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Hackathons as a tool for learning in the framework of UNESCO learning cities
Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education. Openhack 2020 Australia. (International and Comparative Education)
2020 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

This research analyses hackathons which are collaborative innovation making by using technology events, in terms of using these as a tool to facilitate a lifelong learning process in obtaining digital competence among other 21 st century skills. The aim of this research is to explore and analyse the perceptions and experiences of hackathon participants and different stakeholders about the learning process experienced during a hackathon event. The following research questions are studied: RQ1. How do interviewees perceive hackathons in relation to key elements of the UNESCO Learning Cities Framework?; RQ2. How do participants of the hackathons perceive their learning process?; RQ3. How do participants of the hackathons perceive their learning process by using digital tools during the hackathon events? Kolb’s experiential learning theory and UNESCO Learning Cities Framework are used as the ground for the theoretical-methodological frameworks. The methods chosen to collect the data are survey questionnaire and interviews. The results provide insights that apart from developing digital competence and using technology as a tool for learning, collaboration, communication and problem-solving are the main skills practiced during a hackathon. This implies that hackathons could be used on a wider scale to help with UNESCO Learning Cities development by facilitating the learning process for adults in the development of 21 st century skills.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 86
Keywords [en]
hackathon, UNESCO Learning Cities Framework, digital competence, digital literacy, information technology, IT, information and communication technology, ICT, adult learning, learning cities, lifelong learning, 21 st century skills, soft skills, communication, collaboration, innovation, problem solving, learning facilitation
National Category
Educational Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:su:diva-188067OAI:, id: diva2:1512603
External cooperation
Openhack 2020 Australia; UNESCO; the Australian National University; Future Position X; Canberra Innovation Network; Openhack - C4H AB; Södertälje kommun; Ericsson; TietoEVRY; Smarter Built Society

This thesis is cited in 3 international academic publications by last checked date 2024.12.20 according to Google Scholar database.

1.      Cited in Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Volume 9, Issue 3, July–September 2024, 100501. 10th anniversary special issue of the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. Including research from Digital Worlds Institute, University of Florida, Digital Worlds REVE, PO Box 115810, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.

Journal of Innovation & Knowledge publication can be accessed on Elsevier Science Direct: Academic performance indicators for the hackathon learning approach – The case of the blockchain hackathon:

2.      Cited in a publication by Oksana Dubrova, Acting Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor. No. 1 (2024): Scientific papers of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Pedagogical sciences, Ukraine. Thesis: Hackathon technology as an integral part of distance learning in time of war:

3.      Cited in a thesis published by Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland, 2024. Thesis: Hackathons as an effective learning tool: case: SAS Curiosity Cup:;jsessionid=35C0712C06B4AA28F8BC385E9CF2857F?sequence=2

References made to this thesis:

1.      In the Podcast on Spotify 2024 - Navigating the Innovation Highway From Recruitment to Product Success - Evolution Nordics #470 (speaker from Openhack 2020 Australia):

Also Soundcloud:

2.      At the Startup Day 2024, Stockholm(Kista), co-organized by Openhack 2020 Australia and Kista Science City. (Moderator from Openhack 2020 Australia).

3.      At the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Head Quarters in Rome, Flagship event 2023 “Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action”. Panel discussion: Science and Innovation forum (speaker from Openhack 2020 Australia)

4.      At the Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2023, Melbourne, Australia. On the panel discussion: Using challenges to build your entrepreneur ecosystems - The Road to GEC2023 (speaker from Openhack 2020 Australia)

5.      At the Women’s Leadership Summit Stockholm 2020. (Speaker from Openhack 2020 Australia)

6.      At the Global CIVIS (A Civic University of Europe) Days in Athens, Greece 2022; and Tubingen, Germany, 2023.

This thesis was presented:

1.      Presented at the Digital Methods in the Humanities Summer School, UNIL – University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 2023.

2.      Presented at the CIVIS Blended Intense Program: Coastal zone geomorphological interactions: natural vs human-induced factors field study, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Naxos Island Municipality, Greece. 2023.

3.      Presented at the Shared decision-making in health CIVIS course, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. 2023.

4.      Presented at the Diachronic Linguistics - Languages in Europe and their diachronies - Summer School, University of Cambridge and the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens University History Museum, Athens, Greece. 2022. 

5.      Presented at the Metamorphosis in a changing world – designing and building Digital Museums of Multiculturalism Summer School, Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France. 2021.

6.      This article was first presented in May 2020 at Stockholm University, Department of Education, Master Thesis Defence

7.      This finalized article was presented to UNESCO Learning Cities Program Specialist at the Institute of Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, in July 2020. Since then, UNESCO is organising global Educational policy making hackathons in its 5 official languages every month

8.      Key findings of this research were presented at the Joint International Seminar with Stockholm University, University of Tokyo and Jyväskuylä University in February 2020.

Interviews with this article's author Monika Lionaite about this research:

1.      By Future Position X, digital innovation hub in Sweden (available in English & Swedish):

2.      Canberra Innovation Network mentions this research:

3.      The Australian National University, College of Business and Economics. Article published: Empowering solutions: Interview with Monika Lionaite about organizing hackathons included in this research:

4.      CIVIS (A European Civic University) Ambassadorship: En entusiastisk Civis-ambassadör - Stockholms universitet

Presentations about this research were done by the author at multiple Rotary Clubs worldwide including Rotary Clubs of Stockholm International, Canberra Sundowners and Canberra Weston Creek, also at the international conference of Rotary International activities during the global pandemic.

The author shared key findings as a speaker at the international conference promoting tolerance and peace on the topic 'Crisis and the role of states in developing solutions' November 2020 which was organized by the American International Education Federation and Alliance for Humanity; at the international online conference of Young Scientists on the topic of 'Leadership in peace-building and international development in the digital age' in November 2020 which was organized by Western Asian Development Institute.

Available from: 2021-01-21 Created: 2020-12-26 Last updated: 2024-12-20Bibliographically approved

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