförsök och in vivo tillsammans med HER2-bindande Affibody-PNA-konjugat med varierande längd av den primära PNA-proben, för att avgöra om detta skulle förbättra biodistributionen ytterligare. I artikel III utvärderades den Affibody-medierade PNA-pretargeting-strategin som enskild terapi och som en kombinerad behandling tillsammans med trastuzumab, för att behandla möss med HER2-positiva tumörer. Möss som behandlats med kombinationsbehandlingen hade signifikant längre överlevnad jämfört med andra grupper. I artikel IV utvärderades möjligheten att använda PNA-pretargeting-strategin i kombination med ett annat affinitetsprotein (en-domän-antikroppsfragment) på en CD38-uttryckande cellinje. I artikel V konjugerades den GRPR-bindande peptiden RM26 till ett albuminbindande protein, med målet att uppnå ett högt tumörupptag över tid. RM26-ABD-konjugatet visade bra tumörupptag över tid, men också högt njurupptag, vilket i nuläget begränsar dess användning i en terapeutisk tillämpning.

Sammanfattningsvis visar arbetet som presenteras i denna avhandling strategier för selektiv strålningsterapi av tumörer med användning av affinitetsproteiner och PNA-medierad pretargeting.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2022. s. 78
TRITA-CBH-FOU ; 2022:39
Cancer therapy, targeted radionuclide therapy, affinity proteins, Affibody molecules, CD38, GRPR, HER2, nanobody, peptide, PNA, RM26, pretargeting, Cancerterapi, radionuklid terapi, affinitetsproteiner, affibody molekyler, CD38, GRPR, HER2, nanobody, peptid, PNA, RM26, pretargeting
HSV kategori
urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-317137 (URN)978-91-8040-317-7 (ISBN)
2022-10-07, Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm, 10:00 (engelsk)

QC 2022-09-08

Tilgjengelig fra: 2022-09-08 Laget: 2022-09-06 Sist oppdatert: 2022-09-08bibliografisk kontrollert

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