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2018 (engelsk)Inngår i: Journal of Controlled Release, ISSN 0168-3659, E-ISSN 1873-4995, Vol. 292, s. 235-247Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]
Microgels, such as polymeric hydrogels, are currently used as drug delivery devices (DDSs) for chemotherapeutics and/or unstable drugs. The clinical DDS DC bead® was studied with respect to loading and release, measured as relative bead-volume, of six amphiphilic molecules in a micropipette-assisted microscopy method. Theoretical models for loading and release was used to increase the mechanistic understanding of the DDS.
It was shown that equilibrium loading was independent of amphiphile concentration. The loading model showed that the rate-determining step was diffusion of the molecule from the bulk to the bead surface (‘film control’). Calculations with the developed and applied release model on the release kinetics were consistent with the observations, as the amphiphiles distribute unevenly in the bead. The rate determining step of the release was the diffusion of the amphiphile molecule through the developed amphiphile-free depletion layer. The release rate is determined by the diffusivity and the tendency for aggregation of the amphiphile where a weak tendency for aggregation (i.e. a large cacb) lead to faster release. Salt was necessary for the release to happen, but at physiological concentrations the entry of salt was not rate-determining. This study provides valuable insights into the loading to and release from the DDS. Also, a novel release mechanism of the clinically used DDS is suggested.
Microgel, Drug delivery, Release mechanism
HSV kategori
urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-360988 (URN)10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.11.011 (DOI)000452348100019 ()30419268 (PubMedID)
Swedish Research Council, 521-2011-373
2018-09-202018-09-202022-04-18bibliografisk kontrollert