his is a qualitative study. The purpose of the study is to examine what prevailing discoursesthe media portray about ethnic others, and what positions of power they are attributed to. Themethod used is discourse analysis and the empirical study consists of media articles from twoof Sweden's most read newspapers, Aftonbladet and Svensk Dagbladet respectively. Thetheories used in the analysis are the framing theory, ethnic others and the concept of power,which is the theoretical framework of the study. The analysis showed that there are severaldiscourses that are addressed regarding the ethnic others. These discourses are presented in theform of themes and analyzed on the basis of the theory and the chosen theoretical concepts.The results of the study show that there are ambiguous discourses that are repeated about theethnic others, the negatively charged discourses were remarks and that ethnic others areincreasingly attributed to subordinate positions of power.