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Synthesis of [1-C-11]propyl and [1-C-11]butyl iodide from [C-11]carbon monoxide and their use in alkylation reactions
Uppsala universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Kemiska sektionen, Institutionen för biokemi och organisk kemi.ORCID-id: 0000-0003-0241-092X
Uppsala universitet, Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga vetenskapsområdet, Kemiska sektionen, Institutionen för biokemi och organisk kemi.
2006 (engelsk)Inngår i: Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, E-ISSN 1099-1344, Vol. 49, nr 12, s. 1105-1116Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]

A method to prepare [1-C-11]propyl iodide and [1-C-11]butyl iodide from [C-11]carbon monoxide via a three step reaction sequence is presented. Palladium mediated formylation of ethene with [C-11]carbon monoxide and hydrogen gave [1-C-11]propionaldehyde and [1-C-11]propionic acid. The carbonylation products were reduced and subsequently converted to [1-C-11]propyl iodide. Labelled propyl iodide was obtained in 58 +/- 4% decay corrected radiochemical yield and with a specific radioactivity of 270 +/- 33 GBq/mu mol within 15 min from approximately 12 GBq of [C-11]carbon monoxide. The position of the label was confirmed by C-13-labelling and C-13-NMR analysis. [1-C-11]Butyl iodide was obtained correspondingly from propene and approximately 8 GBq of [C-11]carbon monoxide, in 34 +/- 2% decay corrected radiochemical yield and with a specific radioactivity of 146 +/- 20 GBq/mu mol. The alkyl iodides were used in model reactions to synthesize [O-propyl-1-C-11]propyl and [O-butyl-1-C-11]butyl benzoate. Propyl and butyl analogues of etomidate, a (beta-11-hydroxylase inhibitor, were also synthesized.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2006. Vol. 49, nr 12, s. 1105-1116
Emneord [en]
[C-11]carbon monoxide, [1-C-11]propyl iodide, [1-C-11]butyl iodide, carbonylation, formylation, alkylation
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-94931DOI: 10.1002/jlcr.1119ISI: 000242335900009OAI:, id: diva2:168956
Tilgjengelig fra: 2006-10-05 Laget: 2006-10-05 Sist oppdatert: 2017-12-14bibliografisk kontrollert
Inngår i avhandling
1. Synthesis of 11C-labelled Alkyl Iodides: Using Non-thermal Plasma and Palladium-mediated Carbonylation Methods
Åpne denne publikasjonen i ny fane eller vindu >>Synthesis of 11C-labelled Alkyl Iodides: Using Non-thermal Plasma and Palladium-mediated Carbonylation Methods
2006 (engelsk)Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [en]

Compounds labelled with 11C (β+, t1/2 = 20.4 min) are used in positron emission tomography (PET), which is a quantitative non-invasive molecular imaging technique. It utilizes computerized reconstruction methods to produce time-resolved images of the radioactivity distribution in living subjects.

The feasibility of preparing [11C]methyl iodide from [11C]methane and iodine via a single pass through a non-thermal plasma reactor was explored. [11C]Methyl iodide with a specific radioactivity of 412 ± 32 GBq/µmol was obtained in 13 ± 3% decay-corrected radiochemical yield within 6 min via catalytic hydrogenation of [11C]carbon dioxide (24 GBq) and subsequent iodination, induced by electron impact.

Labelled ethyl-, propyl- and butyl iodide was synthesized, within 15 min, via palladium-mediated carbonylation using [11C]carbon monoxide. The carbonylation products, labelled carboxylic acids, esters and aldehydes, were reduced to their corresponding alcohols and converted to alkyl iodides. [1-11C]Ethyl iodide was obtained via palladium-mediated carbonylation of methyl iodide with a decay-corrected radiochemical yield of 55 ± 5%. [1-11C]Propyl iodide and [1-11C]butyl iodide were synthesized via the hydroformylation of ethene and propene with decay-corrected radiochemical yields of 58 ± 4% and 34 ± 2%, respectively. [1-11C]Ethyl iodide was obtained with a specific radioactivity of 84 GBq/mmol from 10 GBq of [11C]carbon monoxide. [1-11C]Propyl iodide was synthesized with a specific radioactivity of 270 GBq/mmol from 12 GBq and [1-11C]butyl iodide with 146 GBq/mmol from 8 GBq.

Palladium-mediated hydroxycarbonylation of acetylene was used in the synthesis of [1-11C]acrylic acid. The labelled carboxylic acid was converted to its acid chloride and subsequently treated with amine to yield N-[carbonyl-11C]benzylacrylamide. In an alternative method, [carbonyl-11C]acrylamides were synthesized in decay-corrected radiochemical yields up to 81% via palladium-mediated carbonylative cross-coupling of vinyl halides and amines. Starting from 10 ± 0.5 GBq of [11C]carbon monoxide, N-[carbonyl-11C]benzylacrylamide was obtained in 4 min with a specific radioactivity of 330 ± 4 GBq/µmol.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2006. s. 47
Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, ISSN 1651-6214 ; 227
Organic chemistry, isotopic labelling, carbon-11, alkyl iodides, acrylamides, specific radioactivity, carbonylation, carbon monoxide, non-thermal plasma, PET, Organisk kemi
HSV kategori
urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-7171 (URN)91-554-6671-0 (ISBN)
2006-10-27, B42, BMC, Husaregatan 3, Uppsala, 13:15
Tilgjengelig fra: 2006-10-05 Laget: 2006-10-05 Sist oppdatert: 2013-10-02bibliografisk kontrollert

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Eriksson, JonasAntoni, GunnarLångström, Bengt
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Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals

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