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Glucagonlike Peptide-1 Receptor Imaging in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
Uppsala universitet, Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab. Uppsala universitet, Medicinska och farmaceutiska vetenskapsområdet, Farmaceutiska fakulteten, Institutionen för läkemedelskemi, Translationell avbildning med PET. Antaros Med AB, Uppsala, Sweden.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-2515-8790
Uppsala universitet, Medicinska och farmaceutiska vetenskapsområdet, Farmaceutiska fakulteten, Institutionen för läkemedelskemi, Translationell avbildning med PET. Akad Sjukhuset, Uppsala, Sweden.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-3732-8857
Sanofi, Integrated Drug Discovery, R&D Res Platform, Frankfurt, Germany..
Sanofi, Integrated Drug Discovery, R&D Res Platform, Frankfurt, Germany..
Vise andre og tillknytning
2022 (engelsk)Inngår i: Journal of Nuclear Medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, E-ISSN 1535-5667, Vol. 63, nr 5, s. 794-800Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]

The glucagonlike peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) is a gut hormone receptor, intricately linked to regulation of blood glucose homeostasis via several mechanisms. It is an established and emergent drug target in metabolic disease. The PET radioligand 68Ga-DO3A-VS-exendin4 (68Ga-exendin4) has the potential to enable longitudinal studies of GLP1R in the human pancreas.

Methods: 68Ga-exendin4 PET/CT examinations were performed on overweight-to-obese individuals with type 2 diabetes (n = 13) as part of a larger target engagement study (NCT03350191). A scanning protocol was developed to optimize reproducibility (target amount of 0.5 MBq/kg [corresponding to peptide amount of <0.2 µg/kg], blood sampling, and tracer stability assessment). The pancreas and abdominal organs were segmented, and binding was correlated with clinical parameters.

Results: Uptake of 68Ga-exendin4 in the pancreas, but not in other abdominal tissues, was high but variable between individuals. There was no evidence of self-blocking of GLP1R by the tracer in this protocol, despite the high potency of exendin4. The results showed that a full dynamic scan can be simplified to a short static scan, potentially increasing throughput and reducing patient discomfort. The 68Ga-exendin4 concentration in the pancreas (i.e., GLP1R density) correlated inversely with the age of the individual and tended to correlate positively with body mass index. However, the total GLP1R content in the pancreas did not.

Conclusion: In summary, we present an optimized and simplified 68Ga-exendin4 scanning protocol to enable reproducible imaging of GLP1R in the pancreas. 68Ga-exendin4 PET may enable quantification of longitudinal changes in pancreatic GLP1R during the development of type 2 diabetes, as well as target engagement studies of novel glucagonlike peptide-1 agonists.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Society of Nuclear Medicine , 2022. Vol. 63, nr 5, s. 794-800
Emneord [en]
GLP1R, PET, exendin, type 2 diabetes, b-cell mass
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-476182DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.121.262506ISI: 000792496500026PubMedID: 34503957OAI:, id: diva2:1666496
Swedish Research Council, 2020-02312DiabetesfondenSwedish Child Diabetes FoundationScience for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLabTilgjengelig fra: 2022-06-09 Laget: 2022-06-09 Sist oppdatert: 2022-06-09bibliografisk kontrollert

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